15 Undeniable Ways You Know You’re From The State Of Nebraska
If you were lucky enough to have been born and raised in Nebraska, there are certain things that have just been bred into you. You really know you’re from Nebraska when all (or at least most) of these experiences and characteristics describe your life.
You’ll defend your hometown to the death.
…And your favorite burger joint, too.
You’re unfazed when you experience all four seasons in a single week.
You know what cow chips are (and may have even thrown them competitively).
You know what Temperature Tuesdays are.
You’ve taken out-of-state guests to Runza to convince them how AWESOME it is.
You put Dorothy Lynch on basically everything.
You can drive through a blizzard at almost-normal speeds with no fear.
People from other states have asked you if you have electricity and running water in your house.
You’ve planned big events (like weddings or family reunions) around important Husker games.
You think tailgating is almost as fun as the game itself.
Every fundraiser you’ve ever been to has involved pancakes or spaghetti.
You don’t think twice about wearing jeans and a t-shirt to the nicest restaurant in town.
You’ve bought your kids’ Halloween costumes two sizes too big so they’ll fit over coats or snowsuits.
You’ve had to point out – to multiple people – exactly where Nebraska is on a map.
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