Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Perjury Evidence Blacked Out by Minnesota Media

Rep. Ilhan Omar (AP Photo/Jim Mone, File)
According to CNN, 100 or more newspapers will publish editorials attacking President Trump on August 16.
Minnesota's largest newspapers -- along with every other mainstream
outlet in the country -- just whiffed on covering this: Signed, notarized court documents and time-stamped photos showing the Democratic frontrunner for Minnesota's highest-profile House seat appearing to commit perjury.
common newsroom explanation, often valid, for having passed on a
particular story -- "we couldn't independently verify it" -- simply does
not apply here. The evidence, reposted below, against Minnesota state
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-60B) consists of nothing but certified court filings
and archived social media posts.
These court records are publicly available: Anyone can enter the Hennepin County District Court Records Center,
sit at a self-service terminal, and retrieve them. The social media
posts (which have since been deleted from Ilhan Omar's and her
ex-husband's Instagram accounts) are easily verifiable by a novice, let
alone a modern digital news outlet.
These court records do not describe decades-old college misdemeanors. They are from 2017.
story was never obscure; the 2016 coverage of Rep. Omar's marriage --
which presumably motivated her filing for default divorce just a few
months later -- was global. Frankly, these court records may depict the
most (only?) high-profile default divorce in U.S. political history.
forced to provide an excuse, I expect most mainstream outlets will
claim to have avoided the story because of its related salacious aspect:
That Omar married her own brother to assist him in committing
immigration fraud or some other crime. Yet even without regard for the (objectively convincing)
evidence of that allegation, that excuse would be the most easily
dismissed. We've seen how the nation's mainstream newsrooms responded to
an unverified "pee tape."
Most importantly, however, the perjury evidence is entirely separate from the more sensational charge.
And perjury is yet another topic about which these outlets do not have a track record of extreme caution.
Kahn is the 22-term incumbent whom Ilhan Omar defeated in 2016. Kahn,
perhaps the only Democrat with no reason to fear speaking candidly on
Omar, did so last week during an interview with The Intercept:
[Kahn] said without prompt that Omar was “anti-Semitic,” and that “the story about the two husbands is completely true,” referring to a 2016 controversy in which Omar was accused of being a bigamist who married her brother to commit immigration fraud. At the time, Omar said in a statement that the rumors about her personal life were “absolutely false and ridiculous.” Kahn, apparently, is not convinced. She said, “This kind of Minnesota niceness, or whatever, of not wanting to appear racist -- it’s something no one’s willing to go after her for.”
mentions only part of the story. Party identification and Omar's
frontrunner status should be considered the primary reasons for the
media silence. Nonetheless, Kahn's comments will be valuable should Omar
win on Tuesday and the pressure intensify for media to explain the
Below, see the court records and verified social media posts that show possible perjury. (Excerpted and edited from this August 8 PJ Media article.)

The above document depicts Omar attesting to the court that she has not had contact with her legal husband, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, since June 2011.
The following three photos first appeared on Ilhan Omar's personal Instagram account in 2014 (her username at the time was "hameey"). The photos depict Ilhan visiting Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in London that year.
contrast to Omar's attestation of zero contact since 2011, two of
Omar's three self-published photos here even appear to show physical contact in 2014:

There are many
other examples of consistent social media communication -- comments,
likes -- between the two from June 2011 to late 2016.
When confronted with the above pictures in 2016, UK resident Ahmed N. Elmi admitted to a reporter that he was indeed the scarved man in the three pictures.
he also claimed to not know the name of the woman in the colorful head
covering adjacent to him, and that she certainly was not his legal wife.
He then gave the reporter a different birthdate for himself than the
April 4, 1985 birthdate given for Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in Omar's divorce
In short, he
claimed to simply be a different Ahmed N. Elmi, who coincidentally
happened to get photographed with Ilhan Omar at a London event.
As with Ilhan's self-published photos, this newly discovered post from Elmi's own Instagram account contradicts his claim:

