El Niños Generated By Geological Heat Flow Not Global Warming
Observations supporting this contention are diverse, compelling, and numerous. Taken in total, they strongly support the basic tenant of the Plate Climatology Theory, that powerful geological forces drive many natural variations in climate patterns including El Niños.
How can this be true, after all those prominent climate scientists have told us for years that it’s all about the atmosphere? They have postulated that El Niños are generated from atmospheric solar radiation that is somehow narrowly focused into very deep-ocean regions, and then further concentrated by complex ocean currents into a localized powerful heat source. There are many problems with this theory.
So why have climate scientists evoked atmospheric-based theories and models to explain El Niños? The answer is three-fold.
First, reliable deep-ocean temperature and fluid-flow data have not been available until recently, in the last one to three years. Limited data existed, but in the eyes of “atmospherically” trained climatologists and “Shallow Ocean” trained oceanographers, the deep-ocean data set was deemed insufficient. Additionally, oceanographers were especially concerned that a sufficiently powerful deep-ocean heat source had not yet been proven to exist.
Secondly, in the absence of sufficient deep-ocean data, climate scientists turned to abundant atmospheric data to develop El Niño’s Theories. These theories are vague and ill formed for an obvious reason: they are constructed from the “effect” of El Niños, not the “cause.”
It works like this: release of geologically induced deep-ocean geothermal heat and associated chemically charged fluids dramatically alter the overlying deep ocean water.
Ocean currents act to laterally and vertically deliver this altered sea water to the surface where it changes atmospheric conditions such as: air temperature, wind directions, humidity, etc. These changed atmospheric conditions are the “effects” of an El Niño, not the “cause.” Climate scientists use these effects to build theories and models.
Lastly, it’s just human nature. Recognizing the obvious can sometimes be difficult. Surprisingly this trait is true for both nominal human tasks and high science theory generation. Take for example a nominal task, say locating your misplaced glasses. It’s common to “thoroughly” search the entire house three or four times. No luck. Then take a break. Upon restarting your search the glasses mystically appear in a previously searched location.
A good science-based example of this human trait concerns the explanation for selective melting of West Antarctic Glaciers. Overwhelming amounts of data and research now prove that this melting is caused by geologically induced geothermal heat from the West Antarctic Rift System. It’s obvious, but many climate scientists can’t see it because the atmosphere is what they know, it’s comfortable. They still believe the melting is caused by global warming.
So what key observations and new data indicates that El Niños are generated by deep-ocean geologically induced heat flow? The summary points are listed below:
- All El Niños originate at the same fixed “point source”, east of Papua New Guinea. Recent deep-ocean temperature data from publications by Kessler et al proves that such a hotspot exists in this area. Additionally, very new data from a National Science Foundation funded ESA Satellite study shows that thousands of heretofore unrecognized seamounts (deep-ocean volcanoes) have been identified in the Papua New Guinea area.
- The Papua New Guinea Point Source Area is known to be a complex and active deep-ocean geological region. In fact one of the most complex and unique deep-ocean areas on earth.
- The shape of El Niño sea surface temperature anomalies are unique / one of a kind.
- The El Niño sea surface temperature anomalies have “linear” and “intense” boundaries inferring that the energy source is not moving and very powerful.
- Deep-ocean geological hydrothermal vents are a very good mini-analogy of the larger El Niños.
- Large Continental volcanic eruptions are fair analogies of El Niños.
- The amount of energy needed to generate an El Niño can be mathematically modeled using a 50 by 50 mile volcanically / tectonically active deep-ocean area (“point source” area). The measured energy released from the Yellowstone Plateau, a 50 by 50 mile area, is a good mathematical analogy.
- El Niños often occur in “bundles”, mimicking the “bundle” pattern of many major volcanic eruptions. The main point here is that El Niños do not occur in an atmospherically predictable fashion.
- El Niño-like events do not occur elsewhere in Pacific. Why? If they are atmospheric in origin, there should at least be other mini-El Niños. There are none.
- La Niñas originate from same point source as El Niños.
- Atmospherically based El Niño prediction models consistently fail, likely because they are modeling the “effects” of geologically warmed oceans and therefore not the “cause” of the El Niños.
- Historical records indicate that the first “recorded” El Niño occurred in 1525 observed by Spanish explorers. Other studies suggest strong ancient El Niños ended Peruvian civilizations. The main point here is that strong El Niños are natural, and not increasing in relationship to global warming as contended by many climate scientists.
- A very anomalous ozone hole recorded in 2009 may be the result of magnetospheric disturbances caused by tectonism and volcanism at the “point source”. The position and shape of this anomaly very closely matches the El Niño point source location. This is a very speculative notion, however it is worth considering.
- Satellite recorded phytoplankton bloom maps can be interpreted to show a point source east of Papua New Guinea.
Generate El Niños? It’s obvious to see if we open our eyes and our minds.
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