ISIS isn’t the Crisis – The Problem is Islam
on Saturday, December 26, 2015ISIS isn’t the Problem
Islam is !
By Scott Rohter, December 2015
The Sword and the Quran – The Real Pillars of Islam
The greatest threat to humanity is not global warming, or climate change, or anything else having to do with the environment. The greatest threat to humanity comes from a military and political movement that began in the Arabian Desert in the 7th Century A.D. In addition to being a military and political movement Islam is also misogynistic social order that is based on the life of its founder Mohammed. It is steeped in over a thousand years of murder and mayhem and oppression of women. After Mohammed’s death a major rift resulted in the murder of Mohammed’s successor. It is a rift from which Islam has never recovered. Mohammed was brutal enough to hold his empire of illiterate savages together, but unfortunately Ali could not…
Forget about what you have been told about Islam. Let’s stop walking on eggshells and beating around the bush. Islam is not a peaceful religion as its apologists would all like you to believe. In fact with just a few notable exceptions the Uma has not known prolonged periods of peace. When Arabs are in charge of the Muslim World there is never any peace at all. It is said that there are five pillars of Islam. In reality there are just two. They are the sword and the Quran.
For all practical purposes grace and forgiveness do not exist in Islam. They are western values that are not taught in mosques. Instead of compassion nd brotherly love, imams preach about submission to Allah’s will and vanquishing Allah’s enemies. Muslims believe in their own superiority and in the supremacy of the Quran. That is not too different than what the Nazis believed in. Nazis believed in Germany’s superiority and in the supremacy of the Aryan race. Nazi doctrine was based upon race and blind allegiance to Hitler … Islamic doctrine is based upon the Quran and blind allegiance to Mohammed. It is not a coincidence that during World War II the Nazis and the Muslims were fighting on the same side. The Allies defeated the Nazis, but they left Islam alone.
The Bible tells us to judge a tree by its fruit. When you step back and take a good look at Islam it turns out to be a rotten tree which needs to be cut down… It cannot be pruned a bit around the edges. It must be cut down at the root. Unfortunately it is not for Christians or Jews to cut this tree down. It is for Muslims to cut it down. It is their tree.
To put it simply… for most of his adult life Mohammed was a ruthless killer who ordered the death of hundreds of his rivals and hundreds of thousands of other innocent people. They were the people who refused to follow him. In Arabic the word Islam means submission. No religion in the world has ever been started by a mass murderer.
The accounts of Mohammed’s brutality are legendary yet he still remains the acceptable role model for all followers of Islam today. His life has inspired other mass murderers like Yasir Arafat, Osama bin Laden, Hassan Nasrallah, and Abu Bakr Al Bagdahdi (the founder of ISIS) as well as many terrorists like Nidal Hassan (the Fort Hood bomber), Abdul Raheem aka Richard Reid (the British shoe bomber), Sayeed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik (the husband and wife terrorist team who murdered 14 innocent people in San Bernardino California), and the 12 Muslim hijackers who flew American airplanes into the World Trade Center and brought down the Twin Towers killing over two thousand innocent Americans on September 11, 2001…
Even before 9/11 Muslims were developing their hijacking skills on airplanes all over the world in an attempt to destroy the tiny, little nation of Israel and force the other nations of the world to submit to their political demands. In the Uma there is no separation of Church and State. The State is Islam and Islam is the State. There is no difference between one and the other. Under Sharia no one can criticize Mohammed without fear of losing his or her life. You cannot even draw a picture of Mohammed.
Islam went on a murderous binge to conquer lands that were not previously settled by Arabs. Many Muslims like to complain about the Crusades in the 18th and 19th centuries, but in reality Muslims were actually the first to colonize the world after the fall of the Roman Empire… They seized Constantinople which was the ancient capital of the Roman Empire and they changed the name of the city to Istanbul. They converted a Byzantine Church called the Haggia Sophia, into a Mosque. They conquered Christian and Roman lands all the way from Morocco to Syria and even northward into France before they were finally stopped by French soldiers under the command of Charlemagne. Before the Muslim advance into Europe was halted they had conquered a vast European landscape including parts of Spain, Sicily, and Turkey. While Muslims were eventually thrown out of most European lands they did manage to remain in the Balkans long enough to colonize and convert the inhabitants of that land which has led to the modern day conflicts in Bosnia and Serbia over Kosovo. Muslim armies then turned toward their attention toward the east and they seized a vast swath of territory all the way from the Arabian Desert to Indonesia where they were even more successful than they were in Europe. Muslims often complain about the Crusades, but the Crusades were just an attempt to end their colonization of Europe.
In America we don’t recognize cults as religions and we put murderers in jail where they belong, but most cults don’t have more than a few hundred followers and they don’t survive very long after their leader’s death. Islam boasts over a billion followers scattered all over the world on five continents. There has never been a cult as successful as the one started by Mohammed. It has survived for thirteen centuries by converting or murdering its victims. To understand why Islam has been so successful we need to look at Mohammed’s life.
As a young man he worked for a wealthy Jewish widow named Kadisha. Mohammed became her manager and eventually she married him. When she died Mohammed inherited everything she owned. While his early life was spent in desperation and poverty it ended with Mohammed at the top of a large military and political organization that controlled vast amounts of territory and huge amounts of confiscated wealth. He attained success by brutally eliminating all of his rivals. The one thing that Mohammed excelled at was killing.
During his life Mohammed had many wives, but amazingly he left no sons. He only had one surviving child, a daughter named Fatima… No one seems to know why, but it left the question of Mohammed’s succession in doubt. Fatima married Mohammed’s cousin who became his son in law and his only living male heir by virtue of this marriage. The marriage didn’t last very long because the first thing that Mohammed’s followers did after his death was to eliminated Ali in the same way that Mohammed eliminated all of his rivals while he was alive.. They beheaded him.
After Ali’s death there was a power vacuum and a struggle for control of Mohammed’s empire because he had no other male relatives. The followers of Ali are called Shiites. The followers of those who beheaded him are the Sunni who comprise 85% of the Muslims in the world. Sunnis are responsible for most of the terrorism in the world. They are waging jihad against the West. Sunni imams are also calling for violent jihad against Jews living in Israel. Shiite Terrorism is primarily directed against Sunnis in Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and the Persian Gulf States, and against Jews in Israel.
The reason that Muslims are always shedding blood… the reason Muslims are always fighting among themselves and with the rest of the world is because that is exactly how Mohammed lived. It is exactly the way Ali died. It is the way Mohammed’s blood crazed followers really are, were, and always will be. Unlike the world’s major religions Islam was fatally flawed from the beginning because Mohammed was fatally flawed.
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