Widespread Election Fraud in Wisconsin - Part VI
Michael Gableman reveals 'widespread election fraud' in nursing homes and how a CTCL-funded Democrat operative ran Green Bay's election from his Hyatt Regency hotel room.
All of my articles on True the Vote, 2000 Mules, and 2020 election fraud — Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, and Part VI.
Last August, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos authorized the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), headed by retired state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, to investigate concerns about the 2020 election. Gableman delivered an interim report to the state assembly on November 10, 2021.
Last Tuesday, Gableman delivered a second interim report to the Wisconsin Assembly’s elections committee. Mr. Gableman wrote, “Ultimately, WEC’s directives mandated that widespread “election fraud” be undertaken in relation to the November 2020 election.”
Mr. Gableman vetted more than 90 nursing homes in five different counties before concluding there was “widespread election fraud at Wisconsin nursing homes in November of 2020.”

Mr. Gableman also found that $8.8 million in Zuckerberg grant funds directed solely to five Democratic strongholds in Wisconsin violated the state’s election code’s prohibition on bribery. He wrote, “The record created by public document requests shows that CTCL, a private company headquartered in Chicago, engaged in an election bribery scheme.”
Zuckerberg’s CTCL grant money came with strings attached that created a two-tiered election system that treated voters differently depending on whether they lived in Democrat or Republican areas. Wisconsin’s five largest cities—Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha, and Green Bay—were invited to take CTCL’s private money on the condition that they “increased in-person voting and absentee voting for targeted areas and groups”.
These groups met particular demographic criteria which, Gableman wrote, “matched that of the Biden-voter profile”.

Zuckerberg’s grant money also hired “CTCL’s partners for election administration”. A New York lawyer and Democrat political operative, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein was listed as a “CTCL grant mentor” who directed election administration in Green Bay.
Mr. Rubenstein provided instructions to Central Count workers, developed absentee voting protocols, and set up a wireless network for Election Day operations in his Hyatt Regency hotel room.
The Special Counsel wrote, “At Mr. Spitzer Rubenstein’s instruction, there were three WiFi networks available. One was the general conference facility public network that would be available to members of the press and others. That network was password-protected, but the password was widely available. A second password-protected WiFi network was created for Central Count staff. Mr. Spitzer Rubenstein also directed that a third WiFi network be established, but that network was to be hidden and it was not to be password-protected. Spitzer Rubenstein also ensured that both networks reached his hotel room on the 8th floor.”
Two major machine manufacturers were identified in Wisconsin, Dominion Voting and ES&S. In regards to Dominion, Mr. Gableman wrote, “These specific machines can be manipulated to alter actual votes cast— either surreptitiously or by the machine technicians.” He continued:
“The OSC was able to identify, through the reports of experts, that the failed machine recorded two anonymous and unauthorized access events from its VPN. This means, contrary to what Dominion has publicly stated, that at least some machines had access to the internet on election night. Shortly after the unauthorized access was recorded, the machine failed and was reset, wiping all voting history and forcing that election administrator to rely on unverifiable paper printouts from the failed machine.”
In regards to ES&S, Gableman stated that the central problem was that “several of the machines are made with a 4G wireless modem installed, enabling them to connect to the internet through a Wi-Fi hotspot.”
One municipality under investigation in Wisconsin by the OSC admitted that these machines had these modems and were connected to the internet on election night. The reason given was to “transmit data” about votes to the county clerks.
This comes as no surprise as NBC News reported on January 10, 2020, that ES&S had 14,000 modems in use to connect tabulators to the internet.
The OSC learned that all machines in Green Bay were ES&S machines and were connected to a secret, hidden Wi-Fi access point at the Grand Hyatt hotel, which was the location used by the City of Green Bay on the day of the 2020 Presidential election.
The OSC discovered the Wi-Fi, machines, and ballots were controlled by, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, a single individual, who was not a government employee but an agent of a special interest group operating in Wisconsin.
The OSC spent a great deal of time looking into the use of a “ ballot tracking and harvesting application” that was used in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. The OSC discovered the application when “reviewing email exchanges between the Zuckerberg 5 and third parties”.
The OSC identified the developers and obtained the source code for the application. These cell phone apps were part of the Zuckerberg funded operation and they allowed the user access to the voter rolls and live updates on ballots received by a county.
The OSC also learned that cities had access to statewide WisVote and BadgerBooks data through an Application Programming Interface (API), which provided real time, free information to special interest groups who used that information for selective, racially-targeted get-out-the-vote purposes under the contracts.
Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman will continue his investigation, but he has already confirmed that the voting machines were connected to the internet on election night, private money dictated policies that undermined state laws, and there was widespread fraud in Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential election which was decided by 20,682 votes.
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