Exposing America's Ballot Trafficking Cartel - Part V
True the Vote must analyze the swing state voting centers, the ballot printing companies, and the USPS facility where Jesse Morgan's '288,000 completed mail-in ballots' went missing in Pennsylvania.
All of my articles on True the Vote, 2000 Mules, and 2020 election fraud — Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, and Part VI.
True The Vote has spent the last year collecting — two petabytes of data, ten trillion cell phone pings, and four million minutes of surveillance video — between October 1st and January 6th in targeted areas in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
The data includes geofenced points of interest like ballot drop box locations, as well as select government, commercial, and non-governmental organization (NGO) facilities.
True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Philips spent $2 million to buy publicly available cell phone data that can pinpoint an individual’s location within a few inches and they used this data to uncover an organized criminal ballot trafficking ring that was responsible for millions of fraudulent mail-in ballots during the 2020 election.
The dropbox stuffing activity followed a consistent pattern, Gregg explained. Every operation involved “a set of collectors, a collection point or stash house for all the ballots, the bundling of those ballots, and then the casting of those ballots [in the drop boxes] by, what we were calling, ‘mules.’”
This geolocation data was then augmented by voter drop box surveillance video, chain of custody documents, and other critical corroborating evidence.
There are 5 key components to the ballot trafficking hypothesis, Philips summarized: “inaccurate voter rolls, mass mail ballots, NGOs, privately funded drop boxes, and money.”
“Following the money,” Phillips said True the Vote has uncovered a “nationwide grift around voting” in which not-for-profits orchestrated paid ballot collection, ballot preparation, and harvested ballot delivery operations.
The group estimates that approximately 7 percent of mail-in ballots (4.8 million nationwide) were illegally trafficked during the 2020 election, and this comes as no surprise to more than half of the country with the latest Rasmussen Report surveys showing between 52 percent to 59 percent of voters believe it is likely that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election”.
True the Vote’s cellphone location-tracking technology might be able to answer some of those questions that many Americans still have — like the story of truck driver Jesse Morgan.
Pennsylvania trucker Jesse Morgan drove approximately 288,000 completed mail-in ballots from Bethpage, New York to the USPS facility in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania where he waited for six hours before being told to drive his unloaded cargo to Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
That’s where he unhitched the still-loaded trailer, parked his tractor elsewhere, and went home for the night.
When Jesse returned to the USPS facility the next morning to retrieve his trailer, it was gone with the quarter of a million completed mail-in ballots.
True the Vote has the unique capability of geofencing the USPS facilities in Bethpage, New York, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Lancaster, Pennsylvania during the week of October 21, 2020, to see if any individual involved in the ballot trafficking ring visited those locations.
They could also investigate who dropped off those completed mail-in ballots at Bethpage, New York, and who took Jesse Morgan’s trailer during the early morning hours of October 22, 2020, at the USPS facility in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
True the Vote could also investigate the 3:30 AM ballot drop at Detroit’s TCF Center which is another event that we already have witness affidavits and surveillance footage of courtesy of The Gateway Pundit.
In Michigan, at the Detroit TCF Center, at 3:30 AM on the morning of November 4th, a black Hyundai Elantra and a white van delivered tens of thousands of ballots seven and a half hours after the 8:00 PM deadline.
Former Michigan State Senator Pat Colbeck was present at the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th where he witnessed the 3:30 AM ballot delivery along with numerous other witnesses who signed sworn affidavits.
Colbeck spoke with The Gateway Pundit back in November 2020, “I went back there and I witnessed a mini-panel truck if you will with a Detroit Election Bureau regalia all over the side and a vehicle ID number on it… And inside of it, and this gets into some chain of custody discussions, there was no indication that there was a Republican and a Democrat (present) during transfer. We don’t know if they stopped by a sidestreet in Coney Island and picked up a few more ballots during transfer. We have no way of verifying any of that information.”
Three hours later, at 6:31 AM, a batch of 149,772 votes was added to the count in Michigan with Joe Biden receiving 134,886 of those votes.
This was the infamous vote spike in Michigan that wiped out Donald Trump’s lead.
True the Vote has the capability of identifying the cellphones of the drivers of the white van and black Hyundai Elantra who dropped off those ballots at 3:30 AM at the Detroit TCF Center, including if those individuals had visited any of the ballot mules, stash houses, NGOs, or non-profits involved in Michigan’s ballot trafficking ring before or after that early morning delivery.
If any of these individuals were involved in the criminal ballot trafficking ring, software could analyze their frequently visited locations to deduce who they are, where they live, and where they work to get a clearer picture of how they fit into this criminal ballot trafficking mosaic.
