Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing's Dangerous Undertones via Fed Grants!

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing's Dangerous Undertones via Fed Grants!

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing's Dangerous Undertones via Fed Grants!

VetTheGov recently spoke out against Mesa County accepting a Federal pass-through grant that ended up in a local non-profit entity through the Incubator system called the Business Loan Fund. During the Mesa County commissioner meeting several issues came up and the Affirmatively Furtherng Fair Housing (AFFH) raised serious concern.  In the short 5-minute video below, a must watch, you will notice why Douglas County commissioners recently voted down accepting any more Federal Community Block Grants.
Some other links discussing AFFH that are worthy of your time!
City of Grand Junction AFFH 2016 plan
UN pushing AFFH
Executive Summary HUD Rule which was published as finalized in the federal register July 16, 2015.
Not only did VetTheGov learn that the board meetings of this Business Loan Fund were held in private, there is little information released or found related to Transparency and Deliquencies. Please take the time to watch VetTheGov's Q & A to the MCBOCC and the Business Loan Fund managers.
Highlights of the commissioner meeting video at each minute mark.  Fair to every local business?  You decide.
1:00 Mesa County CFO Scott Stewart describes AFFH via HUD
3:10 Regulations begin in 2021-FALSE they are already in effect as the initial regulation was made public in 2013.
4:10 Commissioner McInnis speaks regarding AFFH and suggest the many dangers of this program to Mesa County
8:10 VetTheGov questions why Mesa County has to be part of this federal grant and not just the non-profit entity.  Commissioner Pugliese responds.
9:32 VetTheGov ask since federal funds are passed through to non-profit business, access to public information is lost.
11:29 VetTheGov ask Commissioner Justman who sits on the revolving fund board what happens when a loan user defaults on loan. Refers to County Attorney Coleman stating "I have no answer" even though Justman supposedly attends these meetings.
12:23 Executive Director of the Incubator Jon Maraschin admits meetings are in fact held in private and are not open to the public.
13:25 Jon Maraschin answers Commissioner McInnis that Commissioner Justman in fact receives default loan information at these private meetings the public is not allowed to attend.
13:48 Jon Maraschin responds to Commissioner McInnis that meetings are private.
14:20 Commissioner Pugliese states none of the commissioners sit on the loan fund board. WOW!
14:30 Jon Maraschin explains how loans are distributed and the loan board that oversees it.  Surely full of local bankers on this board.
15:34 Loan Fund Manager Dean Didario explains the private revolving federal fund.
16:50 Delinquency Rate
17:55 VetTheGov Who is on the hook? McInnis answers first and states how many of these revolving loans default.  Who is not telling the truth???
19:45 Jon Maraschin states borrowers are on the hook, not taxpayers.  Hmmmm....not what the grant states.
22:35 2.5 FTE's paid from revolving fund of $5 Million federal tax dollars.  You the taxpayer are never returned your initial investment.
24:50 VetTheGov ask the commissioners if the current grant has already accepted the AFFH.  NO IDEA?
The 2015 Community Development Block Grant #F15CDB14595 is below for your review.  The statutes that AFFH are under are on page 20 Exhibit A applicable laws. 24 CFR Subtitle A & B
Stay tuned as VetTheGov is awaiting CORA request for any audits and specific financials related to the usage of these federal grant dollars. In the meantime, email your county commissioners and tell them to turn back these federal tentacle grants!

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