It is time for a no BS assessment of what we are up against in the Obama administration. First I believe we all recognize that what is happening is not the ordinary Democrat vs. Republican politics. What is afoot is nothing less than an attempted coup for the purpose of changing America into a socialist nanny state, and the action is fast and furious.
With an onslaught of emergencies, the radical left wing factions, who now control the Dem party, are making an all out, no holds barred effort to install, by force of law, irreversible central government programs aimed at the redistribution of wealth and securing perpetual power through dependency and control of the unions.
Now all of that is just a fancy way of saying that a socialist cell is now in control of our government and they know it is important to their success to silence the voice of the people. You have witnessed that effort in their demonization, first of the Tea Party Patriots as enemies of the state; as a threat to national security and now those who oppose the administrations’ health care reform public option are receiving much the same treatment.
And no doubt anyone who opposes any aspect of their socialist agenda will find themselves on the sharp end of all the awesome power the United States Government can bring to bear against them and their families. This is not a game. These people destroy other people for sport. Having been the victim of their false accusations, my family and I know all too well the depth of their dedication and cult like worship to the socialist agenda. What happened to me can happen to you. There is no way to protect yourself from it. And that is why you, John Q. Public have a need to know how it works.
I was contacted by Grand Junction Police Dept after they received a request from the Capital Police in Denver for an investigation of accusations that I had made death threats against Congressman Salazar at a rally at 5th and Rood on August 24. Of course no such threats were made but how does one go about proving that he didn’t say something? All I could do was try to find out why the accusations were made and who made them. The why is easy. Someone was trying to send me a message that I needed to back off my organizing of opposition to Congressman Salazar’s refusal to hold a town hall meeting re Obama care.
The who was a little more difficult. Especially since the original accusation had been made at least a full 24 hours after the rally and not to police but rather to the Denver Post newspaper which of course would give the accuser protection under the first amendment from being identified. However, the statement that accompanied the accusation did provide a clue. He said he did not know my identity but he had snapped a photograph of me, at the rally, which he offered to help police identify me. The photograph in question showed me wearing a black western hat, something I was not wearing at the August 24 rally, as clearly shown in the photo, on the front page of the DS (Aug 25,09) I was wearing a baseball cap. The devil is in the details.
So I set about trying to figure out where the photo was taken. As providence would have it, I located in our files a photo taken by a third party on August 8 (09), which clearly show the accuser taking the photo of me in the western hat. That photo was taken minutes before the accuser and his small group of counter protesters was ejected from the rally, by Grand Junction PD, for causing a disturbance. Now I had my suspect, who had motive and means, but did he have opportunity. I recognized him from the Aug 8 photo as being the same man who was pounding a gong in my ear and screaming “hit me, hit me in the face, hit me” repeatedly at the August 24 rally (see commentary, Reality Check Forum,, Aug 24, entitled “Reflections in the rain”, prior to the accusation being made). How I went about putting a name to this man must remain confidential but I think you should know who he is. His name is Warren G. Jones Jr. He owns a music business located at 5th and Hill (GJ) and is a part time musician and music teacher. But that information does not tell you who he truly is. He is a self-proclaimed Democratic organizer who claims credit for organizing the pro Obama care rally on Warrior Way (in an article in the Durango Herald dated August 15, 2009) when Pres. Obama visited Central High School (Aug 15) for what was called a town hall meeting. Also the address of his business (738 N 5th St) is listed at a website
( as the address of a drop box for volunteers to pick up phone lists for a survey. At the website it states that the survey was paid for by “Organizing for America, a project of the National Democratic Committee”.
Mr. Warren Jones, (33) is also quoted, in a report at as having filed a complaint against a Denver Police Officer for putting a pair of John McCain Not Found stickers on his motorcycle. He was quoted as saying “He got very belligerent”, said Jones, a Barack Obama supporter, about a Tuesday incident a block from the 16th Street Mall. “It really kind of unsettled me”.
Now you know who Mr. Warren G. Jones Jr. really is. The investigation by GJPD into the alleged death threats against Congressman Salazar is complete and their conclusion that the accusations were unfounded were published in a news release, complete with statements by a GJPD Officer who witnessed the incident and two other witnesses, all of which stated they heard no threats. But is that the end of it? Will Mr. Jones ever be charged with making a false report? Probably not. If he was and you were the jury, how would you find?
The task remaining to me is to find out what government watch lists my name appears in as a result of these false accusations and of course to do that, I would have to set aside my work in organizing against Obama Care and what surely will come after. Well that is not going to happen. I will take the hit and I will continue to do what you have entrusted me to do. Give you a voice. And now you know the rest of the story.
What can you do? Show up, Stand up. Make your voices heard. Stand against this perversion of our Democracy. Stand up against these thugs and their Chicago style politics. You are the people, and I work for you and I feel privileged and honored that you allow me to do that.
We are the people, we are many, we are strong and our voices SHALL be heard.
Thank you for your time,
The HiV of Western Culture
5 years ago
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