RISIBLE Renewables: 30 Years and $Trillions in Subsidies – Wind & Solar’s Total Output Less than 1% of World Energy Demand
Posted: January 14, 2018“The truth is that after decades of beefy government subsidies [$Trillions] wind power still meets just 0.46 percent of earth’s total energy demands, according to data from the International Energy Agency (IEA).
“One must also remember that such massive investments in solar panels would inevitably contribute to resource scarcity: modern electronics require many of the same minerals as do solar panels. Increased competition for a finite supply of minerals would raise the prices of our electronic goods, as well as the price of electricity.
“Given these facts, we can reasonably conclude that the green energy industry is little more than a corporate welfare scheme marketed under the guise of noble intentions.”
UNRELIABLES = The climate-theory-obsessed Western world’s economic suicide note.

A decade from now, as grids collapse and businesses and households are driven into penury, because they can no longer afford their rocketing power bills, the current generation will have plenty of time to lament (albeit, sitting freezing or boiling in the dark).
South Australians, with a deluded and dangerous Labor Premier, utterly obsessed with wind power, are acutely aware of the price that has to be paid for attempting to run on sunshine and breezes.
Those still clinging to the hope that all will be well again, one day, could be forgiven for believing that throwing all to the wind and the sun is paying dividends, right now.
For more than 30 years the wind industry has been telling us that the wind is ‘free’ and getting cheaper all the time. However, as retail power prices rocketed in places like Denmark, Germany and South Australia; as routine load shedding…
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