Democrats working hand in hand with Mark Zuckerberg’s $400 million in Civic for Tech Civic and Life (CTCL) grants were able to increase the overall total of ballots cast by mail from 28.8 million in 2016 to 66.4 million in 2020.
True the Vote has the ability to geofence CTCL’s headquarters and its locations in swing states and they also have the ability to cast a geolocation net over the vote-counting centers which Zuckerberg’s money ordered the consolidation of the counting into.
On election night, for the first time in U.S. history, numerous counties in swing states announced that they had paused counting for the night and that they would resume counting in the morning.
In the above video, the corporate media reported that Alleghany county, Butler county, Beaver county, West Moreland county, Fulton county, Luzerne county, and the state of Nevada stopped counting on election night.
True the Vote could geofence all of the swing state vote counting centers and all of the commercial, non-profit, and non-governmental organizations involved with ballot trafficking, and filter for a pattern of life to identify any individuals who visited a vote-counting center as well as an organization linked to ballot trafficking.
In particular, they could focus on the voting counting centers in counties that stopped counting on election night and what transpired after it was announced that vote counting had stopped.
For example, on election night, an observer at the Philadelphia Convention Center photographed approximately forty to fifty people entering the vote-counting center with backpacks, bags, and purses without being checked by security at around 11:30 PM.
True the Vote could track the identity of every person who entered the Philadelphia Convention center at that time and builds out a pattern of life to see if they had any previous interactions with ballot mules, stash houses, or non-profits involved in Pennsylvania’s ballot trafficking ring.
In Fulton County, everyone cleared out of the State Farm Arena on election night due to what the corporate media reported as a ‘water pipe leak’, but at least four people stayed behind and continued to count ballots in private from around 10:30 pm until 1:00 am.
In Georgia, Joe Biden received 98% of a 23,487 batch of votes at 12:18 AM and he received another 136,155 votes at 1:34 AM that gave him the lead over Donald Trump.
There were nine witness affidavits from State Farm Arena testifying to stacks of unusual mail-in ballots with "pristine sheets, no creases, and perfect bubbles" that went "all for Biden".
While Governor Brian Kemp and Georgia courts have refused to allow neutral parties to inspect those ‘pristine’ ballots, True the Vote could see if anyone involved in Georgia’s ballot trafficking operations visited State Farm Arena and they could identify who stayed and if anyone visited the voting counting center on election night after the reported ‘water pipe leak’.
In Pennsylvania’s Delaware County, former Navy Commanding Officer, forensic computer scientist, and poll watcher, Gregory Strenstrom, testified that after the votes had all been counted, there was an extra 70,000 unopened mail-in ballots locked way in a back office that were unaccounted for.
Strenstrom also reported that forty-seven USB drives were missing in Delaware county from that same vote-counting center and that he had witnessed a man who was “not a part of the process” walk into the vote tabulation center with “baggies of USBs” and stick these USBs into the machines “over 24 times”.
In Pennsylvania, a few months before the 2020 election, a laptop and USB drives used to program voting machines were also stolen from an election warehouse during the week of September 30th, 2020.
True the Vote could identify who stole those USB drives from the election warehouse and if anyone involved in ballot trafficking visited the Delaware county vote-counting center.
In Milwaukee, the executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission, Claire Woodall-Vogg, lost a flash drive on election night at the Central Count building right before she reported the absentee ballots that famously spiked Joe Biden’s votes into the lead at 3 AM in the critical battleground state.
Claire Woodall-Vogg, who was providing Democrat-operative Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein and private liberal organizations with daily reports on Milwaukee’s voting data, was also recorded tabulating Milwaukee’s mail-in ballots late at night on computers alone without observers.

The Wisconsin Office of Special Counsel investigating Zuckerberg’s CTCL grants reported that Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, a CTCL grant mentor, directed election administration in Green Bay, developed absentee voting protocols and set up a wireless network for election day operations in his Hyatt Regency hotel room.
True the Vote could augment ongoing investigations in Wisconsin with cellphone location tracking data from the Milwaukee Central Count facility and Spitzer-Rubenstein’s Green Bay Hyatt Regency hotel room.
True the Vote also has the ability to geofence the private companies that played a critical role in the 2020 election such as Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software, and ballot printers like Runbeck, K&H Printers, Michigan Election Resources (now renamed Plerus), Phoenix Graphics, etc.
The U.S. government and law enforcement also have access to cellphone location data and software that can build patterns of life to identify individuals involved in this criminal ballot trafficking ring, but it will take a grassroots organization like True the Vote and a coalition of determined citizens to fix this problem because a government elected by illegal ballot trafficking will not fix itself.
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