On October 20, 2013, Elmi posted the above photos of himself in the hospital following minor surgery.
Clearly, his hospital intake bracelet identifies his date of birth to be April 4, 1985.
men named Ahmed Elmi have lived in the U.S. and London. But there
simply are no records to be found of another one sharing the exact
birthdate as the Ahmed Nur Said Elmi whom Ilhan Omar divorced.
Of course, this Ahmed Elmi has also been photographed with Ilhan Omar, and regularly communicated with her on social media.
Piling on, note that a second known Instagram account belonging to Ilhan Omar, "ilhanmn," commented on the above post in 2013.
Her comment indicates that she knew how to reach Elmi by phone years after June 2011 -- another strike against her sworn claims.
More New Evidence Suggests a Troubling Motive
might Omar apparently risk her political career and serious legal
exposure by attesting to that easily challenged "June 2011" claim? Could
it credibly be faulted to an honest, if severe, mistake?
Another document from Omar's 2017 divorce proceedings suggests a more compelling, if speculative, motivation:

The above document contains extraordinary information.
Ilhan attests that there are no children born "of" her marriage to
Ahmed Elmi -- but that one of her children was born "during" that
A yellow box notes that the document "has been updated since signed," and an initialed note contains the update:
The Respondent [Ahmed Nur Said Elmi] has not signed a declaration of non-paternity as the Petitioner [Ilhan Omar] has had no contact with him since before the child was conceived.
In 2016,
Ilhan told the press that her 2009 marriage to Ahmed Elmi was
essentially a two-year hiatus from her relationship with Ahmed Hirsi,
the legal father of all three of her children. She claimed to have
separated from Hirsi, then met and married Elmi, a relationship which
failed permanently sometime around June 2011, and then rekindled with
Hirsi and had a third child.
Ilhan is filing for default
divorce here. I cannot imagine that a judge would grant a divorce
without Elmi even being served if the paternity of a minor child was in
On this point, one last bit of evidence seems to be a Pandora's Box:

The above Instagram post appeared on Ahmed Nur Said Elmi's account on June 12, 2012.
That's Elmi himself, holding baby Ilwad at the hospital. She was born the day before to his legal wife -- Ilhan Omar.
Who attested in court that she has had zero contact with Ahmed Elmi since before Ilwad was conceived, let alone born.
silver lining for Elmi here is that he still likely has little reason
to fear a process server greeting him in London with a paternity test.
Because he clearly calls his wife's child ... a niece.
Rep. Ilhan Omar, everything about this Instagram post is a Code Red,
and she's up for election on Tuesday, August 14. PJ Media has emailed
her campaign seeking comment multiple times since August 3, but has not
yet received a response.
Official School Records Support Claims That Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother

Representative Ilhan Omar delivers a speech at the 162nd General
Assembly of BIE, in Paris, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017. (AP
Photo/Christophe Ena)
Ed. Note: This article was originally published in October 2018.
state Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-60B) currently leads the race to fill the
federal House seat being vacated by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN).
Immediately after being elected to her current seat in 2016, Omar faced
allegations -- soon backed by a remarkable amount of evidence -- that she had married her own brother in 2009, and was still legally his wife. They officially divorced in December 2017.
The motivation for the marriage remains unclear. However, the totality of the evidence points to possible immigration fraud and student loan fraud.
Omar has stated that she did marry "British citizen" Ahmed Nur Said
Elmi in 2009, though the allegation that he is her brother is "absurd
and offensive."
exclusive new evidence -- from official archived high school records and
corroborating sources -- strongly supports the claim that Ahmed Nur
Said Elmi is indeed her brother.
this implicates Rep. Omar in multiple state and federal felonies, I
have contacted the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minnesota to submit all
other information uncovered during our investigation.
According to official student enrollment records archived by St. Paul Public Schools
and the state of Minnesota, an “Ahmed N. Elmi” was enrolled as a senior
in the Class of 2003 at Arlington Senior High School in St. Paul, MN,
from September 6, 2002, until June 10, 2003. He graduated and received a
The enrollment record states that “Ahmed N. Elmi” was born on April 4, 1985.
Both Ilhan Omar’s 2009 marriage documents and her 2017 divorce proceedings state that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was born on April 4, 1985.
an extensive background search, I have not been able to find any other
person named “Ahmed Nur Said Elmi,” “Ahmed N. Elmi,” or even “Ahmed
Elmi” with the birthdate April 4, 1985. The man Ilhan Omar married and
the 17- to 18-year-old who attended Arlington Senior High School in St.
Paul, MN, in 2002-2003 are one and the same.
Ahmed N. Elmi was a
minor for most of the school year, and thus his parent(s)/legal
guardian(s) would very likely also be listed on his enrollment records
-- along with his home address and telephone number.
St. Paul Public Schools stated to me that federal law (FERPA)
and Minnesota law forbid it from releasing the names of Ahmed N. Elmi’s
parents/legal guardians, address, or phone number from his enrollment
record without Elmi’s signed permission -- or a warrant.
then contacted several members of the Class of 2003 -- and I was told
that Eli “was living with his father” while attending Arlington Senior
High School. I have also obtained the likely address.
Elmi’s father was identified as the same man Ilhan Omar has always
publicly referred to as her own father: Nur Said Elmi Mohamed. (Read about Somali naming tradition here.)
Friday (October 19), I emailed Rep. Ilhan Omar, the MN Democratic Party
(DFL) chairman, and the MN DFL CD-5 chairman to request comment. I
asked for a response by Monday evening -- a full three days. I also sent
a follow-up email to all three on Monday afternoon:

