Monday, October 14, 2013

Commentary: Far from discredited, I was right about the polls - Arlington Conservative |

Commentary: Far from discredited, I was right about the polls - Arlington Conservative |

Commentary: Far from discredited, I was right about the polls (Video)

October 14, 2013
The liberal media has every reason and motive to try to slander and “discredit,” and repeatedly refer to as “discredited” as if such a claim is established fact, the concept of un-skewing of the skewed media-commissioned polls that I conducted last Fall. The reason is simple, I was right about the polls being skewed for a great part of last year's election cycle. And the fact that the polls were skewed, and how they were skewed, caught the major media and some of their polling allies engaged in a consistent and blatant practice of skewing their polls. Why did they do this? Because they were not measuring public opinion, they were creating and influencing public opinion, for the purpose of getting their beloved failed President Barack Obama reelected.
In July of 2012 I analyzed and unskewed a Washington Post/ABC news skewed poll that showed the presidential race tied at 47 percent. The result, unskewed, showed Romney probably had a 50 percent to 43 percent lead at the time. By early October, I predicted the pollsters, even those that were badly skewing their polls throughout the summer of 2012, would gradually start to skew less to the point that their polls would be much closer to being accurate. I was right about this too, it did in fact happen. By the latter part of October of last year, I all but said the skewing was no longer being done by many of the polling firms. The issue was chronicled in this article also. I also showed how the media polls were more skewed than the one conducted by independent polling firms.
For those among the liberal media and the activists on the far left who said I was wrong about my prediction of the presidential election last year, I was right on 46 states and wrong on just FOUR states. And it's been since established those four states were definitely won by Obama on the margin of voter fraud. Just two days ago, I predicted that Cory Booker will win the New Jersey special election for senate this Wednesday, by a margin of 53 percent to 45 percent over Steve Lonegan. A Monmouth University poll of the race, released today, shows Booker leading 52 percent to 42 percent. Look how close my projection is to that, and I still may be spot on correct, because the numbers can easiy move two or three percent between now and election day on Wednesday.
When I repeated predicted in 2012 that the pollsters would put out more accurate numbers by late October, I was right about that too. Let's look at the final Real Clear Politics average of polls before the 2012 election. The picture above shows that final 2012 Real Clear Politics average of the polls. There are nine polls in that final RCP average, and seven of them show the race essentially tied, because they show it within the margin of error for those polls. The other two show the race within three percent, just barely above the margin of error. The average shows Obama leading by 0.7 percent.
Given that the results of the elections shows Obama winning the popular vote by 3.9 percent, some on the far left say that 3.2 percent difference between the results and the final RCP average proves the polls were slightly skewed against Obama. That's absurd. The difference is largely accounted for by the massive voter fraud that took place in the 2012 election, in which millions of bogus votes (remember the fraudulent ACORN voter registrations?) were cast and counted by Democrats. Voter fraud did happen, massively, and in a few instances it has been exposed. One reader commenting on this article, said watch Hamilton County in Ohio. Voter fraud in Hamilton County was exposed, and, Democrat activist Melowese Richardson was convicted and sent to jail for five years for voter fraud.
Since last year, we've learned a lot more about how, via the abuse of IRS authority and other elements of government, the Obama Regime was able to suppress millions of Republican voters and destroy the organizing efforts of hundreds of conservative and TEA Party groups via IRS harassment, and denial of their tax-exempt status that allowed them to raise funds for their activities. In the end, millions of voters were suppressed and the election was stolen. And the poll were actually skewed.

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