Ilhan Omar posts racist tweet suggesting Latinos are incapable of succeeding in merit-based immigration system
It’s called merit-based immigration, and the faster we adopt it, the better.
Unfortunately, the usual suspects are opposed to it. They claim that virtually any restriction on immigration is an immoral monstrosity that needs to be eliminated post-haste. Yesterday, Ilhan Omar argued that it’s also deeply bigoted.
Why? Because according to a racist tweet she posted – and later deleted – Latinos simply can’t measure up to the rigors of merit-based immigration.

The implication, obviously, is that if we demand immigrants bring
something to the table, we’re attacking Latinos – because Ilhan Omar
seems to think they’re incapable of offering anything of value.Can you imagine the outrage if Herman Cain had posted that? What if that feed was controlled by Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh? How about Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, or any other prominent Republican?
Democrats would be utterly apoplectic. There would be boycotts, recriminations, and calls for resignation. They would never stop screaming about the inherent racism of that statement. So far, they’ve been silent on this.
Ted Cruz, however, was not.
Ilhan Omar’s position – that you can broad-brush an entire ethnicity as unable to compete – is the real racism. I suppose, given her oft-illustrated propensity for anti-Semitism, we shouldn’t really be surprised by it. At this point, it’s just par for the course.
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