State Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Swore to Apparent Falsehoods in Court — While Divorcing Her Alleged Brother

Rep. Ilhan Omar takes the oath of office as the 2017 Legislature
convened in St. Paul, Minnesota. (AP Photo/Jim Mone, File)
state Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-60B) is the presumed frontrunner for the MN-5
House seat being vacated by Rep. Keith Ellison (D). The seat is safely
Democratic; Hollywood progressives, local party officials, and Minnesota
media have all but scheduled the August 14 primary as her coronation.
Their enthusiasm is rooted in Omar's identity: she is a photogenic,
hijab-wearing Muslim who entered the United States as a Somali child
Likely because of
this, however, Omar's media and party supporters have been aggressively
uninterested in a disturbing allegation about Omar with legal
ramifications: that in 2009, she seems to have married her brother. That allegation has been public for nearly two years without Omar addressing its specific foundations.
uncovered evidence -- exclusively published below -- adds another
allegation: Ilhan Omar has since signed off on apparent falsehoods,
under penalty of perjury, during her 2017 divorce from the man in
question: Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.

New Evidence, New Allegations
law deems court records of divorce proceedings to be available to the
public. In 2017, several months after Omar's marriage history briefly
created a national news item, Omar quietly petitioned family court for a
default divorce, claiming she could not locate Elmi.
The above document depicts Omar, under penalty of perjury, attesting to the court that she has not had contact with her legal husband since June 2011.
To those familiar with the 2016 coverage of this story, this claim should strike as a jaw-dropper. (Ed. note: scroll down below for a summary of the Ilhan Omar backstory.)
reference just one example, the three immediately following photos were
pivotal elements of the 2016 coverage. These pictures first appeared on
Ilhan Omar's personal Instagram account in 2014 (her username at the
time was "hameey"), and depict Ilhan visiting Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in
London that year.
contrast to Omar's attestation of zero contact since 2011, two of
Omar's three self-published photos here actually appear to show physical contact some three years later:

There are many other examples of consistent social media communication -- comments, likes -- between the two since June 2011.
When confronted with the above pictures in 2016, UK resident Ahmed N. Elmi admitted to a reporter that he was indeed the scarved man in the three pictures.
However, he also claimed to not know the name of the woman in the
colorful head covering adjacent to him, and that she certainly was not
his legal wife. He then gave the reporter a different birthdate for
himself than the April 4, 1985, birthdate given for Ahmed Nur Said Elmi
in Omar's divorce petition.
short, he claimed to simply be a different Ahmed N. Elmi, who
coincidentally happened to get photographed with Ilhan Omar at a London
As with Ilhan's self-published photos, this newly discovered post from Elmi's confirmed Instagram account contradicts his claim:

On October 20, 2013, Elmi posted the above photos of himself in the hospital following minor surgery.
Clearly, his hospital intake bracelet identifies his date of birth to be April 4, 1985.
other men named Ahmed Elmi have lived in the U.S. and London, there
simply are no records to be found of another one sharing the exact
birthdate as the Ahmed Nur Said Elmi whom Ilhan Omar divorced. Of
course, this Ahmed Elmi has also been photographed with Ilhan Omar, and
regularly communicated with her on social media.
Piling on, note that a second known Instagram account belonging to Ilhan Omar, "ilhanmn," commented on the above post in 2013.
Her comment indicates that she knew how to reach Elmi by phone years after June 2011, another strike against her sworn claims.
More New Evidence Suggests a Troubling Motive
might Omar apparently risk her political career and serious legal
exposure by attesting to that easily challenged "June 2011" claim? Could
it credibly be faulted to an honest, if severe, mistake?
Another document from Omar's 2017 divorce proceedings suggests a more compelling, if speculative, motivation:

The above document contains extraordinary information.
Ilhan attests that there are no children born "of" her marriage to
Ahmed Elmi, but that one of her children was born "during" that
marriage. A yellow box notes that the document "has been updated since
signed," and an initialed note contains the update:
The Respondent [Ahmed Nur Said Elmi] has not signed a declaration of non-paternity as the Petitioner [Ilhan Omar] has had no contact with him since before the child was conceived.
In 2016,
Ilhan told the press that her 2009 marriage to Ahmed Elmi was
essentially a two-year hiatus from her relationship with Ahmed Hirsi,
the legal father of all three of her children. She claimed to have
separated from Hirsi, then met and married Elmi, a relationship which
failed permanently sometime around June 2011, and then rekindled with
Hirsi and had a third child.
Ilhan is filing for default
divorce here. I cannot imagine that a judge would grant a divorce
without Elmi even being served if the paternity of a minor child was in
On this point, one last bit of evidence seems to be a Pandora's Box:

