I keep finding...
I keep finding...I keep finding myself engaging in *discussions* over this Limbaugh/Fluke thing. Still. Here are a few key points that everyone needs to mull around in their head:
1) Read the actual testimony of Ms. Fluke. In it she states that Georgetown's healthcare plan actually DOES cover her friends use of the pill because of her ovarian disease.
2) Despite this friend's claim that she could no longer afford to pay for the pill, she was STILL not out of options. There are many NGO's who would provide her with the pill either free, or at a reduced rate.
3) The student who was raped, and knew that Georgetown would not cover birth control, did not seek post rape treatment. Had she actually read the policy, she would know that she was entitled to medical care. This is pathetic considering the woman is supposedly one of our best and brightest. Too stupid to read the healthcare plan. Geezuz.
4) If this were truly about women's reproductive health, then we would see advocates testifying in front of a congressional committee seeking assistance for women who struggle with fertility. Testimony would be given asking congress to require insurance plans to cover fertility treatments, and if they refuse, then there should be a government program assisting these women with conception.
5) Ms. Fluke uses the word contraception repeatedly. This is a woman who purposely sought out a school with a no birth control health policy in order to create a public outrage.
It's a free country, she could have just as easily gone to a non-Jesuit school. Yet she chose to step on the toes of a religious institution. An institution (who for the time being) is allowed to adhere to it's own teachings.
All this is, is what it's always been. It's about keeping that parasite from attaching to a uterine wall and flourishing. It's about women attempting to strong arm society with the one thing they want to hold hostage. It starts with Ms. Fluke demanding Georgetown provide birth control, and she will keep on pushing it until she convinces congress that Georgetown must pay for abortions as well. It is always their ultimate agenda.
In my 43 years, I've watched cycles of bra burners. Women who stand on the shoulders of movements gone by, attempting to create controversy where none exist. Women who want the right to make adult decisions, yet are unwilling to bear the rewards and consequences of it. You are pathetic. Why do you hate your uterus so much? Why are you so focused on it? Why does it keep you up at night? Why do you allow it to vote for you? My reproductive years are behind me, does this make me less of a woman because I've had a tubal? Is my voice now muted because I no longer have a dog in this fight? Aren't there more pertinent issues to worry about than what does and doesn't happen within a uterus?
I am uterus, hear me roar.
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