Monday, May 14, 2012

Lord save us from liberal voters .. please? | Nealz Nuze |

Lord save us from liberal voters .. please?

Lord save us from liberal voters .. please?

It’s been said in a number of different ways, but the problem we’re facing in this country is not so much that we have a Stumbling ClusterFornication of a Miserable Failure in the White House as it is that we have an electorate capable of electing someone of his caliber to be our presid …er …. Ruler.
When I see an Obama 2012 bumper sticker on a car I really do feel compelled to stop and stare.  It’s like passing a car wreck.  You have to look out of sheer curiosity, but you’re grateful that you weren’t actually in that car when it happened.   The level – the atmosphere – of stumbling ignorance that must permeate every cubic inch of the interior of that car must be suffocating.  You really would have to keep a window open just so you can (hopefully) get some clean air to breathe.
It truly is shocking that this level of ignorance can exist in America.  Yes, I know most Americans are government educated, but we still have the sense not to stick paper clips into electrical sockets.  Pulling the lever for Obama in November would be the functional equivalent of sticking your hand into a garbage disposal and hitting the switch thinking you’re going to get a manicure.  Yes .. there are people who could be convinced to do just that.
Every once in a while these people of limited understanding and intelligence – the Obama voters – wander out of the shadows and, for some reason probably related to lemmings leaping off cliffs, decide that they are going to expose themselves and their thought processes to the public at large.
One such braniac surfaced in the “letters to the editor” section of the Naples Daily News last week.  His name is E.L “Bud” Ruff, and it was his mission on that particular day to tell the readers what conservatives … particularly conservative Republicans … believe.
Oh how I would love to get someone like Bud into a radio studio to go over his thoughts point by point; but 42 years of experience tells me that as soon as Bud realized he was coming up on the short end of the argument he would start screaming such intellectual gems as “you just hate poor people --- you’re greedy – and the ever-popular  “you just want old people to die.”
Here’s what we’ll do.  I’ll take some of Bud’s points and present them to you here as they were set forth in his letter to the editor.  I’ll follow with a few talking points in case you ever run into your own version of Bud.
Bud:  “Republican Conservatives do not believe in stimulus money or bailouts.” 
Tell me what the last stimulus bill did, Bud?  Obama passed an $850 billion dollar stimulus that did nothing to bring our economy back.  Jobs created in the private sector were virtually zero.  Obama’s shovel-ready jobs weren’t shovel ready.  I’ll tell you what conservatives believe.  They believe that money spent in the private sector by the people who earn it will always do a lot more to stimulate our economy than money borrowed or seized and then spent by government.  Tell me how that $3 million of stimulus money spent by that university researcher to study grandparents in Alaska helped to stimulate our economy.  How about that turtle tunnel?  Do you really believe government knows how better to spend our money than we do?  Tell you what, Bud.  That $850 billion was almost equivalent to the total amount of income and payroll taxes the federal government collects from individuals in six months.  What if instead of borrowing that money we had just declared a six-month tax holiday.  Let the people keep it and spend it.  Do you think the money would have been spent to put new windows into a National Parks welcome center that was closed years ago, and which there are no plans to reopen?  Would it have been spent for an indoor rain forest for some university?
Bud:  Conservatives don’t believe in Social Security or Medicare even though 55 million American senior citizens depend on them for survival. 
Hey Bud !  Can you give me the name of one Republican politician who has said that Social Security and Medicare should be taken away from these 55 million seniors?  Just one, hotshot!  In fact, Bud, didn’t you know that conservatives have repeatedly said that any reform effort for Social Security and Medicare would absolutely protect every American over the age of 55 at their present coverage levels?  The Republicans have made that promise to you.  The Democrats have not.  Republicans want to guarantee Social Security benefits to all eligible people now over 55.  Those benefits are not currently guaranteed by your precious Democrats.   Social Security and Medicare are headed to a financial disaster.  The Republicans want to reform the system for younger Americans so that they can actually own their accounts and be able to leave those accounts to their children and grandchildren.  Which system do you prefer, Bud?
Bud:  Conservatives do not believe in health care for all Americans.
Is that true, Bud?  Or do conservatives just believe that you don’t have the right to point a gun at someone’s chest and tell them that they must turn over their money to you so that you can use it to pay for your healthcare, and if they refuse you will jail them.   If they resist jail you will shoot them.  I know this is difficult for you Bud, but you do not have a right to health care.  To claim a right to health care is to claim a right to whatever portion of another person’s life it will be necessary for them to sacrifice in order to provide you with that health care.  Conservatives understand that the free market system has been proven, time and time again, to be the most efficient system for the delivery of essential goods and services to the American people.  Conservatives believe that by using the free enterprise system to deliver health care, absent choking levels of regulation, health care availability and cost would improve for all.  Remember, Bud, when the Democrats were coming up with ObamaCare they absolutely refused to consider any private-sector ideas or options.  They couldn’t even agree to allow people to buy health insurance across state lines in order to avoid choking and expensive insurance mandates in some states.  Let me ask you, Bud:  If you lived in Connecticut would you be thrilled that you have to pay for coverage of hair transplant procedures under your insurance?  If you lived there would you have liked to have been able to buy insurance from a neighboring state with fewer mandates?  Your pall, Obama, made sure you couldn’t do that.
