Texas Man’s Pregnant Wife Never Wanted to Have a Gun in the House – But Now She’s Sure Glad He Insisted
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save more lives protecting the innocent and victims of crime than any
mainstream news outlet has ever told you about! Thank God that lawful
citizens are protected by the 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms and
defend themselves against evildoers.
On Saturday, she was extremely thankful to have the protection of a gun on her side.
The pregnant woman, identified only as “Alex,” told KGBT-TV that she was startled by the sound of a man banging loudly on her front door while another man walked around to the back of her Palmview, Texas, home. Her husband had just left 20 minutes before.

Screen shot from Video below (KGBT-TV) To view complete video, click the large arrow in center of video
Sensing something was very wrong, the pregnant woman retrieved her husband’s handgun for protection. With one hand on the firearm and the other dialing 911, one of the men broke into the house.
“Oh my gosh, he broke in!” the woman told the operator.
She remembered what her husband told her while practicing shooting just months before: “When you’re in a situation like that- you’re not going to think twice.”
He was right.
When the two men realized the woman was armed, they took off towards their truck. Alex’s “adrenaline kicked in” and she shot once at the vehicle. She said she was not aiming to shoot the men, but rather at the truck to both scare the burglars and provide police an identifying marker that might help them track it down.
Unsurprisingly, Alex is very thankful her husband insisted that they not only keep a firearm in the house, but that she learn how to use it.
“I was against him buying a gun maybe 7-8 months ago, but I told him, ‘I don’t know if I told you, thank you for doing that’ because it changed the situation completely,” she told KGBT-TV.
Palmview Police and SWAT eventually tracked down the suspects, brothers Lucas and Jesus Ortiz, who had barricaded themselves inside a different home. Authorities blocked off the area and negotiated with the two men, ultimately arresting them.
“Palmview Police say Lucas and Jesus Ortiz were high on unknown drugs at the time of the burglary and that they are still not being cooperative with the investigation,” KGBT-TV reports.
Featured image, carousel image via shutterstock.com
Read More: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/09/13/texas-mans-pregnant-wife-never-wanted-to-have-a-gun-in-the-house-but-now-shes-sure-glad-he-insisted/
Item #2 of 2
As a dozen national studies show, including a study by the National
Institute of Justice and two studies commissioned by gun-prohibition
PEOPLE 1 GO 2.4 MILLION TIMES PER YEAR, far exceeding all reliable
estimates of criminal misuse. Using a gun to resist a crime or assault
is safer than not resisting at all or resisting with means other than
firearms. Guns not only repel crime, guns deter crime as is shown by
numerous surveys of criminals. The studies proving the ineffectiveness
and the dangers of gun prohibition are met with “if it saves only one
life…” The most loving person, however, must admit that A GOOD
LIFE LOST BECAUSE A GUN WAS PRESENT. Since 50 to 75 lives are saved by
a gun for every life lost to a gun, we must see deceitful images that
pluck at our heartstrings for the lies they are — not a basis for public
policy — even when a doctor, a policeman, or a medical journal is
telling the lie!Source – Read More: http://www.gunsandcrime.org/suter-fa.html
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/watchwomanonthewall/#HeFXBl8AFAkttuzR.99
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