D51 Bond questions and thoughts...
Let me start this post by saying I LOVE the idea of GJHS getting a new building! I also am a sucker for beautiful architecture! Anybody who knows me though will also know that I don't make decisions based on emotion. I look at the facts and logic. That being said I have a have a few thoughts on the proposed GJHS bond and would love to hear yours!
Did you know that currently 60% of your property tax goes to School District 51? Don't believe me? Look it up on the Mesa County Assessor! Add up "general, bond, 96, 2006, 2017 overrides".
Did you know that this bond will increase that by approximately 2.4%? Doesn't sound like much BUT...
Did you know that the large majority of the school district's 2021 tax revenue of almost $65M actually came from property taxes from businesses (not residences).
For statistical purposes I pulled the tax info for a couple businesses here locally.
Mesa Mall - 2021 Property tax bill = $378,302.78 of which $230,764 went to D51! Under the new bond proposal that property tax bill would increase almost $10,000/yr!
24 Rd City Market - 2021 Property tax bill = $128,722 of which $78,661 went to D51 with a proposed increase of $3,089/yr.
Local business owners, employers, suppliers of your groceries and goods will have no choice but to increase their costs.
Next thought... This school is proposed to cost approx $145 million dollars. $115M from bond measure, $10M grant, $20M "leftover from previous bonds"
Am I the only one wondering why there is $20M sitting around from previous bonds? Did they ask for too much? If there is a history of asking for more than needed is that the case here?

Next thought... We are proposing building a $145M school in a market where we are seeing the HIGHEST cost of construction we have seen ever. What happens if construction costs increase another 20% over their proposal? (which is approx what they have gone up in the past 12-18 months) That is an increase of $29 Million! Is there a contingency or phasing planned under that scenario. I have been reading about bond projects across the country that are in a world of hurt due to the increased cost of construction.
Final thought... What is this doing to solve the big problem? We are in this predicament because of a lack of planning for the future? How is this solving any problem of a new school needed in the Redlands eventually? Or updates to existing schools so they don't get in such disrepair as GJHS? Is it possible to build an architecturally boring school that is still functional for $80 Million? How do we keep from going back to the taxpayers year after year asking for MORE?
I'm a huge fan of fiscal responsibility. It's always easier to spend someone else's money.
I am very undecided in this issue because like I said I REALLY do want to see a new, beautiful GJHS but I am just not sure if this is the most responsible way to do it?
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