Bam: Poll shows growing support for Trump, travel ban
Support for President Trump
is turning around and growing, especially in the Midwest and among
middle class workers, and the public's opposition to his tough immigration orders isn't anything close to what critics and some in the media are reporting, according to a new survey.
A poll from Zogby Analytics provided to Secrets Monday found that 48 percent of voters approve of Trump's job as president, while 43 percent disapprove. "This is a five point jump since our last poll in January," said the survey.
The famed Zogby Poll also strongly indicated that Trump's core
supporters like what he's done in his first two weeks in office despite
the hurdles and criticism he's faced.
From the survey analysis:A poll from Zogby Analytics provided to Secrets Monday found that 48 percent of voters approve of Trump's job as president, while 43 percent disapprove. "This is a five point jump since our last poll in January," said the survey.

Older voters-50-64 year olds and voters 65+ are more likely to approve of President Trump, 51% and 56% respectively. President Trump also receives high marks from voters in the Central/Great Lakes region (51%), voters earning $100k or more annually (52%), voters in small cities (56%) and rural areas (54%), union members (55%), NASCAR fans (60%), weekly Walmart shoppers (55%) and homeowners (55%). Voters who are worse off financially and who have lost a job due to corporate downsizing also approved of President Trump's job to date.

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