Full Measure Cover Stories

Cover stories from Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson FullMeasure.news
Border, National Security, Immigration & Terrorism

Saved in America: Dec. 2, 2018 American girls trafficked as sex slaves become fallout from border crime.
Anti-Sanctuary Cities: Sept. 16, 2018 The movement against sanctuary cities and the true crime statistics attributed to illegal immigrants.
Anti-Sanctuary City: March 4, 2018 One of the most unexpected finds along the southern border: a primarily Hispanic town that is against sanctuary cities.
Border Security: Dec. 3, 2017 An eye-opening ride-along on the southern border with the men and women protecting us.
China Rising: Nov. 19, 2017 China’s massive “One Belt One Road” initiative is raising its profile in places the U.S. needs to remain strong and influential.
Lone Survivor: Oct. 29, 2017 Why is former ICE agent Victor Avila being treated like an outcast after he was shot in an attack by Mexican drug cartels?
The New Front: Sept. 24, 2017 Why we should be paying more attention to the Philippines as ISIS moves in.
The Wall: Sept. 17, 2017 What’s up with the border wall? We go to the Tex-Mex border and find out.
Korean Conflict: Sept. 10, 2017 No spin coverage from the Korean peninsula explaining what’s happening and why we should be paying attention. Part 2
The Surveillance State: July 2, 2017 With recent revelations about alleged politically motivated intel gathering, has our government overstepped its bounds?
Fast and Furious: June 25, 2017 Six years after my first interview with ATF Special Agent John Dodson, he tells about the ongoing investigation and what happened to him after he blew the whistle.
Sanctuary Showdown: Feb. 5, 2017 The “CFO of the Dept. of Justice,” Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas) talks about the plan to withhold funds from sanctuary cities.
Sanctuary Cities: Jan. 22, 2017 The looming battle over sanctuary cities that protect illegal immigrants.
Foreign Threats: Jan. 15, 2017 What are the biggest foreign threats facing a Trump administration, and why does a top former Obama official say we became less safe under the Obama administration?
European Disunion: Dec. 11, 2016 The E.U. Ambassador to the U.S. discusses Europe’s immigration and refugee crisis. What can America learn from their efforts to control their borders?
Run for the Border: Dec. 4, 2016 A United Nations of illegal immigrants is rushing the border ahead of Trump’s inauguration.
The Cost of Terror: Sept. 11, 2016 What has been the cost to society and to taxpayers 15 years after 9/11?
The Missing: May 15, 2016 In Arizona, one medical examiner has taken on the grim task of identifying remains of the illegal immigrants who die while crossing the border.
Saudi Strain: April 24, 2016 Congress and 9/11 families push for a bill to let Saudi Arabia be sued in U.S. court for alleged ties to terrorism.
Tunnel Vision: April 3, 2016 What lies beneath the southern border is an astounding network of secret drug tunnels.
Syrian Refugees: April 3, 2016 A Republican bucks his own party and advocates for the U.S. accepting more Muslim refugees from Syria
Morocco: Tracking Terror April 3, 2016: How the Muslim nation of Morocco has successfully battled terrorism.
Bordertown USA: March 20, 2016 Mexican drug cartels silently control parts of U.S. border towns, including Douglas, Arizona, in unimaginable ways.
Cuban Exodus: March 20, 2016 Our exclusive report reveals the avalanche of Cubans crossing into the U.S. through the southern border with Mexico.
Border Control Part 1: March 6, 2016 A revealing investigation of the porous southern U.S. border. Includes astonishing surveillance video showing cartel members crossing into Arizona.
Border Control Part 2: March 6, 2016 How easy it is for drug smugglers to cross into the U.S.
Guantanamo Bay: Feb. 28, 2016 Will President Obama be able to keep his promise to close Gitmo?
Paris: The New Normal: Feb. 14, 2016 Scott Thuman reports from Paris as the French seek normalcy after the latest terror attacks.
Euro Crisis:Feb. 7, 2016 As more desperate Muslim refugees flee war torn hotspots, Europe faces a crisis.
The Rape Game: Feb. 7, 2016 Scott Thuman reports on what police say is a dangerous criminal game played by Muslim immigrants in Europe.
Jihad Central: Dec. 6, 2016: Scott Thuman reports from an infamous mostly-Muslim neighborhood in Brussels that’s at the nexus of Europe’s terror activity.
28 Pages: Nov. 29, 2015 Democrats and Republicans alike question why the federal government is still keeping secret 28 pages from Congress’ 9/11 report.
Sanctuary for Crime Part 1: Oct. 25, 2015 The U.S. government reports thousands of rapes, murders and other violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants in a short period of time.
Sanctuary for Crime Part 2: Oct. 25, 2015 Federal officials and advocates downplay the problem of violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants by the thousands.
