Monday, January 2, 2017

Leaked audio of John Kerry's meeting with Syrian revolutionaries/UN (imp...

IT’S OVER! Obama’s ISIS Audio Just Leaked & It’s Worse Than Anyone Could Have Imagined

Audio just leaked that reveals the TRUTH about the Obama Administration’s role in creating ISIS.
This comes just months after WikiLeaks revealed Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS. 
See what he said on the leaked audio BELOW! (Scroll down for Audio and partial transcript)
The New York Times has acquired a secret taped conversation between Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry, and two dozen Syrian rebels. This conversation took place during a a meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.
The leaked recording proves the United States was KNOWINGLY working with ISIS related rebel groups to try and topple Bashar Assad’s government in Syria.
Kerry said this on the leaked tape: (Audio Below)
“I’ve argued for use of force. I stood up. I’m the guy who stood up and announced we’re going to attack Assad because of the weapons, and then you know things evolved into a different process…The problem is that, you know, you get, quote, ‘enforcers’ in there and then everybody ups the ante, right? Russia puts in more, Iran puts in more; Hezbollah is there more and Nusra is more”
So what does this mean?
Dr. Jamal Wakeem, professor of history and international relations at Lebanese University in Beirut, told RT:
“this proves that the US was involved in the Syrian crisis since its onset and that it was collaborating with the so-called insurgents in order to topple the Syrian regime. In addition, it proves also that the Syrian crisis had its regional and international dimension since the beginning and it wasn’t a revolution against an illegitimate regime, as the West claimed at one point.”
The Obama administration was willing to do ANYTHING to take out the Assad regime in Syria, even if it meant allowing ISIS to rise. The United States even admitted to bombing and killing 62 Syrian soldiers while they were fighting against ISIS.
This was made even more clear in one of Hillary’s leaked emails where she acknowledged that Saudi Arabia, one of the United States top allies, was “providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL.” Keep in mind, Saudi Arabia also donated tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
Here is that email:

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