A New Twist in Obama Birth Certificate Mystery
Atlas broke the story of the forgery of Obama's COLB (certification of live birth), a story I covered beginning in May early June 2008. I never pretended to know what was on the vault copy that Obama spent millions to hide; I just ran the irrefutable analysis that what Obama presented to the American people was a "horrible forgery."
We could speculate. Maybe it was the name of his father. His religion. His place of birth. Maybe, maybe, maybe. All speculation.
What was most egregious was the propaganda O-media refusing to ask these questions while running with any lie about Bush's documentation. The enemedia went so far as to produce forged documents concerning President Bush's Air National Guard service (Rathergate). Imagine that -- the media's mad obsession with the minutiae of every detail of every document of Bush's life (even the most mundane), but not one mainstream query as to why the good folks of America were forbidden from viewing Obama's birth certificate long form. Astonishing.
There is clearly something on that form that Obama does not want the American people to see. Period. Pbama must present if he is to run for re-election, should he now?
I last wrote of the birth certificate issue in my former column at Newsmax, "The Certificate Circus." Here is an excerpt:
Obama ran a low-resolution COLB on his own site FighttheSmears.com, which has now been taken down and the archives scrubbed. It was at that time that a digital forensic examination specialist contacted me. For professional and personal reasons he wanted to remain anonymous, but I know who he is and vetted him. “Techdude’s” credentials? He is an active member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the American College of Forensic Examiners, the International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners, the International Information Systems Forensics Association — the list goes on.
He is also board certified as a forensic computer examiner, a certificated legal investigator, and a licensed private investigator. He has been performing computer based forensic investigations since 1993 (although back then it did not even have a formal name yet) and he has performed countless investigations since then. He told me that Obama’s COLB was a “horrible forgery.” I advised “Techdude” that I was ill-equipped to make such a determination, and he offered to submit to me a detailed forensic examination analysis — which he ultimately did.
When I broke the story and presented his very extensive and meticulously documented analysis, we welcomed peer review. Nobody stood up. Nobody would touch it. To their credit, the supporters of Hillary Clinton (the “PUMA” bloggers) did much to investigate and advance the story. And while the Obama Chicago attack machine and left-wing smear merchants went into full swing, the mainstream activist media would not touch the story. Not once.
I never proposed that any of the various scenarios being put forth were absolutely correct. I said at the time, “Do I believe Obama was born in Hawaii? Probably. Is there something on Obama's birth certificate he does not want us to see? Foe shizzle. Should a president of the United States have to present his vault copy to take office? Absolutely.”
I said that forensically, the COLB Obama had presented was an altered document. And I stand by that to this day. A release of the vault copy would have put this baby to bed a year ago. Instead, Obama and his operatives added fuel to the fire by not only not releasing the vault copy, but by spending upwards of a million dollars on five law firms to fight its release.
In what could be considered a psyop on the American people, the birth certificate issue is being used to smear the Republicans in general as “birthers,” conspiracy nuts who have given themselves over to right-wing nuttery. Any mention of this issue inspires in many the same revulsion as being diagnosed with the clap did in the ‘50s. And the arrogance and fear on the right of being tainted by this issue has created such dissension and infighting that we’re eating our young — and the left is positively giddy.
We, the American people, are not the enemy here, we are not the guilty party. The media should stop blaming the victim. Remember: conservatives are not responsible for the birth certificate issue at all. Obama is, by refusing to this day to release the vault copy — whether because it contains something damaging or simply because it enables him to wield the weapon of ridicule against the right. At this point, the effect is the same regardless of which of those possibilities is true. This carnival of conspiracy has become a deliberate distraction from the real issues and the real destruction being wrought by the Obama administration.
The longer the Obama camp lets this issue fester and grow, the more it divides the country. And at the end of the day, anyone who questioned the birth certificate is going to look nuts, and any subsequent challenge from the right on any legitimate issue will be dismissed as a recrudescence of “birtherism,” and more of the Boy Who Cried Wolf.
What trickery! What a nasty game to play on the electorate that put him in office. Are the American people so contemptible as to be deserving of such treatment? Has the focus on the birth certificate taken our eye off the ball on questions pertaining to the source of his funding for Harvard (i.e., foreign aid, foreign student loan applications) and the passport on which he traveled to Pakistan in 1981? Let’s just say hypothetically that Obama satisfied the birth certificate questions and the American people wanted info on his Pakistan trip — i.e., what passport he traveled, on or the source of funding for his Harvard education, his ties to Khalid al-Mansour, etc. Those raising such concerns would have no case. They would be discredited before they even started.
