Tuesday, November 25, 2014

CNN analyst reads CRUCIAL EVIDENCE that destroys the lies about Michael Brown shooting » The Right Scoop -

CNN analyst reads CRUCIAL EVIDENCE that destroys the lies about Michael Brown shooting 

CNN analyst reads CRUCIAL EVIDENCE that destroys the lies about Michael Brown shooting

By The Right Scoop

CNN analyst Mel Robbins read a crucial piece of evidence from the transcript that destroys the lies surrounded the shooting of Michael Brown. In short, there is a trail of blood that proves Michael Brown turned away from officer Wilson and then turned back around and moved toward him at least 20 feet, which corroborates Officer Wilson’s testimony.
20 feet is a long way when an officer is telling you to stop and surrender.

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/cnn-analyst-reads-crucial-evidence-that-destroys-the-lies-about-michael-brown-shooting/#ixzz3K7D2mGDF

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