15-Year-Old Political Activist: Trump Has Done More for Black Folks in One Year Than Obama Did in Eight

The public of opinion of President Donald Trump took a significant hit last week after his alleged controversial comments regarding which nations the United States should accept immigrants from.
That's why this young man's defense of President Trump will certainly make your ears perk up. He lays out some simple reasons why Trump has done more for the black community in his first year than former President Barack Obama did in his eight years in office.
“@realDonaldTrump has done more for black folks in one year than Obama did in eight. #MLK would be proud. #MAGA #MLKDay,” he tweeted:
He cited the following reasons:
1. “Black unemployment is at an all-time low.”
2. He has set his sites on saving “inner cities” all across America, and he "lowered the violent crime rate in these cities so that black babies aren't scared to go and play in the playground without the threat of being shot hanging over their head.”
3. “He's also focused on bringing jobs to these communities, bringing economic investments to these communities and bringing rising wages to these communities,” he noted.
He said of Trump's predecessor: “Something that President Obama never did in the entirety of his eight years in office.”
4. Trump has focused on saving historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). “President Trump sees the merit of these institutions continuing to thrive in America today,” he said.
He continued:
WATCH: MSNBC Asks Sarah Sanders If Trump Is a 'Racist' — She Points Finger Right Back at NBC
That's why this young man's defense of President Trump will certainly make your ears perk up. He lays out some simple reasons why Trump has done more for the black community in his first year than former President Barack Obama did in his eight years in office.
“@realDonaldTrump has done more for black folks in one year than Obama did in eight. #MLK would be proud. #MAGA #MLKDay,” he tweeted:
He cited the following reasons:
1. “Black unemployment is at an all-time low.”
2. He has set his sites on saving “inner cities” all across America, and he "lowered the violent crime rate in these cities so that black babies aren't scared to go and play in the playground without the threat of being shot hanging over their head.”
3. “He's also focused on bringing jobs to these communities, bringing economic investments to these communities and bringing rising wages to these communities,” he noted.
He said of Trump's predecessor: “Something that President Obama never did in the entirety of his eight years in office.”
4. Trump has focused on saving historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). “President Trump sees the merit of these institutions continuing to thrive in America today,” he said.
He continued:
"I would argue that President Trump has led a presidency that Martin Luther King would be proud of, and it's kind of funny to say because everyone in the media, everyone in the left is hell bent on accusing this president of being a racist, a bigot, and all these other baseless accusations that have no merit at all.Pearson believes the left should “take notes” from President Trump on what leadership really looks like.
This is a president who has done more for black folks in a year than President Obama did in eight years. And you want to call him a phony, a racist, a bigot. Who are you telling?
I, as a black teenager, I saw the devastation that liberal policies have had within the black community, I have seen the hurt that they have caused.
I have seen the pain that President Obama's inaction has caused in places like Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, and so forth and so on. [...]
President Trump has done more for black people than President Obama wished to do and could do. And that is the truth. [...]
America first is America together, and that is why President Trump and Martin Luther King are two birds of the same feather."
WATCH: MSNBC Asks Sarah Sanders If Trump Is a 'Racist' — She Points Finger Right Back at NBC
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