Let’s not cloud the issue. Obama’s COLB was altered. He should produce the vault copy. Then the opposition can get on with the business of stopping his destruction of the economy and his weakening of American hegemony as he pursues his disastrous foreign policy.
Today, Hillbuzz has a very simple and plausible answer to Obama's inexpicable mysterious secrecy. I am not saying it is so -- because we can't know until Obama releases his long form. But this makes a great deal of sense.
Here’s an interesting Ground Report from Hawaii that contains an ingenious theory about Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie’s bizarre backtrack on releasing Obama’s birth certificate.
Remember, Abercrombie promised that once he was elected Governor he would prove Obama’s birth certificate existed because he would march down to the Hall of Records and demand its production from the archives…and he would then hold it aloft in the gentle Hawaiian breeze, high above his balding pate, for all the world to see, thereby producing the document Obama has spent millions to keep hidden.
Well, after he was elected, Abercrombie strangely acknowledged no original birth certificate could be found for Obama in Hawaii, but that there were “handwritten notes” that he was born on the island of Oahu in 1961. Abercrombie did not claim he saw the actual birth certificate.
But, now he’s claiming it’s illegal to produce the birth certificate even if he did find it, because Obama refuses to let the public see this document.
None of this makes any sense until you read the Ground Report below, and get a new take on what’s going on in Hawaii regarding the single greatest current mystery of the 21st Century (“Why Won’t Obama Just Release His Birth Certificate?”…which is also a question the lamestream national media refuses to ask):
Dear HillBuzz,
Regarding the whole Obama birth certificate controversy, I believe Hawaii has a big problem.
Recently, when asked about the subject, newly-minted Speaker of the House John Boehner replied “The State of Hawaii says he was born there and that’s good enough for me.” His reply was brilliant.
It reminded everyone that it’s not the Speaker’s job to sort out the mess (it should have been addressed by the Dems, the election officials, and the media during the campaign), but it also, clearly, put the onus on the State of Hawaii. Around the same time Neil Abercrombie, the new governor of Hawaii, waded into the mess wanting to clear everything up for the president. Instead, he has only added to the confusion by admitting there doesn’t seem to be a birth certificate only a handwritten notation in the archives. (Which could quite possibly have been generated by Obama’s grandparents as a way to register the birth if Obama was born somewhere else.)
Personally, I believe the governor is an intelligent well-intentioned man who acted without thinking it through. Rush Limbaugh believes there may be some angle to what the governor did. If there is, then I believe it was a “cover your papakole” move on the part of the governor. He doesn’t want to be the one left holding the blame when, finally, the American public says “Enough! Just show the damn birth certificate already!”.
He can honestly claim the deception and obstruction happened before he took office and when he tried to find the truth he was told he didn’t have legal access to the birth records. So he’s off the hook, but the incumbent state officials may not get off so easily. Lastly, there is information on several blogs about a court case that may have been filed in New York State Court called Strunk v. Paterson. I’ve heard that a state judge recently ruled — based on evidence — that Obama is NOT a natural born citizen. The court documents go into all of the birth certificate topics, including the Indonesian adoption.
The fact that Obama was adopted by Indonesian Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s, and his name was legally changed to Barry Soetoro at that time, is most likely the reason he is spending millions of dollars to hide his birth certificate. He never filed the papers to change his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”, so any birth certificate produced by the state of Hawaii would list him as “Barry Soetoro”.
It’s easy to see why he never wants this to come to light. Aside from the legal ramifications of this, how would the American people feel about Obama lying to them about his NAME all this time? And if he lied about something as simple as that, what else has he lied about? It would open a whole host of new questions for most people about this man of deliberate mystery.
Just wondered if you knew anything about any of this. I find the court documents hard to read and I have no way of checking their authenticity. People need to stop claiming Obama was not born in Hawaii and start focusing on that adoption name change. That’s probably what Neil Abercrombie ultimately encountered that’s made him backtrack on all this.
