Many in the Democrat Party are rejoicing, particularly those in the Obama Regime since their favorite, Michael Bennet, beat the Democrat challenger, Andrew Romanoff, yesterday 54%-46%. They shouldn't be too quick to rejoice, however, because on the other side Ken Buck beat Jane Norton, 51.6%-48.4%.
Democrats should beware of the numbers this year since both Republican candidates out polled the winner in the Democrat Primary despite the Democrats 4000+ voter advantage in registration. Bennet 183,521 votes, Romanoff 155,016 while Ken Buck got 209,967 and Jane Norton polled 197,143. even the Republican runner-up got more votes than either of the Dems. The Democrats were able to field 32% of their registered voters while the Republicans fielded 38.6% of theirs.
It is obvious from that, that the Republicans are motivated while the Democrats, well, not so much. The Republicans had a more than 68,000 vote advantage in Tuesday's Primary. Two things may have played a part in this. Republicans may have been truly motivated and/or independents declared as Republicans to vote for Republican candidates. Either way, Democrats are in trouble. They hold a slim advantage over the Republicans in registration but Independent voters hold a slim edge over the Democrats and the independent voter played a huge role in the 2008 election.
Much has been said lately about Maes chances with Tom Tancredo in the race. With a 68,000 vote advantage, Terrible Tom may not have the swing they think he does. 68,000 votes is just over 9% of the total cast. If that held then one could expect the race to be a dead heat between the two major candidates. Maybe he isn't Colorado's Ross Perot yet.
The national media is trying to make this out as a big victory for Obama but another look just doesn't justify it. There is a lot of anti-incumbent sentiment and Bennet, although never elected to anything, is an incumbent.
I noticed Martell Daniels, local Dem head, on TV tonight rationalizing that Maes has no executive experience and has never saved anything. I'll also bet that she didn't use the same "logic" when she cast her vote for Obama in 2008. What is good for the goose isn't good for the Donkey. And don't forget that Bennet has voted in lockstep with Harry Reid and even had to ask Chuckie Shumer how to vote on one major piece of legislation. He is more beholden to the eastern liberals than to his own constituency. He wouldn't even show his face on the western slope to talk with us.
The HiV of Western Culture
5 years ago
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