Bud:  Conservative Republicans don’t believe in woman’s rights or contraception? 
Wow, Bud!  That’s rather general!  Conservatives don’t believe in woman’s rights?  Just what rights are you talking about here?   A woman’s right to contraceptives?  Wow … you really do believe pretty much anything you hear form the ObamaMedia, don’t you?  I have NEVER heard a conservative say that he or she believes that women should be denied the right to buy contraceptives.  Now I have heard some conservatives say that they don’t believe the government should be able to force a religion based institution to provide insurance coverage for contraceptives if contraceptive use is forbidden by their religious doctrine.   Telling the government that it can’t force you to buy contraceptives or to provide them to others does not believe that you “don’t believe” in contraceptives.  Damn, Bud.  You’re not doing well at all here!
Bud:  Conservatives don’t believe in global warming because they hate Al Gore.
Yeah, Bud.  That’s it.  We hate Al Gore.  Never mind that the earth hasn’t been warming for the past decade.  Never mind that glaciers are growing on Mt. Saint Helens and Mt.  Rainier, plus Antarctica and in many other places around the globe.  Never mind that virtually every week that passes brings another climate scientist who announces that he no longer wishes to be party of the man-made global warming cabal.  It’s not that conservatives don’t recognize that the earth has hotter and cooler periods;  its just that we realize this has been going on for millions of years, and that leftists are using the global warming scare as a basis for attacking capitalism and free enterprise.
Bud:  Conservatives don’t believe in education because all schools teach liberalism. 
Another good one, Bud.  You’re really on a roll.  Is it your position that education is only education when it is provided and controlled by the government?  Here’s what conservatives don’t believe in:  They don’t believe in compulsory attendance at a government school staffed by union government employee teachers who are far more concerned about their job security than they are about the quality of the education received by the children in their care.  Conservative Republicans want school choice.  They want parents to chose where their children would go to school.  Union school teachers hate this idea because it will force them to compete for the students .. and to compete means to work.  So tell me, Bud.  Just who is it that doesn’t believe in education? The folks who are working for school choice and who want to introduce the competitive aspects of the free marketplace to education?  Or the people who put teacher’s unions above the students.
            Bud:  Conservative Republicans don’t believe in regulations for Wall Street --- Greed is OK.
So, Bud; fighting harmful regulations means you don’t believe in regulations at all?  Question for you Bud.  Three times during the administration of Bush 43, Bush tried to bring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under control with stronger regulations.  He tried in 2002, 2003 and 2006.  If he had been successful the financial collapse might have been averted.  Who stopped him Bud?  Was it the Republicans who stopped him?  Hardly.  It was the Democrats.  It was YOUR party, my friend, led all the way by Barney Frank.  Oh .. and greed is OK?   Let’s hear your definition of “greed.” Buddy ole pal.  Greed is a great word when used as a weapon to shut down conversation.  See if you can define it.  My guess is you would say something like “When someone wants more than they deserve.”  Good try.  Now; tell me who gets to decide what a person deserves.  Government?  That would probably be just fine with you.  People deserve whatever they can honestly earn.  My guess is that if they work harder, smarter and longer than you .. .and end up with more … they’re greedy.
            Bud:  “Members of the tea party/religious right .. do not abide to most things in the First Amendment.  They don’t believe in separation of church and stated.” 
Hey Bud!  Tell me where the words “separation of church and state” appear in the First Amendment!  In fact, tell me where it appears in the Constitution at all!  Can’t find it?  Awwwwww.  Sucks to be you, I guess.  In the meantime, who is it that tries to have any representation of religion wiped out of public view?  Oh .. that’s right.  Democrats … liberals.
            Bud:  “They do not believe in equal rights for gays and lesbians.”
I have a lot of fun with that one on the air, Bud.  So here’s another challenge for you.  Tell me one right enjoyed by a straight male that is not enjoyed by a gay male.  Just one.  My liberal listeners have been trying to do this for years, without success.  If you care to try to argue that point, let me show you how this argument is going to proceed:   Straight men can get married.  Well, you’re right!  But .. they have to marry a woman.  Gay men can get married too, Bud.  They just have to abide by the same restrictions.  So … no inequality!
            Bud:  Republicans “believe in tax cuts for the wealthy.”
Now here’s a bet, Bud.  You couldn’t come within ten percentage points of what percentage of the grand total of personal federal income taxes come from the top 1%.  The answer, Mr. Democrat, is around 39%.  Now … what percentage of the income do you think this top 1% earns?  Yeah … missed that one too.  The answer is around 19%.  These are the people who create the jobs.  Perhaps you might be able to get a job from a poor person, but others haven’t mastered that technique yet.  Republicans believe that the more money these people get to keep and spend on their business ventures, the better off our economy is.  Tell me why that doesn’t work for you.  And why you’re complaining about tax cuts for the wealthy, what are we going to do with the one-half of working Americans who pay no income taxes at all?
This election will be the intellectual equivalent of a buffalo jump.  The ObamaMedia, union leaders and power-mad politicians will try to run the thinking processes of millions of voters off an intellectual cliff.  Our pal Bud from Naples will be leading the herd.  After the leap of faith for Obama the broken minds will pile up at the bottom, of the cliff, all too ripe for Democrat reeducation efforts.

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