Wednesday, February 1, 2017

SURPRISE! Muslim Brotherhood Behind Anti-Trump Airport Protests (VIDEO)

SURPRISE! Muslim Brotherhood Behind Anti-Trump Airport Protests (VIDEO)

SURPRISE! Muslim Brotherhood Behind Anti-Trump Airport Protests (VIDEO)

Six years ago Barack Obama banned refugees from Iraq from entering the US for six months.
Democrats said nothing.

This weekend Donald Trump signed an executive order to refuse refugees from seven terrorist states.
But this time Democrats lost it.
Hundreds of liberals protested Trump at airports across the US after 109 foreigners out of 325,000 foreign travelers were detained at airports across the United States.
Now this…
It appears radical Muslim Brotherhood activists are behind the anti-Trump protests.

CNN has video proof that Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers are organizing these “fake travel ban” protests.
The video below shows members of EADHR leading protesters at the Dallas Airport.

Egyptian Americans for Democracy and Human Rights (EADHR) is a radical group sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood and former President Morsi.
Unfortunately CNN is too busy slamming President Trump and promoting a specific narrative, instead of investigating WHO is doing the protesting.
Here are the EADHR members in the CNN video:

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