For all my more liberal friends, find your place...5 Types of Liberals
For all my more liberal friends, find your place...5 Types of Liberals
all my more liberal friends, find your place...5 Types of Liberals
Liberalis intellectualius: Most dangerous of all
liberals, domestic enemies of the United States often sporting impressive Ivy
League degrees and are considered to be the Crème de la Crème of the
intellectual elite. While their education accomplishments are certainly
impressive, they often consider the Constitution an archaic relic and have no
shortage of revisionist suggestions. Due to their academic prowess they are
powerful debaters, extremely stubborn and truly believe that their intelligence
and deep understanding of complex issues can be and should be used to make the
world better. Because of their intelligence they often consider conservatives
little more than English speaking nitwits and have no compunction labeling them
knuckle dragging Neanderthals . Here is the major problem though; Because they
are so intelligent and because they constantly strive to change the world, they
invariably turn to centralization and federal control. Despite history
demonstrably illustrating the failure of centralized policies, these Ivy League
braniancs insist that THIS time it will be different and previous failures were
not due to flawed policies, but flawed human beings. They refuse to accept that
the market and the economy is much too complex to be controlled by humans and
insist on revising history to suit their own needs. Much like the New Dealers
of the 30s flaunting their Columbia degrees, modern day Obammunists hailing
from Harvard, Yale and other liberal vortexes are poised to exercise their
intellectual futility when the opposite is so sorely needed.
Examples: John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Barack Obama, Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal, Al Gore, anyone
from Harvard, 75% of all Jews (sadly)
Liberalis federal aidus relius: One of the largest
constituencies of the Liberal party this group represents all those that rely
on the federal government for sustenance. This includes a large number of
people who legitimately require aid due to physical impairments, overwhelming
hardships and other perfectly reasonable excuses. Sadly, this includes an ever
larger number of people who exploit the system and have grown accustomed to the
way of life suckling on the tit of government. This overwhelmingly large group
(and getting larger) resent the very fibres of this society that make this
great country what it is, focus their angers on big business and the wealthy
and justify their welfare state acceptance as something normal. Unfortunately
for them they fail to realize that the very systems implemented to help these
people destroy them; welfare checks that encourage broken family units and
subsidized housing units creating a perpetual cauldron of sloth while
discouraging incentive, hard work and perseverance. The government at the same
time ignores the overwhelming consequences of their own actions due to an ever
growing and reliable voting base.
Examples: Julio Osugueda, Peggy the Moocher, minorities
Liberalis arborus huggus: Tree-huggers, granola
munchers and general do-gooders comprise this next set of liberals. Driven by
earthly desires these people do not claim to be economic wizards nor do they
care, materialism does not concern them - saving the earth, and holding hands
with everyone does. They are deeply concerned with the advancement of human
civilization and resent the progress made by industry due to it's perceived
negative effect on humanity. They could care less that this advancement enables
people all over the world to live longer and more fulfilling lives, because the
destruction of an innocent - yes I said innocent - tree, is more sinful than
aborting an 8 month fetus. They believe in global warming as if it was gospel
and because it came from the mouth of a liberalis intellectualis can be considered
as much, despite the fact that half of the world's scientists are skeptical.
Wars to them are an abomination and if only world leaders, tyrants, dictators
and jihadists could pick up some stringed instruments and sing Kumbaya, peace
would instantly wipe away all religious and cultural differences unleashing
rainbows and unicorns upon the world. Almost regardless of age, arborus huggus
continue to believe that everything can be achieved via dialog and ignore that
humanity has fought for the past 5,000 years. This misplaced faith in human
nature would be laughable if it did not shape the foreign policy of so many
Examples: Code Pink, Tim Robbins, half of Hollywood,
pot heads. (John Kerry, again)
Liberalis infantius: A massive group largely
represented by students and persons who have yet to enter the work force. A
unique group of individuals who generally lack both the experience of real
world or any serious fundamental understanding of economics, foreign policy,
finance or anything else that matters. Emboldened instead by newfound knowledge
gleamed from institutions spewing liberal propaganda, this group largely feeds
off itself in a fury of prepubescent peer pressure angst. As most parents would
attest teenagers are impossible to reason with considering they believe the
world is against them and constantly mutter phrases like "You just don't
understand" or "If you were my age...", which of course is fine
when it comes to cleaning one's room, but NOT fine when it comes to selecting
the next president of the United States. Infantius naturally gravitate towards
social issues, since never having paid taxes and lacking any kind of real
economic knowledge leaves them rationalizing with their hearts or relying on
CNN - like gay marriage, abortion and equality. If only they would just espouse
their issues in the form of parades and other nuisances instead of the voting
booth, America would be a much better place. At least they have a big healthy
heart. Their operative word is "fair" against which all is compared.
Examples: 75% of all youth.
Liberalis cardius bleedus: This last kind of liberal
can be found anywhere and manifests itself in the most awkward of situations,
like in an argument about the detrimental effects of welfare for example.
Cardius bleedus or "bleeding heart" liberals provide no historical
examples, no technical explanations and generally lack fundamental knowledge of
the economy or fiscal policy (similar to infantius). Instead they prefer to
extend their compassion to all the unfortunate individuals of our society and
for some strange reason truly believe that the federal government is the only
institution capable of helping. They consider themselves to be the champion of
the unfortunate even though conservatives routinely beat out liberals in raw
dollars given to charity. When asked why cardius bleedus prefers inefficient
government aid over charity organizations one is usually met a with a blank
stare followed by a dismissive shrug or wave of a hand. One point worth
mentioning is that cardius bleedus is also heavily prone to conversion, given
that they are typical middle class working stiffs, ironically fed up paying
higher taxes and would routinely use phrases like "good enough for
government work". Go figure.
Examples: Your co-worker, your neighbor, you?
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