Funny things always happen to Bill and Hillary Clinton, friends have this nasty habit of turning up dead. We all gotta go sometimes, but the Clinton’s buddies seem to go under weird circumstances (and many by suicide). My friend Tami Jackson has compiled a list and description of 47 Clinton friends whose deaths seemed a bit odd. We will share them over the next few days. Below are the first ten.
Guest Post by Tami Jackson
McDougal was a convicted Whitewater partner of the Clintons who died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in the investigation of Special Prosecutor Ken Starr.
The Baltimore Sun’s Carl M. Cannon wrote on March 9,1998:
James B. McDougal, a former Clinton business partner who had been cooperating with independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr in the Whitewater investigation, died yesterday in a federal prison hospital in Texas. He was 58.As noted by Star-Telegram staff writer Jack Douglas Jr. and WND:
McDougal was serving a 3 1/2 -year sentence after Starr’s office successfully prosecuted him on fraud charges stemming from the collapse of Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, a McDougal-owned Arkansas thrift that cost taxpayers $60 million when it failed.
His death appears to reduce the legal risks to President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton, and was a clear setback to Starr and his prosecutors, who huddled in their offices last night after McDougal’s death was announced.
McDougal, who suffered from heart disease and blocked arteries, died of cardiac arrest, the Justice Department said. He had often predicted that his health wouldn’t hold out long enough for him ever to be free again.
At the White House, the president issued a statement referring to the early years of his friendship with McDougal.
“I am saddened to learn about Jim McDougal’s death today,” Clinton said. “I have good memories of the years we worked together in Arkansas, and I extend my condolences to his family.”
The key accusation against Clinton in the Whitewater land deal phase of Starr’s investigation centers on a claim by former municipal judge David Hale, who maintains Clinton urged him in 1986 to seek a fraudulent $300,0000 government-backed loan.
The money was never repaid, and prosecutors alleged that some of it was used to prop up the Whitewater Development Corp., a firm co-owned by McDougal, his then-wife, Susan, and the Clintons.
When Jim McDougal was taken out of solitary, instead of attempting to defibrillate his heart with equipment on hand at the facility, he was driven over to John Peter Smith hospital. Not the closest hospital to the Fort Worth Federal Medical Center, John Peter Smith hospital is a welfare hospital, where (in the words of one local) ,”They let interns practice on deadbeats”.
Mahoney was a former White House intern was murdered in July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown, Washington, D. C., just after she was about to go public with her story of sexual harassment by then president Bill Clinton in the White House.
Reported by the Western Journalism Center:
White House intern Died July 1997 An attractive 25-year-old woman, Mahoney was a former White House intern for Bill Clinton working as the assistant manager at a Starbuck’s Coffee shop in Georgetown.
Gunmen entered the Starbuck’s while the crew was cleaning up after closing. Mahoney’s two associates, Aaron Goodrich, 18 and Emory Evans, 25, were taken to a room and shot.
Mary herself had five bullets in her, from at least two different guns, most likely with silencers. A total of 10 shots were fired; none of them heard by neighbors in the densely populated Georgetown section.
Mahoney was shot in the chest, her face, and in the back of the head.
Even though more than $4,000 remained in the store, the police have categorized the triple murder as a robbery, even as they acknowledge the “execution style” killings.
There was no sign of forced entry. One report said the cafe was still locked when the bodies were found the next morning. George Stephanopoulos, Monica Lewinsky and Chelsea Clinton were all regulars at the Starbuck’s.
Foster was a White House Councilor and colleague of Hillary Clinton at the Little Rock Rose Law Firm where Clinton was a partner. He died of a gunshot wound to the head, which was ruled a suicide. (He was about to testify against Hillary about the records she refused to turn over to Congress.) He was reported to have been having an affair with Hillary.
The Daily Mail’s Sally Bedell Smith reported:
On a Monday night in July 1993, a 48-year-old lawyer called Vince Foster was found dead in a park near Washington DC.