No one responded.
was not unexpected. Rep. Omar did not respond to a three-day deadline
before I published an article covering her on August 8, 2018. That article presented documented evidence that Omar appeared to commit perjury multiple times during her 2017 divorce proceedings.
However, perhaps this tweet posted last night from Rep. Omar’s official Twitter account was an indirect response:
so, I’d suggest the evidence against her stands on its own. I would
also ask her to produce a single instance of false content, or
“propaganda,” that I have published in my three articles covering her
I will publish a fourth article later this week.
Address Records Show Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Still Lived With Her First Husband Throughout Marriage To Her Apparent Brother

this June 5, 2018, file photo, State Rep. Ilhan Omar, the first
Somali-American elected to a state legislature, files to run for the 5th
district congressional seat that U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison is vacating to
run for Minnesota attorney general, at the Minnesota Secretary of
State's office in St. Paul, Minn. (Lacey Young/Minnesota Public Radio
via AP, File)
In recent days, Minnesota state Representative Ilhan Omar (D-60B) has campaigned with Minnesota Attorney General candidate Keith Ellison (D-MN).
Omar is the Democratic nominee for the federal House seat, MN CD-5,
that Ellison is vacating. She is the assumed favorite to win the seat.
Win or lose, however, a Department of Justice investigation into her past appears inevitable. A remarkable -- and growing -- amount of evidence implicates her in multiple federal and state felonies.
allegations stem from Omar’s 2009 marriage to British citizen Ahmed Nur
Said Elmi, her apparent brother. Below, exclusive new evidence backs
the claim that this marriage was fraudulent. Also, this new evidence
suggests that student loan fraud and immigration fraud were Omar’s motivations for marrying Mr. Elmi.
2016, shortly after Rep. Omar defeated 44-year incumbent Phyllis Kahn
in the Democratic primary for MN House District 60B, someone anonymously
posted the initial allegations on the message board. The
poster claimed Omar had been granted a Minnesota marriage license in
2009, and subsequently married her brother Ahmed Elmi while she was
still Islamically married to Ahmed Hirsi -- with whom she had two
children at the time.
Long-time Minnesota reporter/attorney Scott Johnson investigated the allegations, and surprisingly discovered that they were supported by government records.
Minnesota reporter Preya Samsundar investigated further, uncovering much more supporting evidence.
Pressured by local and national media, Omar soon released a statement. It failed to address much of the evidence. Her statement included this passage:
In 2002, when I was 19 years old, Ahmed Hirsi … and I, applied for a marriage license, but we never finalized the application and thus were never legally married. In 2008, we decided to end our relationship in our faith tradition after reaching an impasse in our life together.I entered into a relationship with a British citizen, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, and married him legally in 2009. Our relationship ended in 2011 and we divorced in our faith tradition. …Since 2011, I am happy to say that I have reconciled with Ahmed Hirsi, we have married in our faith tradition and are raising our family together. (Emphasis added)
have extensively searched publicly available address records with the
assistance of a legal researcher. We have found that Rep. Omar’s first
claim -- that she and Ahmed Hirsi underwent an Islamic divorce “to end
[their] relationship” in 2008 -- can not be reconciled with their official address records. Further, her claim can not be reconciled with her own words from an interview she gave in 2013.
-- From 2002 until 2009, Ilhan Omar lived in a series of apartments in Minneapolis with Ahmed Hirsi.-- In 2009, Ilhan Omar married British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.-- In August 2009, records show that both Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi left Minnesota, moving to 2608 Pacific Dr. South, Apt. 4, Fargo, North Dakota 58103. (The record we found for Elmi did not include the apartment number.)-- However, records show that Ahmed Hirsi moved there, too.In August 2009, Ahmed Hirsi is recorded at 2608 Pacific Dr. South, Apt. 4, Fargo, North Dakota 58103.Ilhan, her Islamically divorced first husband, and her second husband are all recorded to live at the same apartment at the same time.-- In February 2010, both Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Hirsi are recorded as having moved to 2438 18th St. South, Fargo, North Dakota 58103.-- Records show that Ahmed Elmi, her legal husband, appears at this new address in November 2010, nine months later.
To summarize:
-- Address records show that Ilhan Omar lived at the same address with the man she claimed to have divorced and the man she was legally married to -- concurrently. And that she did this twice.-- Ilhan Omar stated that her relationship with Ahmed Elmi only lasted from 2009 until 2011. But address records show she spent more of that time living with Ahmed Hirsi.Indeed, she may have lived with Hirsi continuously during her entire marriage to Ahmed Elmi.
Years before this scandal was publicized on the Somali message board, Ilhan herself confirmed that Ahmed Hirsi was with her in North Dakota.
Perhaps more importantly, Ilhan also explained what they were doing in Fargo.
following passage appeared in a local Minneapolis news outlet in 2013
within an article titled “Refugee Parent Finds Sense of Home in
Minneapolis Neighborhood School”:
After having started their daughter, Isra, in kindergarten in Minneapolis, Omar and her husband, Ahmed Hirsi, moved to North Dakota so that Omar could finish her bachelor’s degree in political science.
From 2009 to 2011, Ilhan Omar was enrolled at North Dakota State University (NDSU) in Fargo.
British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was also enrolled at NDSU during this period.
although they did not legally divorce until 2017, this two-year stretch
covers virtually the entire period during which Omar claims she and
Elmi were in a relationship.
Federal student aid applications, or FAFSAs, are treated differently by loan officers if an applicant is married.
Loan officers are not allowed to consider the assets of a married applicant’s parents when constructing the loan terms.
Fewer assets shows greater need, and likely will result in loan terms more favorable to the applicant.
Friday, October 26, I sent the following email to Rep. Omar, the
Minnesota DFL chairman, and the CD-5 DFL chairman. I offered three full
days to respond before publication:

I have not received a response.
is consistent with her past behavior. Since 2016, Omar has refused to
address specific evidence, and has repeatedly referred to myself, Scott
Johnson, and Preya Samsundar as “bigoted.”
October 23, I published an article that included new evidence --
including official public school records archived by the city government
of St. Paul, MN -- showing that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi appears to have been raised by Ilhan’s father. Prior to publication I sent her the below email, offering the same three days to respond:

I have not received a response.
Except for this indirect tweet, which she posted to her verified Twitter account:

I immediately offered to retract any errors:

I have not received a response.
August 8, I published an article including new evidence -- including
official court documents signed by Omar under penalty of perjury, and
pictures which she and Ahmed Elmi had posted on their respective,
verified social media accounts -- that Rep. Omar perjured herself in 2017 during their divorce proceedings.
One remarkable court document from that article shows Omar answering nine questions; seven
of her nine answers conflict with the evidence from her own social
media account. She then signed that document, her signature immediately
beside an explicit warning of Minnesota state penalties for perjury.
For that August 8 article, I gave Omar a full five days to respond prior to publication.
She did not.
Minneapolis/St. Paul’s major news outlet, the Star Tribune,
has remained virtually silent for two years on the growing evidence
implicating the leading candidate for the state’s high-profile federal
House seat. Last week, Scott Johnson repeatedly emailed the Star Tribune's head news editor, Rene Sanchez; Johnson presented an eloquent case that the paper has catastrophically failed its readers with its dismissive coverage of Ilhan Omar's scandals.
On Friday night, the Star Tribune saw fit to publish an article on Rep. Omar that included this bizarrely compliant reporting:
During an interview, Omar showed a reporter cellphone photos of documents from her family’s U.S. entry in 1995 after fleeing Somalia’s civil war. She declined to provide copies of the papers, which included refugee resettlement approval forms and identification cards, but they appeared to list her father, siblings and Omar by order of birth, with Omar as the youngest of seven children. No one named Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, who is three years younger than Omar, could be seen listed in the documents.
These cellphone pictures were presumably Omar’s attempt to rebut my October 23 article. Yet Omar did not address any published evidence, nor that of anyone else who has investigated and published about Omar’s past.
Remarkably, the Star Tribune
reporter saw fit to accept and publish, as Omar’s rebuttal, unverified
documents photographed on a cellphone -- even though Omar refused to
turn them over, or even to let the reporter take a picture of the picture of the document.
It gets worse.
The Star Tribune
reporter did not know to ask about when Rep. Omar’s campaign team, in
2016, demanded that local outlet CityPages change its reporting on the
number of Omar’s siblings.
CityPages had published that Omar was one of seven, with five brothers and a sister. And Rep. Omar’s camp told them seven was incorrect!
New Photos Corroborate Perjury Claims Against Rep. Ilhan Omar, as She Deletes Social Media Evidence

