Thursday, February 6, 2014

How Conservatives Lost the Light Bulb (and Got it Back Again)

How Conservatives Lost the Light Bulb (and Got it Back Again)

How Conservatives Lost the Light Bulb (and Got it Back Again)

By Gretchen Olson (Bio and Archives)  Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Average American conservatives, many of them self-associated with the Tea Party movement, are dancing a little jig, this time in warm light.  In the negotiated draft of the recently passed omnibus spending bill, they got their beloved incandescent lights back.
Many only realized after a Christmastime flurry of emails that the yellow bulbs were becoming illegal in 2014. In fact, the federal law which nearly made them extinct for home use has been on the books almost seven years.
That legislation, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which restricted the domestic manufacture of incandescents, was passed by Congress and signed by President George W. Bush. At the time, the bill was marketed by the administration as a tactical measure to defund terrorism by reducing America’s dependency on foreign oil,  and for obvious reasons supported by Republican voters around the country. It was also full of mandates for “confronting global climate change.”  Nobody on the conservative side talked about this Agenda 21-compliant reduction in traditional light bulbs, despite the proliferation of complaints about their replacements, those mercury-filled “squiggly” bulbs. 
Consumers, quite belatedly, were blindsided by the move, particularly GOP loyalists.  A born-again, Texas-raised, gun-toting, #-kicking, terrorist-bombing president would never cow-tow to fear-mongering environmentalists, or submit to global mandates.  Or would he?
What rank-and-file Republicans didn’t know, and perhaps didn’t want to hear, was that the worldwide, and now-20-year-old move toward global sustainability is multi-partisan and extends far beyond party labels.  The beloved father, George H. W. Bush, was the one who attended the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, where by “consensus” 172 countries agreed to move forward toward “voluntary” compliance with the ambitious plans articulated in Agenda 21.  At no point were American voters notified, nor their representatives publicly consulted through the proper legislative process. The president and former head of the CIA, for his part, publicly confirmed his willingness to be “an agent of revolutionary change” in his post-convention press conference with reporters held in Rio.  He also admitted that day his cabinet was already “pretty far along” toward implementing climate change initiatives, and that “the EPA leadership will be extraordinarily busy in getting specific now to follow them up.” After seeing what has happened in the last two decades, a few folks have justifiably wondered if this was the “new world order” the president had unveiled in a speech on September 11 of 1990, nearly two years prior and referenced many times during his administration
So, yeah, the yellow light has been saved. But it was a hollow rescue since—thanks to these regulations—most manufacturing left the country years ago. The march toward compliance with Agenda 21-global sustainability goes on, however, with more concessions completed and more on the way.  President Obama is under pressure from the hard core left-wing, unhappy with his lack of leadership on the issue. They are screaming for him to stop projects such as the Keystone pipeline, push forward on EPA regulations that will obliterate coal energy operations in the U.S. and promote an Agenda 21-consistent depopulation message.  And these are only icing on the cake already baked during the previous three administrations, where the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)—the sustainability mafia—has been using feel-good manipulation techniques on local politicians who happily spend taxpayer money on dubious roundabouts  at the same time they are getting rid of street lights in your neighborhoods.( )
Was the light bulb a real victory? No. It’s only a false respite in the fight against the coming techno control grid where, even now, expensive apps which monitor and limit the flow of electricity into your home via wireless connection with the smart grid are for sale in the appliance add-on market (Gizmag).  You see, votes don’t go away when the occupant of the White House leaves. You are feeling today the effects of an elitist George H.W. and his unilateral decision to concede your liberty to Agenda 21 global control, via sustainability.
The lesson is obvious: tribal politics are a distraction. What you don’t know about those 1000-page bills can hurt you, no matter who is in the Oval office and which side of the aisle is promoting them. In the end, it doesn’t matter much what kind of bulb you’ve got when you can’t turn the light back on.

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