He had died from a gunshot wound to the mouth and his father’s .38-calibre revolver, dating from 1913, was at his side.
It was the same method of suicide used by a Marine officer in the film A Few Good Men – which Foster was known recently to have watched.
In the movie, the officer had killed himself because he was distraught about testifying against his commanding officer.
In real life, Vince Foster was distraught at the prospect of being grilled about the shady affairs of Hillary Clinton.
A clear case of suicide, then. Or was it? As the months passed, wild rumours began to grow that a hitman had murdered him because he knew too much.
Tall and handsome, Vince Foster was one of Hillary’s closest colleagues and best friends.
Brown was the Secretary of Commerce under Clinton and the former DNC Chairman. He was reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound.
At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the Air Traffic controller committed suicide.
Jack Cashill wrote:
When I first heard of the Ron Brown plane crash in 1996, I presumed it was just that – a crash, an accident. It was not until the revelation of the hole in Brown’s head in late 1997 that I began to question the simplicity of the earlier explanation.
In exploring Ron Brown’s life, however, I came to see just how desperate were his circumstances, especially at the end. I also came to see how deeply – and willfully – flawed was the investigation into his death.
What finally convinced me that talk of “murder” was not irresponsible was the official 22-volume Air Force report. To secure it, I had to go through the Freedom of Information Act.
Contained deep within the report are some astonishing revelations, none of which had ever been revealed in the media.
The Air Force report also revealed the Enron connection. Even if the plane crash were accidental, Brown and 34 others died for no higher purpose than to secure a sweetheart deal between a fascist dictator and a notoriously corrupt American company.
This was the “very important challenge of his time” that inspired President Clinton to compare Brown to Martin Luther King. Again, there is much more than can be revealed here.
In the book, the reader can explore the evidence as to who benefited from Brown’s death and, if he were murdered, who might have executed him and how.
Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fundraising organization, died in a private plane crash in July 1992.As reported in the Chicago Tribune:
C. Victor Raiser II, finance co-chairman of Gov. Bill Clinton`s presidential campaign, was killed Thursday when a small plane carrying him on a fishing vacation crashed in Alaska. He was 52 and lived in Washington.The New York Times wrote:
The aircraft, a De Havilland Beaver floatplane, went down near the town of Dillingham, 300 miles southwest of Anchorage, killing Mr. Raiser and his 22-year-old son, R. Montgomery Raiser, along with three other passengers. A sixth passenger and the pilot were injured.
C. Victor Raiser 2d, finance co-chairman of Gov. Bill Clinton’s Presidential campaign, was killed Thursday when a small plane carrying him on a fishing vacation crashed in Alaska. He was 52 years old and lived in Washington.
The aircraft, a de Havilland Beaver floatplane, went down near the town of Dillingham, 300 miles southwest of Anchorage, killing Mr. Raiser as well as his 22-year-old son, R. Montgomery Raiser, and three other passengers. A sixth passenger and the pilot were injured.
Mr. Raiser (pronounced RAY-zer), a lawyer, business executive and former finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee, was the Clinton campaign’s finance chairman for the Middle Atlantic States and one of its 12 national finance co-chairmen. On learning Friday of his death, the campaign’s press secretary, Dee Dee Myers, described him as “a major player” in the Clinton organization.
Mr. Raiser was born in Indianapolis and earned a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University in 1962 and a law degree from the University of Virginia in 1965.
Tulley was the Democratic National Committee Political Director who was found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, Ark., on September 1992. He was described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor.”
The New York Times wrote:
Paul Tully, the political director of the Democratic National Committee and one of his party’s pre-eminent strategists, was found dead in Little Rock, Ark., today. He was 48 years old.
Coroner Steve Nawojczyk of Pulaski County said Mr. Tully’s body was found about 3 P.M. today by a maid at the hotel where he was living in Little Rock. Pending results of an autopsy, the coroner said Mr. Tully appeared to have died of natural causes.
