Everything Wrong with Simone Biles’ Pro-Abortion Instagram Story
Simone Biles has always been an uncontroversial and undeniably talented Olympic athlete, beloved and admired by the entire world. That is, until this summer’s 2021 Olympics in Japan. During the Olympics, she withdrew from some competitions and, after the Olympics, she strongly advocated in favor of abortion. The first act was a personal decision but the second act, because of her prominence, could have profound repercussions and needs to be addressed.
As we all know, Biles stepped down from some Olympic competitions this year due to mental health concerns. Some will speculate that she “quit” because she felt unfairly scored. Others will say a combination of intense pressure, an aching body, and unbelievably difficult routines led to legitimate safety concerns.
I won’t pretend to understand what it feels like to be a 24-year-old internationally recognized athlete, often deemed the “best in the world,” competing on a worldwide stage. However, Biles and I are both type-A personalities. We are our worst critics, and we’re constantly competing with ourselves. With that in mind, I can only imagine the immense pressure Biles feels and how that affects her mental wellbeing.
But as a new advocate for mental health, Biles is doing an incredibly poor job of addressing one of the worst culprits of women’s mental health issues today – abortion.
This week, Biles posted on her Instagram story a request asking for “unpopular opinions.” One Instagram user replied, “abortion is wrong
to which Biles responded with a rant about how she is pro-choice,
especially after experiencing the broken foster care system.

Biles’ first mistake is likening adoption to foster care. She rolls her eyes at the thought of adoption as a beautiful, life-affirming solution to an unexpected pregnancy. As the child of an adopted man, I can personally attest to the tremendous value of adoption. I would not exist without it. On top of that, foster care and adoption are not synonymous.
Foster care is a complicated and often broken system, but the ultimate goal of foster care is to remove children from toxic situations and return them to their families when that situation is rectified. Adoption, on the other hand, is a process in which a child is permanently placed with another family. With adoption, birth mothers have many options, ranging from open to closed adoption. Many adoptive families are even willing to pay for a variety of the mother’s expenses during the pregnancy and birth. Does the foster system need to change? Absolutely. But that does not negate the beauty and necessity of adoption.
Biles’ second mistake is using her position of power and influence to deceive little girls into thinking abortion is okay. Young girls, especially those from minority communities, look up to Biles as a role model. We know the Spiderman quote – “With great power comes great responsibility.” And Simone Biles is, quite frankly, functioning as an irresponsible role model. Her advocacy for abortion – which intentionally kills an innocent preborn baby and harms mothers – could lead to irreparable harm for countless women and children whom Biles will never come to know.
Abortion has significant consequences, both physically and mentally. It can lead to severe cramping, heavy or persistent bleeding, internal organ damage, loss of fertility, breast cancer, infection, immune system inhibition, and even death. Additionally, there can be emotional and psychological repercussions associated with abortion including grief and regret, isolation, substance abuse, insomnia or nightmares, relationship issues, depression, anxiety, and even suicide.
The abortion industry has also victimized countless minority communities. Abortion kills more Black Americans than any other cause of death, including AIDs, cancer, violent crimes, accidents, and heart disease combined. In fact, Michael Novak, from the American Enterprise Institute, said, “America’s black community would now number 41 million persons” if not for abortion. That means the Black population would be 35% larger if abortion hadn’t killed a significant number of Black babies.
Planned Parenthood was founded on the racist beliefs of known eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who even spoke at KKK events. She sought to “purify” the American population through birth control for “the gradual suppression, elimination, and eventual extinction, of defective stocks – those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”
Planned Parenthood’s racist legacy even continues today, accepting donations to specifically kill Black babies and opposing legislation that would make race-based abortions illegal. Additionally, almost 80% of Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are placed within walking distance of minority communities.
As Toni McFadden, formerly Students for Life Action’s Minority Outreach and Healthy Relationships Director said, “The same harm of slavery continues today as another class of people are robbed of their human right to life—the preborn—and it is for them that I fight.”
When Biles publicly advocated for abortion due to a challenging experience in the foster care system, she essentially told little girls worldwide that death is better than difficulty. That they need abortion to be independent and successful. That abortion is inconsequential.
As a mental health “role model,” Simone Biles does a grave injustice to the many women who will suffer and even die after an abortion.
Biles is undeniably a successful victor over a broken foster care system. Instead of justifying the deaths of millions of preborn children, she should be inspiring others to have hope and triumph beyond their circumstances. Biles should champion reform of the foster care system instead of expressing a defeatist attitude because many people will experience some form of suffering in their life. Despite the hardships, life is beautiful and worth living – just as it has been for Biles.
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