Colorado House Democrats Launch Effort to Undermine Election Integrity.
Election Fraud, Colorado Style
As of last week, Colorado faces the most serious threat to election integrity in years. And that's not an exaggeration.
Last week, Democrat Secretary of State Bernie Buescher unveiled a major rewrite of Colorado election laws. Soothingly called a "modernization" bill, this horror-packed, 69 page document will open the door to vote fraud throughout our state. Here are a few "low-lights:"
* Same-day voter registration. This allows busloads of election-day registrants - a process that opens the door to vote fraud, like in Milwaukee. Even worse, Colorado has no photo identification protection, and Colorado voters overwhelmingly rejected this "modernization" several years ago.
* Organizations can take mail ballots from voters, hold them for ten days, and then deliver them. This is a gift to ACORN and the unions, who can now take ballots from voters' homes and control them for ten days. Of course, organizations cannot "persuade" voters how to vote - but this bill conveniently leaves out any penalty for violations. And the fine for late -- or no -- delivery? A whopping $50 per day!
* Voters can now vote twice - once by mail ballot, and once in person. Theoretically, election officials are supposed to cancel the mail ballot. But in practice, they begin counting mail ballots 15 days before the election. Election judges must allow the second vote, even if they know that the earlier mail ballot was already counted.
* One partisan judge can approve signature verification on a ballot, even if the other judge disagrees -- and even if an automated signature verification machine can't verify the signature match.
* All-mail ballot elections, unless citizens go through a difficult process to opt-out. Say good-bye to the option of voting at your precinct (or vote center) on election day.
State Democrats deliberately timed this bill until a few weeks before the end of the legislative session, in order to limit debate and jam through hundreds of changes at the last minute. This is a Chicago-style political power play.
And our current Secretary of State is part of it. The bill was drafted in secrecy -- so much for transparency in elections! The Secretary of State unveiled these massive changes just a few days ago, launching the effort to allow voter fraud and manipulation.
What can you do? Call your Clerk and Recorder. Call your State Legislator. Call the Secretary of State's office. Tell them to oppose this bill!
Frankly, we are going to see this type of power-play again and again, until we get rid of the current Secretary of State.
Scott Gessler
Scott Gessler for Secretary of State
The HiV of Western Culture
5 years ago
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