Syria Policy Failures: Oct. 11, 2015 Former U.S. Ambassador to Syria reviews U.S. policy failures.
Euro Migrant Crisis: Oct. 11, 2015 With terrorists threatening to sneak in among refugees, a desperate situation worsens. Scott Thuman reports.
Coming to America: Oct. 11, 2015 A small town in Maine is inundated with Muslim immigrants and grapples with the cost and culture clash.
Health Related & Obamacare

The Vaccine Debate: Jan. 6, 2019: A shocking admission from a pro-vaccine government scientist who says vaccines can cause autism, after all, in “exceptional” cases.
Blurred Vision: Dec. 9, 2018: Government scientists accused of the worst kind of conflicts of interest in a major story about moderate drinking.
The Statin Wars: Nov. 4, 2018 Who’s behind the government guidelines and deciding what’s good for us?
The Forgotten Tobacco Wars: Sept. 23, 2018 Decades later, cigarette lawsuits are quietly being fought by the thousands in Florida.
Ryan’s Story: May 13, 2018 The undertold story of Traumatic Brain Injury commonly found–yet widely ignored–in our troops. Part 2
Short on Time: April 22, 2018 The incredible story of unethical human experiments conducted by a researcher who was dying of cancer. Did his herpes vaccine damage innocent patients–or help them?
MRI dye: April 15, 2018 A follow up to our groundbreaking report on the dangers of MRI dye and what happened to Chuck. Norris’ wife.
Outside Obamacare: Feb. 11, 2018 Three new doctor-patient models that go around Obamacare and the traditional health insurance system.
Zika “Crisis”: Dec. 10, 2017 CDC predicted Puerto Rico would have an epidemic of 700,000 serious cases of Zika. Fortunately, they were wildly off the mark. But why? And what happened to all of our tax money?
Zombiecare: Oct. 8, 2017 With Obamacare now among the walking dead, what’s a patient to do?
MRI Dangers? June 11, 2017 FDA says there’s no reason to worry about reactions to toxic metal in MRI contrast “dye” but some doctors and patients, including Chuck Norris’ wife, disagree.
Suddenly Frozen: June 4, 2017 CDC isn’t saying much about a polio-like virus that’s paralyzed hundreds of U.S. children.
Prescription Drug Prices: March 19, 2017 We dig into the mystery surrounding how prescription medicine is priced and find some surprising cost-saving tips.
Vaccine Policy: Feb. 19, 2017 Robert De Niro and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. join to push for an independent scientific commission to examine vaccine safety.
Blind Ambition: Feb. 5, 2017 An update on the story I broke in 2005 about the possible link between Viagra (and other ED drugs) and blindness.
Trumpcare: Jan. 29, 2017 An interview with Sen. Charles Grassley on what may come next.
The End of Obamacare: Jan. 8, 2017 A review of why Obamacare died… and what’s next.
SuperBugs: Dec. 4, 2016 The rise of antibiotic-resistant super bugs and why the government doesn’t require hospital to report their outbreaks.
Obamacare: Critical Condition: Oct. 30, 2016 Amid “catastrophic” rate hikes, why Obamacare isn’t working and why experts say it can’t.
Zika: June 19, 2016 What will $2 billion tax dollars be spent on? Is it really necessary–and how big of a threat to the U.S. is the Zika virus?
Doctors at Risk: June 5, 2016 At more than 60 hospitals, patients are being cared for by doctors working far outside the normal limits for number of consecutive hours they should work…to see if more of the patients ultimately die. And the patients aren’t being told. It’s the iCOMPARE study.
Bitter Pills: May 1, 2016 Did Johnson & Johnson cover up devastating alleged side effect in widely-misprescribed drug Risperdal: boys growing women’s breasts?
Cadillac Tax: March 27, 2016 How citizen journalist Rich Weinstein uncovered videos of Obamacare architects admitting they fooled the American public and sold them a bill of goods–secretly imposing a huge, new tax on work insurance policies.
Human Testing: Feb. 28, 2016 Did federal government and prestigious hospitals and universities experiment on premature babies without telling the parents?
Health Costs: Feb. 21, 2016 We partnered with Pioneer Institute to see how easy it is to comparison shop for medical procedures and uncovered astounding price disparities.
Costly Care: Jan. 21, 2016 Under Obamacare, with premiums and deductibles skyrocketing for millions, there’s a new class of uninsured
Viral Threat: Dec. 13, 2015 The CDC is largely mum on an epidemic of paralyzing and sometimes deadly polio-like cases of EV-D68 and AFM
The Tarnished State: Dec. 16, 2018: Can California stage a comeback amid its high taxes, cost of living, homeless rate and illegal immigration?Rocky Mountain High: Nov. 18, 2018: The lows to be found amid Colorado’s legalized recreational pot.
