[The title of this article is totally wrong. The article itself makes no connection between fracking and earthquakes. There has never been any study that has make any connection between fracking and earthquakes. What MAY cause them is waste water injection into deeper strata.]
Fracking, Earthquakes and Visual Storytelling
Animated and interactive graphics describe the connection between oil and gas production and human-caused earthquakes
idea that human activities can cause earthquakes, or so-called induced
seismicity, has been around for some time, but demonstrating its role
and pinpointing exactly how it happens can be difficult. The July issue
of Scientific American features a story by Anna Kuchment
on how wastewater injection from oil and gas operations has been
triggering earthquakes in the central United States over the past
several years.
Kuchment tells the stories of people affected by this phenomenon and
argues for regulation to combat the issue. However, when the narrative
becomes more technical—as in, how does this geological phenomenon
work?—an information graphic does much of the heavy lifting. In the
illustration below by Bryan Christie,
saltwater released during hydraulic fracturing (better known as
fracking) is injected into the earth, disrupting the natural forces
acting on a geologic fault and causing the two sections of rock to slide
past each other.
Credit: Illustration by Bryan Christie
Inherent in scientific illustration is the challenge of how to work
within a static format to describe kinetic events occurring over time.
This above graphic uses typical and effective methods to insert these
elements into the visual narrative: arrows to show directional movement,
ordering of components from left to right and top to bottom, and
providing numbered steps to make clear how one event leads to the next.
However, a digital format offers more possibilities. Below, part of the
visualization is enhanced with time and motion to create an animation.
Animation by Bryan Christie
Data also plays an important role in this story. The correlation
between the large amount of wastewater injected into the ground in
certain areas and the subsequent increase in the number of earthquakes
in the same locations is quite telling. Once again, although a verbal
explanation might be adequate to convey this message, a graphic can do
so more effectively.
I was able to procure several recent years’ worth of data on both
injection volumes and earthquakes for Oklahoma, one of the states hit
the hardest by this phenomenon, and used d3.js
to visualize the data as a “small multiples” series. While the print
version of the graphic displays essentially the same content, the web
adaptation below exploits the digital medium, allowing users to reveal
detailed information about each data point by hovering or tapping on its
interactive elements.
Sources: Class II Saltwater Disposal for 2009–2014 at the Annual-, State-, and County- Scales by Geologic Zones of Completion, Oklahoma, by Kyle e. Murray. Oklahoma Geological Survey, December 31, 2015 (wastewater injection data); USGS Earthquake Maps (earthquake data)
Maps by Amanda Montañez
Static visuals are invaluable in the print medium, and are often the
best, most accessible format for information graphics, even in digital
form. However, the experience of watching a video or using an
interactive is potentially even more convincing and memorable than
viewing a static image. This feature presents a great example of how
digital graphics can build on what is possible in print to tell stories
through a multimodal approach.
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