Legendary MIT Scientist Drops Climate Bombshell On 97% As Liberals Retreat

The global warming conversation has
spiked ever since President Trump said that the United States was
pulling out of the Paris Accords. Every liberal screamed at how it was a
terrible mistake and that nearly every scientist agrees global warming
is occurring.
That has been debated though. Dr. Richard
Lindzen, a climatologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT), is tired of hearing about a “97 percent consensus” that liberals
love to use when talking about global warming, calling it “propaganda.”
Basically, virtually every scientist is for this claim.
According to Lindzen, “It was the
narrative from the beginning. In 1998, [NASA’s James] Hansen made some
vague remarks. Newsweek ran a cover that says all scientists agree. Now
they never really tell you what they agree on.”
He went on, discussing his statement. “It
is propaganda. So all scientists agree it’s probably warmer now than it
was at the end of the Little Ice Age. Almost all Scientists agree that
if you add CO2, you will have some warming. Maybe very little warming.”
That was when he slammed the climate
change proponents. “But it is propaganda to translate that into it is
dangerous and we must reduce CO2.”

Dr. Lindzen (Pictured) Believes The 97% Claim From Liberal Politicians Is “Propaganda.”
Lindzen’s statistic comes from a 2013 report that said 97% of scientists agree that humans are the cause of global warming.
However, that report was slammed from
another paper, which found only 0.3 percent of scientists agreeing with
man-made climate change.
The paper’s leading author, Dr. David
Legates, said, “It is astonishing that any journal could have published a
paper claiming a 97% climate consensus when on the authors’ own
analysis the true consensus was well below 1%.”
Despite that, liberal politicians,
including former President Barack Obama have used the 97% comment to
bolster their agenda. However, scientists don’t fight back because it
would lead to a reduction in funding.
In other words, they are politicizing science to match claims. It doesn’t make sense, but that’s liberal ideology.
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