Friday, October 16, 2015

Liar Liar: Hillary Caught LYING 27 Times During Debate [Video]

Liar Liar: Hillary Caught LYING 27 Times During Debate [Video] 

Ben Shapiro, once again, did a masterful job of dissecting Hillary during the debate in Vegas. I encourage you to read all of it. Lying is second nature to Hillary Clinton. It’s what she does and she does it so well, with evidently no qualms whatsoever. She shifts with the political winds and revises history at the drop of a hat. Hillary has flip flopped so many times, I don’t even know what any of her original stances were. It doesn’t matter – they were lies to begin with. She’ll do anything and say anything to get elected. She even lied about being a Progressive – she’s a communist. Nothing is ever free… you just get taxed to death and wind up in poverty. Hillary doesn’t want a national village, she wants a national ghetto. And she wants to strip us of our constitutional rights as she rapes us of every penny we’ve ever earned. She’s a liar and a fascist – it’s a twofer.
From Breitbart:
Tuesday night’s debate featured a master class on lying from the lying liar who lies about her lies, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
She spoke for approximately 24 minutes, and aside from her opening statement – “I’m Hillary Clinton” – virtually every word that exited her mouth was untrue. But because Hillary appeared to be [a] lady with mild socialist depression in a full-blown socialist insane asylum, nobody laid a glove on her.
Thus it is left to us to debunk her various obfuscations and untruths. Here we go.
“I have spent a very long time – my entire adult life – looking for ways…to find the ways for each child to live up to his or her God-given potential.” Well, unless you’re an unborn child. Then, get ready for a trip down the sink.
“Yes, finally, fathers will be able to say to their daughters, you, too, can grow up to be president.” Technically, you’ll have to marry a president first, however.
Actually, I have been very consistent.” Anderson Cooper asked Hillary about her shifting positions on issues ranging from the Iraq war to same-sex marriage to the Trans-Pacific Partnership. She then dropped that whopper. Hillary has been one of the least consistent major party candidates in American history. She then dropped a series of lies about her own positional changes. And then she finally concluded that she had a “range of views, but they are rooted in my values and my experience.” Those values are “becoming president” and her experience is “reading the polls.”
“I did say, when I was secretary of state, three years ago, that I hoped it would be the gold standard. It was just finally negotiated last week, and in looking at it, it didn’t meet my standards.” This is plainly untrue. Here’s what she said in 2012 about the TPP: “This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field.” She didn’t hope it would be the gold standard. It was the gold standard. Naturally, PolitiFact labeled this statement “half-true.” That means it’s a huge, glaring lie.
“I’m a progressive. But I’m a progressive who likes to get things done…how to find common ground, and I have proved that in every position that I’ve had, even dealing with Republicans who never had a good word to say about me, honestly.” Nope. As Senator from New York, Hillary accomplished virtually nothing. Her name was attached to exactly zero legislation. Her only major impact on policy came in the form of Hillarycare, which drove Republicans to massive electoral victory in 1994.
“When I think about capitalism, I think about all the small businesses that were started…” The media drooled over the exchange between Hillary and Bernie over capitalism. But there is no distinction between the economic philosophy of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and that of Hillary Clinton. She said she wanted to use government to force companies to “share profits with the workers” – a line straight from the Marxist playbook. She said she wanted the wealthy to “pay their fair share” – which meant everything. She said she wanted paid family leave, universal college tuition availability, and a bevy of other free goodies. As I tweeted before the debate, her competition with Bernie Sanders looked like this:
Hillary: Free health care! Sanders: Free college! Hillary: Free abortions! Sanders: Free EVERYTHING! Hillary: FREE EVERYTHING INFINITY!
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 13, 2015

“I know we can afford it, because we’re going to make the wealthy pay for it. That is the way to get it done.” This myth, repeated ad nauseum by Democrats, is truly reprehensible. Rich people cannot pay for all the utopian programs proposed by the left. As John Stossel points out, “If the IRS grabbed 100 percent of income over $1 million, the take would be just $616 billion.” Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton worshipped at the altar of Denmark last night, but Denmark has lower corporate tax rates than the United States, and far higher taxes on the middle class. You pay a 200 percent tax on cars in Denmark — everyone. Socialism isn’t built on the backs of the rich. It’s built on the backs of everyone who earns, and that includes the middle class.
“Well, in addition to the NRA, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the Iranians.” The Iranians are not Hillary’s enemies. They love her.
Hillary’s a liar. But Democrats don’t care, because liars prosper in a world where hard work and honesty are punished in the name of equality and the Great Socialist Utopia.
Sanders honeymooned in Russia. No one goes there to honeymoon unless you are a communist. Hillary adores Putin and lies for him whenever she can. She’s just like Obama with Russia – flexible. There’s money, power and corruption in it for her, so she is more than willing to sell out her country. She has the nerve to speak of how she killed Gadhafi. Yep, he was an evil man, but he was making peace at the time she killed him and wasn’t getting ready to kill Americans. She had him taken out so she could set up financial and arms deals in Libya. Ask Sidney Blumenthal. She sidestepped her involvement in Benghazi altogether. She’s still trying to get the blood off her hands I guess. ISIS now controls Libya and she lied about that too. She talks about stopping nuclear proliferation, while supporting Iran’s nuclearization. Hypocrite much? Like Sanders, she wants to do away with guns, oil and banks. All communist goals. Looks like the Democrat Party is now the official Communist Party.


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