Friday, July 22, 2016

Congressman Asks AG Lynch 1 Simple Question, Her Response Proves She Should Be IMPEACHED

Congressman Asks AG Lynch 1 Simple Question, Her Response Proves She Should Be IMPEACHED

Congressman Asks AG Lynch 1 Simple Question, Her Response Proves She Should Be IMPEACHED

If anyone thought that US Attorney General Loretta Lynch was simply trying to maintain plausible deniability in deferring to FBI Director James Comey in the Hillary Clinton email scandal, those thoughts were put to rest in her recent testimony before Congress. Truly, Lynch has been exposed as nothing more than an opportunistic and hyper-partisan Progressive political operative.
In her most recent testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Lynch stymied the lot of seasoned Congressmen in weaving a tapestry of non-answers in the most stubborn of ways. Her legal prowess at the forefront, her answers were uninformative and, in fact, obstructive. As pointed out, US Rep, Trent Franks (R-AZ), a 12-year member of the Judiciary Committee, threw in the towel after just one question.

It is this type of non-transparency that has become the hallmark of ever political appointee in the Obama Administration. They are uncooperative to the threshold of criminality, but when you have the Attorney General in your pocket, well, who do you call when the top cop is corrupt?
Lynch, in her “non-testimony” testimony, succeeded in blocking and deflecting any and all attempts by Committee members to get answers regarding her abdication of responsibility to charge Hillary Clinton with breaking federal law when she purposefully mishandled classified electronic correspondence, Franks said.
Her legalese and political rhetoric went so far as to refuse even the hint of concession to committee members that she made the decision to not charge Clinton. She would only state that she “accepted” the recommendation from FBI Director Comey and the team of agents and prosecutors who worked with him in the investigation.
Franks had indicated he had approximately 10 questions – with follow-ups – ready for the hearing, but once he heard Lynch’s first “non-answer” he concluded that she was essentially a hostile witness, and that it would be a waste of time going up against “a world-class stonewaller.”
“Hall of Fame. World-class,” Frank’s said. “This lady is world-class when it comes to blatant dissimulation of any facts or testimony that she would give before this committee…She is totally gifted at it. I have been on this committee for 12 years and never have I seen such an awe-inspiring and clear dissimulation – it is really quite impressive.”
Lynch’s prefabricated answers to almost every question answers were variations of her first answer of specifics of the investigation and her decision, or non-decision:
“While I understand that this investigation has generated public interest, as attorney general it would be inappropriate for me to comment further on the underlying facts of the investigation or the legal basis for the team’s recommendation. But, I can tell you that I am extremely proud of the tremendous work of the dedicated prosecutors and agents on this matter.”
When the Attorney General was asked question regarding FBI Director Comey, she responded by saying the congressmen would have to ask Comey. When she was queried about anything regarding the State Department, she would defer the congressman to State.Perhaps the most disrespectful moment came when a committee member asked her to interpret the federal law Clinton has been accused of violating. Lynch’s arrogant and shameful reply was “I think the statute speaks for itself.”“Today, we saw the rule of law take a direct hit from someone, who was really the one held up in this country to be our Number One law enforcement officer,” Franks said after disengaging from questioning. “The far more capable members of this committee have summarily failed, as I just did, to get you to answer the most reasonable and relevant question…Consequently, I’m going to simply capitulate to your prodigious dissimulation skills and suspend the remain the remainder of my questions.”
It is a sad day in the Land of the Free when the top law enforcement official in the land chooses politics and ideology over the rule of law. When the rule of law is replaced by the rule of man, everyone suffers at the hands of tyrants. Today, We the People are wearing, once again, and not since we were considered colonists, the chains of tyranny.

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