Tuesday, one-term state Representative Ilhan Omar (D-60B) appears
likely to replace the outgoing Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) by winning
Minnesota's pre-eminent House seat: CD-5.
In October, however, the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board opened a formal investigation of her after reviewing evidence of several violations. Omar has also made, and defended, anti-Semitic comments as direct and vicious as any spoken by a U.S. politician in a generation.
Yet those legal and character matters may only be secondary red flags.
In 2016, an anonymous writer on published verified photos and Minnesota state records suggesting that Rep. Omar is a serial felon and fraudster.
then, the additional evidence discovered to back these claims -- and
the absence of contradictory evidence -- are almost as remarkable as Minnesota media's refusal to lift a finger investigating her for two years.

against Rep. Ilhan Omar center around her 2009-2017 marriage to a
British citizen named Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, who appears to be her brother.
Omar is alleged to have married Elmi in the service of federal
felonies: immigration fraud and student loan fraud. (While the latter
may seem comparably minor, the penalties for a falsified FAFSA are severe:
a $20,000 fine and up to five years in prison. Also, a falsified FAFSA
implicates the accused in years of subsequent fraudulent filings with
the IRS.) Additionally, there is evidence of state felonies: marriage
fraud, and multiple instances of perjury during her 2009 marriage
filings and her 2017 divorce proceedings.
The Backstory
months after getting married in Minnesota in 2009, Rep. Omar and Ahmed
Elmi moved to Fargo, North Dakota. They both enrolled at North Dakota
State University.
They both attended NDSU between 2009 and 2011. And that -- according to Rep. Omar herself -- was effectively the end of the marriage.
See the documents posted above: During her 2017 divorce proceedings, Rep. Omar swore under penalty of perjury that she never again had contact with Ahmed Elmi after June 2011. She filed for a default divorce, attesting that she could not locate Elmi to serve him the papers.
context, a brief marriage to a foreign national which begins and ends
while both spouses attend the same university is not necessarily worth investigating.
However, Rep. Omar -- per her own statement -- had married another man, Ahmed Hirsi, by Islamic ceremony in 2002. And publicly available address records show that Ahmed Hirsi also moved to North Dakota from 2009 until 2011.
There was no "break" for Omar and Hirsi.
three, in fact -- Omar, Hirsi, and Elmi -- are recorded to have been
living together in North Dakota at the same address in 2009. All three
are then recorded as living together at a second North Dakota address in
Then, Rep. Omar herself -- perhaps in a moment of carelessness -- admitted to a reporter in 2013 that Hirsi and their two children were living with her as she attended NDSU.
To summarize: There is zero evidence that Omar ever separated from Ahmed Hirsi. But there is evidence in the form of: 1) publicly available records, and 2) Rep. Omar's own admission, that Omar has lived with Hirsi without interruption for 16 years.