The above Instagram post appeared on Ahmed Nur Said Elmi's account on June 12, 2012.
Elmi himself, holding baby Ilwad at the hospital. She was born the day
before to his legal wife, Ilhan Omar. Who attested in court that she has
had zero contact with Ahmed Elmi since before Ilwad was conceived, let alone born.
silver lining for Elmi here is that he still likely has little reason
to fear a process server greeting him in London with a paternity test.
Because he clearly calls his wife's child ... a niece?
Rep. Ilhan Omar, everything about this Instagram post is a Code Red,
and she's up for election in six days. PJ Media has emailed her campaign
seeking comment multiple times since August 3, but has not yet received
a response.
Catch Up
(For those unfamiliar with the 2016 genesis of the Ilhan Omar saga, read further for a summary of the backstory.)
In 2016, two Minnesota journalists -- Scott Johnson of Powerline and Preya Samsundar of AlphaNewsMN
-- researched an anonymous tip about Ilhan Omar. The tipster had
presented evidence that Omar married her brother in 2009, and was still
legally his wife as of 2016. The tipster had also asserted that Omar may
have done it to help her brother commit immigration fraud. Further, the
tipster had noted that Omar has been "culturally" married to, and
living with, a second man since 2002 -- the father of her three
Simple online searches of public civil records and social media immediately proved parts of the story to be true.
Samsundar discovered additional compelling evidence, and even managed to get in touch with the apparent husband/brother, who currently lives in London. He proceeded to talk himself into a pickle trying to answer Samsundar’s questions.
doing their jobs admirably, Johnson and Samsundar were subsequently
labeled "Islamophobes" and bigots. Omar's own representatives lashed out
with such comments.
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune and “alternative weekly” City Pages -- though they certainly “followed up” on the story -- offered minimal effort beyond publishing official comments from Omar's campaign. After first blaming anti-Muslim bigotry, Omar changed tactics by offering an eyebrow-raising statement that left specific evidence and accusations unaddressed.
worked. Virtually all media outlets that covered the allegations seemed
content with Omar's official statement. She was soon sworn in -- the
first Muslim Somali to be elected to a U.S. state legislature. That
achievement landed her the cover of Time.
Now Omar is pursuing an open federal seat, and a growing list of Democrats, including Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (D),
have endorsed this self-described "intersectional feminist." The
district party officially endorsed Omar at a hastily assembled
convention; she took 68% of the delegates' votes.
most pivotally, Omar received a timely boost from the entertainment
industry in the weeks and months before Ellison even announced he would
not run again.
Time for Ilhan, a documentary about Omar's 2016 election win, just happened to hit the local festival circuit in April. Per the Hollywood Reporter's fawning review,
the film blesses Omar and her identity in a manner reminiscent of the
introduction given a certain Illinois state senator in the George W.
Bush era:
At the beginning of Norah Shapiro's documentary about Ilhan Omar's political run we're informed that no one of Somali descent has ever been elected to legislative office in the United States. By the end of this inspiring film, that fact has (spoiler alert) been movingly put to rest. Time for Ilhan feels like manna from heaven for liberals and progressives who have been in a state of despair since the last presidential election....As the campaign grinds on, an exhausted Ilhan sighs, "It's a lot, trying to change the world."
In late May, Ilhan stunned for a few photogenic seconds in a new music video celebrating progressive feminism from pop band Maroon 5. Ellen Degeneres was featured too, and Jennifer Lopez, and Sarah Silverman.
Just a week later -- and just hours before the filing deadline for the MN CD-5 ballot
-- Keith Ellison announced he would leave Congress to run for MN
attorney general. Sudden celebrity Ilhan Omar soon arrived, and filed.
has since refused to endorse a candidate for the seat he is vacating.
And good luck finding a local Democratic insider willing to claim the
party attempted to clear a path for her. However, when several other
Democrats showed up on deadline day to file, that aforementioned
"hastily assembled" district endorsement convention was soon announced.
Oddly, it was scheduled for Fathers' Day, when most of America has other
commitments. Ilhan said nothing of note about it, but other candidates
complained about the timing, and questioned the need for an endorsement
convention at all. Notably, the endorsement convention delegates had all
been chosen when Ellison was still the expected candidate.
media/Democratic symbiosis keeps burning the modern Left -- it's "how
they got Trump." It's easy to understand the disillusioned Midwest
former Obama voters, and the rage against "fake news," amidst such
In this instance,
Minnesota's current governor and 25-plus Democratic elected officials
have endorsed a candidate seemingly without bothering to view her
publicly available court records from just the past year.
Donald Trump portrays the Democrats as lawless, and their
identity-based immigration and security platform as juvenile
sentimentality. As November approaches, Trump couldn’t possibly find
better foils to make those points than Ilhan Omar and the Democrat/media
alliance that shepherded her to prominence.