Gab Targeted: Nov. 11, 2018: After it was learned the alleged synagogue shooter used Gab, is the social media site being unfairly smeared and treated differently than giants Facebook and Twitter?
The French Connection: Nov. 11, 2018: Why the French still love our US Marines 100 years after the end of WWI.
The Search for Extra Terrestrials: Oct. 28, 2018: Your tax dollars could be used in the search for ET.
The Resistance: Oct. 28, 2018: We check back in with the anti-Trump resistance to measure their confidence level ahead of the midterms.
Rich in Congress: Oct. 21, 2018: How do members of Congress get so rich on their public salaries?
Question of Standards: Oct. 14, 2018: Why are powerful Democrats treating one particular #metoo accusation so differently?
E-Waste Recycler: Oct. 7, 2018: The incredible saga of a recycler who crossed paths with Microsoft and ended up in federal prison.
The Freedom Caucus: Sept. 30, 2018 There’s an epic power struggle going on between some in Congress and the Department of Justice, which they oversee.
Raven 23: Sept. 4, 2017 Why is an eleven year old case against 4 decorated former US soldiers still going on amid allegations of prosecutorial misconduct?
Shades of Grey: June 3, 2018 Can sexual assault allegations be weaponized to smear targets?
Taking on the IRS: June 10, 2018 Whatever happened to the IRS conservative targeting scandal–was it all just fake news?
Cybersecurity: April 29, 2018 The shocking case of the Pakistani born IT workers and their alleged incursions into the computers of dozens of members of Congress. Did Democrat and Republican leaders cover up–or was it all innocent behavior?
The Foreign Connection: April 8, 2018 How foreigners buy the services of foreign agents in the US to lobby for our tax money and to get laws passed in their favor.
Snowflake Syndrome: April 1, 2018 College campuses are violating free speech in the name of diversity and not hurting feelings. But are the outrageous cases of intolerance as widespread as some critics believe? Part 2
Red Tape: March 18, 2018 At the federal and local level, we are a society that’s drowning in bureaucracy and red tape.
Hollywood Hypocrisy: March 11, 2018 Lala Land struggles to reconcile its chosen image as a women’s rights leader with the dark reality of #MeToo.
Robot Tax: Feb. 25, 2018 If the cost of progress is more robots; fewer humans–should we tax the robots?
The Russia Probe: Feb. 18, 2018 House Intel Committee Chairman Devin Nunes breaks down his committee’s probe into Russia, Trump and alleged intel agency misbehavior.
Exiting The Swamp: Feb. 4, 2018 Another top Republican calls it quits amidst Washington’s dysfunctional swamp.
Trump and the Media: Jan. 21, 2018 How the media has lost its way in covering a wildcard president they hate.
War Waste: Jan. 14, 2018 Our longest war, Afghanistan, has gobbled up record US tax dollars with not much to show for it.
Road to Success: Jan. 7, 2018 Any “infrastructure” plan is going to cost bigly. What are the options to pay for it all when we are already so far in debt?
Ethically Challenged: Dec. 17, 2017 We found that the system Congress set up to police itself is as dysfunctional as anything in Washington D.C.
Duterte’s Way: Nov. 12, 2017 Philippine President Duterte advocates gunning down drug users in the streets, is tough on Islamic extremist terrorism, and is wildly popular.
Donald Trump One on One: Nov. 5, 2017
Double Disaster: Oct. 15, 2017 Even before Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico was in financial ruin. Why?
Bucking the System: Oct. 1, 2017 True, shocking confessions from an insider on why The Swamp is so hard to drain.
I Quit: June 18, 2017 Eye-opening exit interview with Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) who says the swamp is drain-resistant.
Price of Power: May 28, 2017 The maddening party money quota system that gets members of Congress ahead but also gives them incentive to work for corporate and special interests rather than the public.
Saudi Lobbying: May 21, 2017 Were US vets duped into lobbying for the Saudi kingdom?
The Resistance: May 14, 2017 The left is trying to convert their national freak-out over the election of Donald Trump into organized resistance, and they’re borrowing a page from the Tea party.
Fake Science: May 7, 2017 Shocking claims from respected current and former heads of prestigious medical journals: you can’t believe what you read in them.
100 Days of The Media Under President Trump: April 30, 2017 For the media who declared Trump would never be the Republican nominee and never ever be President, how are they covering him now that he is?
Ghost Soldiers: April 23, 2017 Hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars may be lost to fraud by paying for Afghan soldiers and police who don’t exist.
My Parent’s Keeper: April 9, 2017 The perils and pitfalls that sometimes come with guardianships of the elderly.
