The Void The FOID Movement is Catching On in Illinois
Support for measures to stop requiring the state's permission to own a firearm is growing
Published Thursday, May 23, 2019 8:00 am
A new movement in Illinois that serves as an expansion of firearms freedoms on top of the Gun Rights Sanctuary Resolutions
there is the new grassroots effort to rid the state, and hopefully
eventually the country, of the Firearm Owner's Identification card.
On Monday, April 15th, the Effingham County Board in
Effingham, Illinois passed the FOID Card Repeal resolution by an 8 to 1
vote. The resolution condemns the Illinois FOID card and was written by
Effingham County Board Vice Chairman (and friend of Gun Rights Watch)
David Campbell.
Dave, along with Effingham County
State's Attorney Bryan Kibler, had previously successfully gotten passed
the county's legislation declaring Effingham County a sanctuary county,
denouncing and rejecting an unconstitutional attack on gun rights
coming from the state legislature. That movement has spread to over 60%
of the state's counties and even helped spur similar movements in places
like New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and Rhode Island.
The wording of the new resolution, now being considered by dozens of counties around Illinois, is below:
Resolution opposing The Firearm Owners Identifications Card Act (430 ILCS 65), any trailer bill, or any bill similar to, or any bill where the 101st Illinois General Assembly desires to restrict the Individual right of US Citizens as protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.WHEREAS, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms is guaranteed as an Individual right under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and under the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and;WHEREAS, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms for the defense of Life, Liberty, and Property is regarded as an Inalienable Right by the People of Effingham County, Illinois, and;
WHEREAS, the People have a God-given obligation to provide for the common defense;WHEREAS, a well-armed citizenry is the best protection against a tyrannical government;WHEREAS, the People of Effingham County, Illinois, derive economic benefit from all safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting, and shooting conducted within Effingham County using all types of firearms allowable under the United States Constitution and;WHEREAS, The Firearm Owners Identification Card Act (430 ILCS 65) is a violation of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution allowing responsible law-abiding citizens the right to keep and bear arms & ammunition;WHEREAS, on February 14th, 2018, The Circuit Court of White County in the 2nd Judicial Circuit ruled The Firearm Owners Identification Card Act (450 ILCS 65) to be unconstitutional as the FOID Act clearly violated the 2nd Amendment;WHEREAS, Effingham County Board, being elected to represent the People of Effingham County and being duly sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and;WHEREAS, the Illinois House of Representatives and Illinois Senate, being elected by the People of the State of Illinois and being duly sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and;
WHEREAS, The Governor of Illinois, being elected to represent the People of the State of Illinois and being duly sworn by your Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and;WHEREAS, proposed legislation, and bills similar to, under consideration by the Illinois State Legislature would infringe the Right to Keep and Bear Arms that require an FOID Card by individual citizens of Effingham County, Illinois, is a direct violation of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution;NOW, THEREFORE, IT BE AND IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the People of Effingham County, Illinois, do hereby oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the Right of the People to keep and bear arms and consider such laws to be unconstitutional and beyond lawful Legislative Authority.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Effingham County Board demands that the Illinois General Assembly cease further actions restricting the Right of the People to keep and bear arms, and hereby demand that the Governor of Illinois veto all such legislation which restricts the Right of the People to keep and bear arms.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of Effingham County is hereby directed to prepare and deliver certified copies of this Resolution to all members of the Illinois General and to the Office of the Governor.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, since the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act (430 ILCS 65) is a violation of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution and has been found unconstitutional, we the Effingham County Board demand that the Illinois General Assembly cease and repeal The Firearm Owners Identification Card Act (430 ILCS 65) immediately.
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