Sunday, August 9, 2015

Family pictures of young Barack and Michelle Obama are fake -

Family pictures of young Barack and Michelle Obama are fake -

Family pictures of young Barack and Michelle Obama are fake

Is there anything about the POS that isn’t fake? (See “Obama’s entire life is a lie“)
Fake birth certificate. Fake military draft (Selective Service) registration. A fake female as wife.
Add fake family photos to the list.


You’ve probably all seen that picture of Obama seated between his maternal grandparents Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, supposedly taken in Central Park sometime in the early 1980s while the Dunhams were visiting Obama when he was a student at Columbia University.
The photo was among other family photos of Obama which were released by his presidential campaign in February 2008 (see Daily Mail). The photo is also in New Yorker editor David Remnick’s 2010 biography of Barack Obama, The Bridge.
Look at the picture again, carefully.
Do you see what’s weird in the picture?
Here’s a hint (see yellow circles):
Do you see how grandpa Stanley’s upper left arm is vertical, but his left hand is resting on Obama’s left shoulder?
Why don’t you try doing that to another person who’s about the same height as you — put your left hand on his or her left shoulder. Go ahead, try it!
What happened to your left upper arm? Did it stay vertical as Stanley’s arm did, or was it horizontal, stretched across your companion’s back?
It is anatomically impossible for Stanley Dunham to rest his left hand on Obama’s left shoulder while his (Stanley’s) left upper arm stays vertical. That means the picture had been altered by inserting the image of Obama between Stanley and Madelyn.
Here’s the original picture of only the Dunhams (below). Notice the following:
  • The fingers of Stanley’s left hand grasping his wife’s left elbow, which explains why his left upper arm is vertical.
  • The dark shadow between the Dunhams. That’s the phantom right knee of phantom Obama.
  • The wall behind Stanley’s right shoulder is black, without the two horizontal streaks (– –) in the photoshopped pic of Obama and the Dunhams.
Obama's grandparents
Hilariously, Alex Pareene (and the commenters) of the left-wing derided “birthers” for asserting that the pic of Obama with the Dunhams had been photoshopped. Instead, Pareene says it’s the pic of just Stanley and Madelyn that was photoshopped. LOL
Hey, Alex Pareen! Do explain how grandpa Dunham can keep his left upper arm vertical while resting his left hand on Obama’s left shoulder!
In the video below, the narrator explains how the picture had been photoshopped:


Here’s another at-once heartwarming and heartbreaking photo of 10-year-old Obama with his biological father Barack Hussein Obama Sr., supposedly taken in Honolulu International Airport when Sr. visited Hawaii during the 1971 Christmas holiday season. (Sr. had abandoned Jr. at birth.)
Notice the tips of Obama Sr.’s left hand, especially the finger nails.
Obama Jr. with Sr. in Honolulu airpot, Dec. 1971
Here’s a picture of Obama Jr.’s biological and briefly-married parents, Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham, in the same airport, presumably taken at the same time as the previous picture of Sr. with Jr.
Notice the tips of Obama Sr.’s left hand on Dunham’s left shoulder, especially the finger nails.
Obama Sr. with Stanley Ann Dunham, Honolulu Airport, 1971
Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the finger nails of Obama Sr.’s left hand. The nails in the first pic (left) look completely different from the nails in the second pic (right) — white (instead of light brown) and misshapen.
Obama Sr.'s finger nails
Alan Jones of 1776 Channel writes:
An apparent mismatch between fingernail sets on Barack Obama Sr.’s left hand, captured in two ‘photographs’ purportedly snapped inside a Honolulu International Airport terminal, reveals that at least one of the images is likely a digital creation [….]
The image featuring Barack Obama Jr. appears to have been distributed by Reuters while the image featuring Dunham appears to have been distributed by the Associated Press, with the names of those wire services appearing in the bottom left corners of identical images served by Google and Bing search engines.
[…] the airport family gathering portrayed in these images of Barack Obama Sr.’s Honolulu arrival or departure likely never happened. Both airport images appear to have been manufactured, perhaps to propel the official narrative of Barack Obama’s family history as told in his memoir “Dreams from My Father.”
Barack Obama Sr. is wearing the same suit and tie in both images, yet has completely different looking left ‘hands’. […]
Additional anomalies detected within the airport terminal images suggest that both images were likely assembled using a raster graphics editor computer application such as Adobe Photoshop.
The faces of all three individuals seen in the foreground of the images, Obama Sr., Obama Jr., and Stanley Ann Dunham, appear to have been photographed under different lighting conditions, suggesting that the images may be composites.
Artifacts and distortions observed along the edges of Barack Obama Sr. suggest masking problems during the creation of composite images. These include the ‘halo’ effect and distortions in the blending and ‘feathering’ of the human subject with the background.
There are also proportional problems, such as the similarity in size of the heads of Barack Obama Sr. and Jr. and the small, distant appearance of the airline agent(s) behind the counter.
The positions of Barack Obama Sr.’s left ‘arms’ appear unnatural in both images. His arm is wrapped around Obama Jr. in one image and around Dunham in the other image.
Obama Sr.’s right arm appears unnaturally narrow in the photograph with Dunham.
The airline agents behind the counter appear to possibly be the same person, but the different looking watches worn on each agent reveal that they are perhaps two different individuals.
airline agent in Obama Sr. at Honolulu airport
Moreover, the appearance of the airport terminal and especially the overhead “San Francisco” sign behind Obama Sr. in the first pic, suggest to 1776 Channel that the airport in the photos might not even be Honolulu International Airport.