New Evidence of Repeated Perjury, and a Family Relationship
originally being exposed in 2016, Rep. Omar deleted evidence from her
social media accounts that appeared to show her visiting a man named
Ahmed N. Elmi in London in 2015. This was evidence that she had perjured
herself by swearing to have never contacted him beyond June 2011. Omar
also deleted evidence that showed her contacting him regularly on social
Ahmed Elmi, too, removed several posts from his accounts.
When reached by reporter Preya Samsundar of Minnesota outlet AlphaNewsMN, Elmi admitted to being the man in those London photos with
Rep. Omar. However, he claimed to not know the woman next to him in the
pictures -- despite having the same name and exact birthdate of the man
she married, and having been the only Ahmed Elmi to ever attend NDSU.
In August, I published additional evidence showing
that Rep. Omar attested to falsehoods by claiming zero contact with
Ahmed Elmi since 2011. In October, I published new evidence that Ahmed
Elmi had known Rep. Omar long before then. He had graduated from a high school in Minneapolis in 2003, and sources confirmed that he lived with Ilhan's father at the time.
Now, new evidence appears to corroborate both of those claims.
See the above Instagram post.
her prior purge of incriminating evidence, Rep. Omar failed to delete
this post, which is still live as of this article's publication.
"IlhanMN" is Rep. Omar's verified campaign account. In the post, she
exchanges messages with "AhmedNElmi".
below yearbook pictures were taken by PJ Media at a public library in
St. Paul, Minnesota. "Ahmed N. Elmi," born 4/4/85, is listed in the St.
Paul Public Schools archives as graduating in 2003. The birthdate is
precisely the same as the birthdate of the Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in the
2017 divorce proceedings. The resemblance to the man in the London
photos -- which originated on Rep. Omar's Instagram account -- is

Below, see a childhood picture that then-high school senior Ahmed N. Elmi had published in the 2003 yearbook.
Below that is a 2016 post from the "AhmedNElmi" Instagram account. The post is still live as of this article's publication.
It is precisely the same picture:

next picture appeared in my prior article. It has since been deleted.
It depicts the birthday "04.04.1985" on Elmi's hospital intake bracelet,
and Rep. Omar messaging with him -- in 2013:

Here is a
screenshot of the Facebook page of "Ahmedn.elmi" (per the hyperlink),
which is live as of this article's publication. Familiar face, same high
school, same college:

Rep. Omar Is Still Deleting Evidence
in June 2018 -- when I first became aware of Rep. Omar's backstory -- I
took several screenshots of social media that depicted Rep. Omar in
regular contact with "AhmedNElmi" years after the June 2011 date she
attested to under penalty of perjury.
Last week on November 1, I revisited the posts.
As you can see below, Rep. Omar has deleted all of her incriminating comments and likes in the past four months:

June 2018

November 2018

Minnesota GOP Wants Answers. Omar Won't Talk
fraud, marriage fraud, federal student loan fraud, several instances of
perjury, tax fraud on every filing for eight years, even fraud on her
disclosure forms while serving as a state representative: all of this
could potentially be in the mix based on the current evidence.
Add that to an open investigation into her campaign finances.
And this bone-chilling, "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" anti-Semitism:
MN CD-5 GOP Chairman Jesse Pfliger sent PJ Media this response to the above new evidence:
It’s sad and disappointing that Representative Omar is continuing to refuse to respond to the real allegations against her. It’s clear to me -- as it is to any reasonable person -- that there are multiple credible allegations against her, including this real evidence of immigration fraud that questions Representative Omar’s ability to serve the people of Minnesota. I’m certain she is the wrong choice for the people of Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District. I call on voters to make the right choice on Tuesday.(Emphasis added)
The GOP candidate for CD-5, Jennifer Zielinski, sent PJ Media these comments after reviewing the evidence:
I hope this question of the history of Ilhan's marriages can come to a successful conclusion. I have yet to hear her answer for her many campaign finance violations, and she tends to avoid questions regarding her ethics. This creates a pattern of corruption which makes me concerned about future actions she would take in Congress and in other political leadership positions.
I have offered Rep. Omar, the Minnesota Democratic Party (DFL)
chair, and the DFL CD-5 chair three full days to respond to each of my
prior three articles prior to publication. Not once did I receive a
response other than the below tweet -- which I did respond to, after
which she went silent again. So I did not attempt to contact them prior
to publishing this article.

Perhaps President Trump is seeking a case study to back his claims of a
rotten, corruptible media and Democratic Party. If so, he could do no
better than the Party's promotion of Ilhan Omar, and the
Minneapolis Star-Tribune's subservient coverage of perhaps the most troubling candidate background the state has ever seen.