Sidney Powell Reveals The Truth About What Pelosi Did On January 6

Sidney Powell fights for Donald Trump and the future of our kids
In an interview with Stew Peters, the lawyer revealed what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi planned to do on January 6.
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“According to Powell, on the very day of January 6, there was one last-ditch legal effort that might have stopped the certification of disputed electoral slates by the Congress: A legal challenge to the Electoral Count Act, a 130-year-old law that governs the actual electoral college process,” Peters explained. “This law gives both the House and Senate explicit roles in evaluating electoral slates, even though the 12th Amendment to the Constitution only gives the House a role in choosing the President. The Senate is only involved in choosing a vice president.”
“So Powell brought a lawsuit to overturn that law but only filed it the afternoon of January 6, while a bunch of people was trampling through the capitol,” he added. “That riot might have played to her advantage by delaying the final resolution of the election, but then Nancy Pelosi one-upped her by reconvening Congress and finishing the tally in the middle of the night. The next day, Supreme Court Justice [Samuel] Alito dismissed the case, but it might have been different according to Powell if the election wasn’t already over.”
“We were filing a 12th amendment constitutional challenge to the process that the Congress was about to use under the electoral act, provisions that simply don’t jive with the 12th Amendment to the United States Constitution,” she stated. “And Justice Alito was our circuit justice for that, Louie Gohmert was the plaintiff in our lawsuit, and we were suing the vice president to follow the 12th Amendment as opposed to the… Electoral College Act.”
“So that was the main point, and Nancy Pelosi had finagled to file an amicus brief in it there have been inside goings-on in Congress, whereby I believe it was Steve Scalise and [Kevin] McCarthy kept her from being an actual party,” Powell explained. “She wanted to work her way into the case of the party, but somehow politically, that didn’t happen. So she got noticed when we made our filing because she wanted to file an amicus brief, or had filed an amicus brief, and then, you know, everything broke loose, and she had to really speed up reconvening Congress to get the vote going before Justice Alito might have issued an injunction to stop at all, which is what should have happened.”
Peters responded to this by saying, “you wouldn’t still be fighting for this if you didn’t see that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, the tunnel for accountability to happen here in this country. And you have to believe that that’s going to happen, or you wouldn’t still be fighting, is that right?”
“It must happen, or we’re gone as a country,” she replied. “I mean, for me, this isn’t about the person that was in the office of the presidency. It’s about the republic itself. It’s about the truth that the American people are entitled to. They were robbed of their choice. The American people were cheated of their choice as President, regardless of what his name was, they were flat out cheated of their choice as President.”
“And it’s about the rule of law, the truth and the very essence of our Republic, because without a transparent voting system, which we haven’t had, frankly, since 2004, if not before, in fact, we’ve uncovered evidence that there was a fraud way back in 2000, with the paper ballots to try to push everyone into the computerized systems, which only made it worse and made it harder to detect,” Powell continued. “We must go back to paper ballots. We must go back to real citizen identification and simply hand counting the ballots. It’s less time-consuming, it’s less expensive, and it’s far more accurate than what we’ve just experienced.”
“And we have to have some kind of certified ballot system like we used to have also, none of this prints your own ballot, whenever you want to and stuff 50 album in a box or whatever, whether it’s computerized or a box put out by Mr. Zuckerberg and company,” she concluded. “One of the very troubling things is that the media is so much in cahoots with Dominion and everyone that’s behind this voting scam. I think it goes much broader and much deeper than I originally realized, including aspects of the government. Because they have known about this since at least 2004 and failed to stop it if not absolutely augmented it themselves.”
This is just the beginning. Democrats won’t get away with this.
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