Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Long Before he was even elected


Long Before he was even elected into office the democrats said they would impeach him. they laughed and mocked him.
At his inauguration the Democrats boycott and would not attend. Demonstrating and creating hate and division.
The house speaker has led the charge of hate against him tearing up his Presidential speech in front of the world, continuing the division to create more hate. Refusing to stand and honor Americans during the Presidential State of the Union address. There is actually people who laughed at this. Most found this a disgusting disgraceful display of disrespect.
Everywhere this man has turned they have demonized him and his family. Lied, censored, and wasted millions of tax payer dollars trying to falsely accuse. The false narrative of Russian interference was them doing the very thing they were accusing him of.
Melanie our First Lady had false pictures of her posted all over social media that were not her and taken down. The group that did this were sued and settled for an undisclosed amount of money. People I know participated in this.
This President is the first in decades not to enter into war. I believe the first in history.
This President has negotiated and signed a historic 3 peace treaty’s. The libera media barley gave this mention.
This President and his cabinet has had the best economy in decades.
This president acted quickly and efficiently on covid. the WHO and China lied. He wants to hold them accountable and should. He was called names by others when he talked about closing the economy and brought all the governors to the Oval Office. Saying he was xenophobic , China town Should stay open. They mocked him. He understands we can not stay closed down. Yes this is a bad virus but the numbers have been skewed. The governors are the ones controlling their states. No the fed. Fauci on March 8th 2020 said “people should not be walking around wearing masks”. CDC study today says 85 percent of people wearing masks regularly still got covid. This came out this week. Coronavirus has been around for many years. Covid 19 is another strain of the virus.
This President has not created this division, they have created division against him from before he was elected. The liberal media has emotionally played on fear and peoples minds creating division and hate.
The daily hate campaign against him is disgraceful.
People should question why the liberals don’t want him in office. It is a criminal swamp of 40 year politicians getting rich off the backs of hard working tax paying Americans.
He didn’t need this job and takes no money from it, he is actually worth less today then when he took office, by choice. He does love this county. He loves our military. He loves our freedom and free enterprise. He and his team know how to bring us out of this and get the economy back on tract. Just like he and his team had it before covid. We had the lowest unemployment in decades of all races. He has appointed more gays, women and other races into positions.
Just because some don’t like the way he talks or presents something doesn’t mean he isn’t doing things right. I don’t care how he talks. I care about everything he has accomplished and it has been a great deal of positive. after having met him I can say this with even greater conviction.
This isn’t being posted for more hate from please don’t. If you don’t agree with something just leave it alone. That creates respect.

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