Mr. Tully was among the most impassioned and intense of a generation of Democratic political professionals who devoted much of their lives to regaining the White House. He worked in every Presidential election since 1968.
He had moved to Little Rock this fall to aid in Gov. Bill Clinton’s drive for the White House. Ronald H. Brown, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said in a statement tonight: “There will be only one Paul Tully. Pacing, driven, and full of joy, Paul’s commitment to our party and, more importantly, to making this great nation even greater was a fire that burned bright and long.”
Willey, a Clinton fundraiser, was found dead in November 1993, deep in the woods of Virginia with a gunshot wound to the head, which was ruled a suicide. Willey’s Kathleen, claimed that Bill Clinton groped her in the Oval Office of the White House.Willey’s wife, Kathleen asserted in an interview:
In a new book alleging a campaign of slander and intimidation orchestrated chiefly by Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Willey points a finger of suspicion at the former first couple for the death of her husband, who was believed to have killed himself.
Willey, who claims she was groped by President Clinton in the White House, acknowledged in an interview with WND today that she stands by the speculation she poses about her husband’s demise in “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Asked if she suspects her husband Ed, a lawyer and son of a prominent Virginia lawmaker, was murdered, Willey replied, “Most definitely.”
“I’m having someone with a forensics background look at this, and I intend to pursue this further, now that these questions have been raised,” she told WND, pointing to alleged discrepancies in the autopsy report.
Does she believe the Clintons were involved?
“I do have suspicions,” Willey said, “yes.”
Parks was the head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock, Ark. He was gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside of Little Rock. Park’s son said his father was compiling a dossier on Clinton and allegedly threatened to reveal the information he found. After he died, the files were mysteriously removed from his house.
KATV Channel 7 reports:
It’s a tragic story with many twists and turns that leaves a Little Rock woman with little information about her father’s murder.Read this 1997 account of events by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard:
“Shortly before 7:00 Sunday night, police found the bullet-riddled body of a middle-aged Roland man lying outside his car near the intersection of Chenal Parkway and Highway 10 in west Little Rock,” Channel 7’s Geoff Morrell reported in a KATV news broadcast on September 26, 1993.
It was a day that Denise Hickman can recall like it was yesterday.
“I remember getting a phone call from my dad’s widow saying that my father had been hurt. And I asked her what happened and she told me that he was dead. And then I just dropped the phone,” said Hickman.
Someone in a white Chevy pulled up to Jerry Parks car and just started shooting.
“The occupant of the Chevrolet then fired approximately ten shots based upon the evidence we found at the scene,” said Doc Holladay in 1993, back then as a spokesperson for the Little Rock Police Department.
Hickman’s dad was a private investigator and owner of a security company. He would have been turning 67 years old July 3. She was 26 when he was murdered.
“I’M A DEAD MAN,” whispered Jerry Parks, pale with shock, as he looked up at the television screen. It was a news bulletin on the local station in Little Rock. Vincent Foster, a childhood friend of the President, had been found dead in a park outside Washington. Apparent suicide.
He never explained to his son Gary what he meant by that remark, but for the next two months the beefy 6′ 3″ security executive was in a state of permanent fear. He would pack a pistol to fetch the mail. On the way to his offices at American Contract Services in Little Rock he would double back or take strange routes to “dry-clean” the cars that he thought were following him.
At night he kept tearing anxiously at his eyebrows, and raiding the valium pills of his wife, Jane, who was battling multiple sclerosis. Once he muttered darkly that Bill Clinton’s people were “cleaning house,” and he was “next on the list.”
Two months later, in September 1993, Jerry and Jane went on a Caribbean cruise. He seemed calmer. At one of the islands he went to take care of some business at a bank. She believed it was Grand Cayman. They returned to their home in the rural suburbs of Little Rock on September 25. The next day Jane was in one of her “down” periods, so Jerry went off on his own for the regular Sunday afternoon supper at El Chico Mexican Restaurant.