Joel Gilbert, who made the documentary “Dreams from My Real Father,” commissioned a professional graphic artist to examine a 1973 family photo posted on Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign page on Facebook.
The photo shows boy Obama standing in Honolulu airport with his mother Stanley Ann Dunham on his right, and on his left, a young girl (most likely his half-sister Maya Soetoro) and his maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham, wearing dark sunglasses.
Obama with mom at airport 1973
Notice anything odd about the pic, specifically Ann Dunham’s right hand?
The professional graphic artist who examined the 1973 photo believes the image of Ann Dunham had been airbrushed into the scene to cover up an African-American man who was standing next to Obama, because Ann Dunham’s right hand appears to be a black man’s hand — as you can see in this screenshot I took from Gilbert’s video.

Gilbert believes the airbrushed man was Frank Marshall Davis, a registered member of the American Communist Party and Obama’s childhood mentor. (Go to “Why does Obama’s mom have a black man’s hand in this photo?” for more.)


In April 2012, TV talk show host Ellen Degeneres released a photo of 18-year-old Michelle Robinson posing with her prom date, David Upchurch. As recounted by David A. Graham for The Atlantic, April 15, 2012: “DeGeneres showed the photo [of young Michelle Robinson dressed for prom] as they taped a segment for Monday’s show.”
Michelle Obama with her first boyfriend. David Upchurch escorted the then 18-year-old Michelle to her high school prom in Chicago, as seen in this photograph. A glowing Michelle shows some leg in her low-cut slit golden dress as David, who now lives in a modest home in Colorado Springs, Colorado, stands next to her in a smart tuxedo in the 1982 picture. Pictured: David Upchurch and Michelle Obama Ref: SPL85093 060309 EXCLUSIVE  Picture by: Splash News Splash News and Pictures Los Angeles: 310-821-2666 New York: 212-619-2666 London: 870-934-2666
But FOTM’s very observant reader MomOfIV points out:
A few things to note from my observation, with photo enlarged 300%:
1. the female in the picture is wearing a ring on her wedding finger
2. the female in the picture has an “innie” outer ear fold (you can tell by the shadow on the inside of the outer ear fold), while mooch has an extended outer earfold
3. the female in the picture has an apparently smaller foot (maybe an 8?), while mooch’s feet are a size 11 from
4. and last, but not least, if you look around the bottom of mooch’s mouth, and the sides of the eyes, and above the eyebrows you will see cut and paste lines….photoshop job
So I went looking for pics of Michelle Obama’s left ear. Below is a pic of the left ear of prom Michelle (first left), placed next to three pictures of First Lady Mooch.
Mooch's left ear comparison
As you can see in the comparison pics above (click to enlarge!), the left ears of prom Michelle and First Lady Mooch look very different:
  • prom Michelle has a dainty ear lobe; Mooch has a long ear lobe.
  • Mooch’s ear has a wide expanse of Crura of antihelix that’s missing from the ear of prom girl.
anatomy of outer hear
Ears don’t change. The young woman in the prom photo is not Michelle Robinson. Whoever photoshopped Michelle’s face onto the prom pic not only overlooked the wedding ring on the girl’s left hand, the fraudster also didn’t bother to fix the ears. LOL

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