The Oversight Man: March 26, 2017 One of the most powerful committees in Congress is taking care of business while watchdogging the Trump administration.
Sum of All Knowledge: Feb. 26, 2017 How secretive political, corporate and government force control the information you see on the news and online. Part 2
Degrees of Debt: Feb. 12, 2017 Why colleges costs so much and the desperate measures some students are taking to pay for it.
The Dutch Donald Trump: Jan. 29, 2017 Scott Thuman introduces us to the controversial populist rising in the polls.
Obama’s Exit Strategy: Jan. 15, 2017 Is President Obama embarking upon a scorched earth strategy on his way out? Or is it business as usual?
Water Wars: Dec. 11, 2016 Bottled water is about to outsell soft drinks in the U.S. What are the health and environmental impacts?
Shrimpers Lost: Nov. 27, 2016 Foreign competition threatens the U.S. shrimping industry and a way of life for some in the Louisiana bayou.
The Big Miss: Nov. 13, 2016 How did the pundits, media and polls get Campaign 2016 so wrong? And who in the news media has been colluding with political operatives behind the scenes?
Campaign Cash: Nov. 6, 2016 Who are the big money donors behind Trump and Clinton?
Clinton Foundation Katrina Funds: Oct. 30, 2015 Following Hurricane Katrina donations as they passed through the Clinton Foundation.
Democrats Courting the Felon Vote: Oct. 23, 2016 How Democrats in several states are quickly trying to register more felons to vote before the November election
Climate Change Refugees: Oct. 16, 2016 Millions of U.S. tax dollars are paying to relocate an Indian tribe in Louisiana. Are they really the first “climate change refugees” or is there more to the story?
The Weird Science of Polling Oct. 9, 2016 How bias enters into the polls and what you should–and shouldn’t–believe.
The Welfare State: Sept. 18, 2016 Maine Gov. Paul LePage has sworn off the press, riled up critics and is reforming welfare as they know it in Maine.
License to Work: June 26, 2016 Are occupational licenses standing in the way of millions who want jobs? In many states it takes just 30 days of training to be an Emergency Medical Technician. But a year+ to get a license to pack boxes, trim tree, braid hair.
Vaxxed and Screen Censors: May 8, 2016 When a current CDC senior scientist said he and his top CDC colleagues fraudulently destroyed data to cover up a link between vaccines and autism, especially in African-American boys, Congress wouldn’t hold hearing and the media wouldn’t report it. When a documentary was made telling the story, powerful interests tried to stop it.
The Dark Side of Wikipedia: April 17, 2016 It’s not the encyclopedia anyone can edit. Has the world’s most popular encyclopedia been taken over by PR firms and corporate, political and special interests who control and skew pages for clients?
Nonprofit$: Jan. 24, 2016 You might be surprised to hear about the giant salaries some nonprofits are paying their executives while their organization gets a boost from taxpayers.
Benghazi: Rescue Interrupted: Jan. 10, 2016 Obama administration insiders tell us, exclusively, that Special Forces attempted a rescue but were prevented. Why? Part 2
War Waste: Jan. 14, 2018: We’ve spent a record $120 million in tax money rebuilding Afghanistan yet our war there continues and the security situation is worse than ever. Why?
V.A. Whistleblower: Feb. 19, 2017: Was a contractor for Veterans Affairs cheating vets and taxpayers?
The Immaculate Corruption: Feb. 5, 2017: New documents show top U.S. bank executives were secretly referred to the Dept. of Justice for criminal charges 5 years ago. A Citigroup whistleblower asks: why was nobody prosecuted?
Legal Swindle: Jan. 29, 2017: How the feds use your tax dollars to fight retaliatory legal battles against its workers.
Burned Follow: Dec. 4, 2016: A follow-up to “Burned.” Witnesses tell Congress discrimination inside the Dept. of Agriculture hasn’t withered under Obama administration despite promises.
Calling the Crash: Oct. 2, 2016 These three business women were living The Big Short before it was a Hollywood film. Why their story continues a decade after they foresaw the mortgage crisis.
Encryption: March 13, 2016 Long before Apple’s battle with the FBI, Qwest CEO Joe Nacchio gave the stiff arm to the government’s secret spy agencies. Why he ended up in prison.
Burned: Nov. 15, 2015 Whistleblower Alicia Dabney exposes shocking, discriminatory treatment as a firefighter working for the federal government.
The Whistleblower: Nov. 8, 2015 After Swiss banker Brad Birkenfeld blew the whistle on very important Americans illegally hiding their money, the U.S. prosecuted him and excused most of the tax evaders. But he got the last laugh.
Cash Cow: Nov. 2015 For profit colleges taking advantage of military vets and taxpayers.
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