Think about it: when the adoption went through, the law required Obama’s birth certificate to be changed to reflect his new name, which became, and remains, Barry Soetoro. So if Abercrombie went looking for anything in the Hall of Records with “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” on it, he wouldn’t find anything besides those scribbled, handwritten notations in the archives (since those would not have been changed with the adoption, as who would have thought to do that?). The actual birth certificate says “Barry Soetoro” on it.
That’s why Abercrombie couldn’t locate it.
And why Obama won’t release it.
Mystery solved.
Tag in Kaanapali, Maui
I honestly and truly believe this solves the entire mystery.
It is seriously this straightforward.
* Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in 1961
* Obama was indeed adopted by Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s
* Obama’s name was indeed changed to Barry Soetoro in the 1970s
* Obama’s birth certificate was altered per Hawaiian law to reflect his new name in the 1970s
* Obama never changed his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” — most likely because he used “Barry Soetoro” on all of his student aid applications for college, and probably received foreign student grants and admissions assistance playing off his years living in Indonesia
* All the records, transcripts, documents, and paperwork Obama continues to hide from the public is all hidden because it lists his name as “Barry Soetoro” on all of it.
* Obama will not allow his birth certificate to be released because it lists the “wrong” name on it: Barry Soetoro
It is as simple as this, folks.
UPDATE: Good analysis from PP:
As you know I also say we can't know until it is produced just what is the reasoning for all this trouble surrounding it.
But my viewpoint has never been originated from the 'birther' perspective but more from that of a strict constructionist of our constitution.
We have a requirement that a President be certified to be a 'natural born citizen' to serve in the office. It is not a major burden to supply documentation to prove such eligibility.
Now some perspective on where there are issues here.
Obama mentions in his books the existence of a physical long form,leaving the current Governor position in Hawaii troubling, since he mentions reading it and even cites his birth weight which is only contained on a long form of the birth records.
To place this all in time Obama was already running for office of State Senator when his mother passed. Even if there were something 'odd' in his long form which he may have seen when going through her effects after her death it could have raised issues that would not be easy to explain in the context of an already underway State Senator campaign.
If either his father was not listed as who he claims or his name was different due to adoption or even both items then it would have taken some major damage control work for his campaign at the time to go forward. The history of the Kenya story was already well established by this time and to have to alter it in any way would have been troubling to say the least.
Now to the election for President cycle. When the Electoral College meets the Speaker of the House provides certification of the eligibility of the candidates for the office. It is my understanding that Pelosi certified two different documents to the Electoral College as to this being done and from the reports I read those certifications are in conflict with each other. I have not been able to access the actual documents so I can not judge if this is valid or if there are even two such certifications.
In any event it is questionable how Pelosi could do any certification at all without having been presented the long form of the birth certificate. You have to understand the many varied parts of the Hawaiian laws on what a COLB is and how it can be legally altered or changed without any audit trail of changes.
In fact the Hawaiian law allows a COLB to be made up out of whole cloth to support such programs as a Federal or State Witness Protection Program. The COLB is allowed however such actions for a long form birth certificate are not.
There are all sorts of odd situation in the laws of Hawaii for cases of birth to midwives and early births out of hospital care as in the birth in a taxi on the way to the hospital situation.
In summary my position is and has always been that the Constitution requires proof of natural birth and to date that proof has not been provided by President Obama to meet that requirement. Nothing more and nothing less.
The HiV of Western Culture
5 years ago
Obama's Certification of Live Birth was not forged. The McCain campaign checked out that allegation and found it false. The attorney general of Hawaii for the last four years was a conservative Republican. If he had thought that Obama's birth certificate was forged or that the officials in Hawaii were lying when they repeatedly confirmed the facts on it, he could have taken legal action--but he didn't.
ReplyDeleteObama was not adopted in Indonesia nor did he become an Indonesian citizen, as a telephone call to the Indonesian embassy will confirm. (And he wasn't adopted in Hawaii either, since adoptions in Hawaii require legal files, and none has been found.)
And Obama's Kenyan grandmother never said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly in the taped interview that he was born in Hawaii, where his father was studying at the time. And she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama's birth was in a letter from Hawaii. A letter from Hawaii.
And there isn't a shred of evidence (except for several obviously forged "birth certificates") that Obama's mother went to Kenya or that Obama was born there. http://copyofbirthcertificate.co.cc/if-obamas-mother-traveled-to-kenya-to-give-birth-to-him-why-didnt-she-leave-any-evidence-behind/comment-page-1/#comment-6723