Wednesday, February 17, 2021

"They Resent the Whole Premise Behind Elections" - Rush Limbaugh's Prophetic Observation About Democrats Before the 2020 Election

"They Resent the Whole Premise Behind Elections" - Rush Limbaugh's Prophetic Observation About Democrats Before the 2020 Election



“They Resent the Whole Premise Behind Elections” – Rush Limbaugh’s Prophetic Observation About Democrats Before the 2020 Election

In October of 2020, days before the 2020 election and the greatest steal in election history, the now-late and great Rush Limbaugh shared one of the most prophetic observations of his career.

Rush shared “They [the Democrats] resent the whole premise behind elections.”  He knew they were getting rid of elections.  There simply was no broad public support behind Democrat ideas.

We pointed this out after the election:

TRENDING: Terrible News: Radio Legend Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70 --Golden Microphone Goes Silent

Rush was right – the familiar phrase repeated by conservatives over the past 30 years.

The Democrats pushed a candidate in 2020 who could not complete a full sentence, who hid in his basement, and when he did hold a public “rally” could only get a few dozen supporters to show up in a parking lot to honk horns.

Rush Limbaugh’s comments in October were as follows – the great radio host told his vast audience what Democrats were up to.  And he was right.

Via the Rush Limbaugh Show:

They resent the whole premise behind elections. Look, they don’t believe they should have to persuade anybody to agree with them. Therefore, they don’t believe in campaigns. They don’t believe in the free, open exchange of ideas. There aren’t any legitimate ideas outside of their own.

They don’t believe in giving legitimacy to anybody who is not already on their side. So if this is who they are psychologically — if they have no interest in persuading people, if they have no interest in acquiring power as a result of massive public support — then who are they? What are they? They want power simply to have it. They don’t want it to derive from the people.

They don’t want it to derive from persuading people that their ideas are the best — and where is all of that codified? All of that thinking, all of that behavior is codified in elections. What are elections about? Elections are about trying to persuade people to support you, to vote for you. Based on what? Well, it could be any number of things.

It could be you’re better looking than the other guy. You’re gonna give away more welfare than the other guy. You’re gonna beat our enemies better than anybody else. Whatever it is, elections are the result of persuading millions of people to support you. They resent having to do that. One reason is they’re a minority. They can’t persuade a majority of people.

They can’t persuade a majority of Americans to support Black Lives Matter. They can’t persuade a majority of Americans to support burning down American cities and private property. They can’t persuade a majority of Americans to go along with their ideas on guns and eliminating free speech. They can’t persuade anybody to agree with that!

Those are things they’re gonna have to force on people, and they are more than willing and eager to force that stuff on you, but they need the power to do it. So they have to go through the motions. The modern-day Democrats have to go through the motions of campaigning, and they have to go through the motions of trying to win the hearts and minds of voters.

But they resent the hell out of it. And in their world, it’s the one thing standing in their way: This need, this requirement to win elections. And I’m just telling you: As soon as they can figure out a way to eliminate elections, they will do it, ’cause they resent the hell out of it. This is… (interruption) Mr. Snerdley, the program observer, just said to me over the IFB.

He said, “I gotta admit something. When I first heard you say that the left and Democrats ultimately want to do away with elections, I thought you were going insane. I thought you were mad. I thought that all of this had finally gotten to you.” Well, that has to be some years ago now when I first advanced the theory. But now you say you can see it?

(interruption) “They’re doing it in front of our faces.” They really are. They are attempting to win elections without broad public support. That’s what they’re trying to do. That’s just another way of phrasing what they’re doing. How do you win elections without broad public support?

The Democrats got rid of elections by stealing the 2020 election for the President of the United States of America.  President Trump had the greatest win in US history with 75 million votes, a record, and they stole it.

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