Thursday, October 13, 2022

The UN's Diabolical Plan to Destroy the World Economy


The UN's Diabolical Plan to Destroy the World Economy

Rebel Capitalist's Photo
by Rebel Capitalist
Wednesday, Oct 12, 2022 - 16:00

Since its founding in 1945, the United Nations has been a pillar of oligarchical collectivism. 

Think of any zany, big government proposal that you see the political class yammer on about….

Banning Meat 

Carbon Taxes

Gun Control

Global Warming 

Modern Monetary Theory
Universal Basic Income 


All of that stuff generally comes from globalist bodies such as the UN.

The UN is the enemy of people who believe in common sense economics and national sovereignty. In the latter case, the UN aims to create a one-world government structure. Under such a system, you can kiss federalism, individual rights, free markets, and property rights goodbye. 

Instead, one can expect to be governed by a “council of elders” or some technocratic class that believes it knows better than you on how to organize society. These people think you and other rebel capitalists are peasants who are incapable of making rational decisions. 

The elitism of these people is truly off the charts. 

Moreover, the UN is beyond useless when it comes to promoting peace. One of the ostensive reasons behind the UN’s creation is how it would bring peace to global affairs. 

When we look at the UN’s track record — from the Korean War all the way to the present Russo-Ukrainian conflict — it has been dismal when it comes to preventing unnecessary conflicts.  

Overall, the UN is the enemy of all people who value freedom and peace across the globe. 

Getting the United States out of this entity will be one of the main steps towards restoring freedom in our land. However, that’s a major work in progress. 

Before we embark on this quest, make sure to check out George Gammon’s recent video on the UN’s latest diabolic scheme to reduce our living standards.

- Team Rebel Capitalist

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