Environmental radicals hate humanity
Lorrie Goldstein
Monday, May 09, 2016, 6:44 PM
After all, even if you believe in the theory of anthropogenic global warming, how screwed up in the head do you have to be to poke a stick in the eye of someone who has just lost his or her home, suggesting it serves them right for working in the oil sands, or even in some other form of employment in a city associated with them?
While the illogic of this position is breathtaking, it is, sadly, not surprising.
There has always been a mean streak in environmentalism which, while it professes to love humanity, often reveals that it can’t stand people.
We see it in the smug calls from First World environmentalists for Third World nations to abandon their development of fossil fuel energy in the name of fighting global warming, which would condemn them to generations of further hardship and lower life expectancy.
This given that using the power of fossil fuel energy was precisely the way the First World became the First World.
But the nastiness of some within the environmental movement goes even further.
Indeed, green radicals have been arguing for decades that there’s no environmental problem on Earth that couldn’t be solved by killing off a few billion human beings.
James Lovelock, one of the world’s most famous environmentalists and a believer in man-made climate change, wrote about this smug, arrogant, mean-spirited green philosophy in his book The Revenge of Gaia, about the threat posed by global warming.
Lovelock, who believes the Earth is a single, living organism, nonetheless broke with a huge swath of the global green movement because of its hysterical campaign to ban the insecticide DDT outright, or at the very least make it politically impossible for developing countries to use it.
As a result, Lovelock wrote, millions of Africans have needlessly died of malaria ever since the 1970s, when the real issue was not the responsible use of DDT as an insecticide, but its overuse by agri-businesses, mainly in the developed world, to increase crop yields
As Lovelock writes in The Revenge of Gaia: “The indiscriminate banning of DDT and other chlorinated insecticides was a selfish, ill-informed act driven by affluent radicals in the first world. The inhabitants of tropical countries have paid a high price in death and illness as a result ...”
Dr. Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace, eventually broke with the environmental movement because, he said, its campaigns became ever more bizarre, callous and indifferent towards humanity.
“I think it’s legitimate for me to call them anti-human,” Moore said in the controversial 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle. “Like, okay, you don’t have to think humans are better than whales, or better than owls, or whatever, if you don’t want to. But surely it is not a good idea to think of humans as sort of being scum. You know, that it’s okay to have hundreds of millions of them go blind or die, or whatever. I just can’t relate to that.”
But that is exactly what many in the so-called “deep green” environmental movement believe.
That is, that humans are no better than scum -- except for themselves, of course.
Small wonder they don’t lose any sleep about a family in Fort McMurray losing their home.
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