On the way back, at about 6:30 PM, a white Chevrolet Caprice pulled up beside him on the Chenal Parkway. Before Parks had time to reach for his .38 caliber “detective special” that he kept tucked between the seats, an assassin let off a volley of semi-automatic fire into his hulking 320 pound frame.
Parks skidded to a halt in the intersection of Highway 10. The stocky middle-aged killer jumped out and finished him off with a 9 mm handgun–two more shots into the chest at point blank range. Several witnesses watched with astonishment as the nonchalant gunman joined his accomplice in the waiting car and sped away.
It was another three months before news of the murder of Jerry Luther Parks reached me in Washington. The U.S. national media were largely unaware of the story, which surprised me because Parks had been in charge of security at the 1992 Clinton-Gore campaign headquarters in Little Rock.
Bunch was an influential Texan who died from an apparent suicide by gunshot. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people containing the names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.10. JOHN WILSON
Wilson was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent suicide by hanging. He was reported to have ties to the Clintons’ Whitewater deals.
As written by the Washington City Paper:
On May 19, 1993, the D.C. government lost one of its early Home Rule-era leaders and most accomplished legislators. D.C. Council Chairman John A. Wilson was found dead in the basement laundry room of his Southwest home by his wife, Bonnie, and chauffeur.
His death, ruled a suicide by the Metropolitan Police Department, sent shock waves through the D.C. political scene, of which Wilson was a 20-year veteran. The longtime Ward 2 council member, who assumed the council chairmanship in 1991, was known for his own brand of brazen politics.
Each of these deaths seem to have had a cloud of mystery surrounding the event. In some cases, the victims were shot execution style, with firearms fitted with suppressors.
The public should be asking how common is it that a couple, such as Bill and Hillary, happen to know 47 people who died violent and mystery-shrouded deaths?
Funny things always happen to Bill and Hillary Clinton, friends have this nasty habit of turning up dead. We all gotta go sometimes, but the Clinton’s buddies seem to go under weird circumstances (and many by suicide). My friend Tami Jackson has compiled a list and description of 47 Clinton friends whose deaths seemed a bit odd. We will share them over the next few days.
Guest Post by Tami Jackson
Accidents happen. Planes crash, and people take their lives out of desperate grief and overwhelming hopelessness.
But the question we should each ask ourselves is, what are the probabilities that such a number of people, closely related to Hillary and Bill Clinton, many of whom harbored troublesome Clinton secrets, would die mysterious deaths?
The probabilities are not good. Add to that murders, and execution-style hits, and this list should cause every American to question how– and why– these people died.
Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, 38 year old Kathy Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her right temple. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she was about to go somewhere.Ferguson was a hospital worker and her death came a mere 5 days after the death of her ex-husband’s.
Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit, and Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.
The Los Angeles Times reported:
The ex-wife of a state trooper who is a co-defendant in a sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton died in an apparent suicide.Kathy Ferguson, 37, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the right temple early Wednesday at the home of her boyfriend, said Mark Malcolm, chief deputy coroner for Pulaski County.
Shelton, an Arkansas State Trooper, was the fiancée of Kathy Ferguson. He criticized the suicide ruling of his fiancée, and was found dead in Sherwood, Arkansas, on June 12th, 1994, of a gunshot wound, sprawled on the gravesite of his fiancée.
The police report indicated that the fatal shot entry point was behind the right ear, and the exit point was behind the left ear. Also, first accounts indicated that Trooper Ferguson left a note (found next to his body) stating, “I can’t stand it any more.” Local police chief says, “It puts big questions in your mind. Why?”
Baugh was the attorney for Bill Clinton‘s friend (and drug distributor), Dan R. Lasater. Baugh died by allegedly jumping out the window of a tall building in January, 1994. His law partner allegedly committed suicide one month later.The Los Angeles Times writes of his client, Dan R. Lasater:
Dan R. Lasater, an Arkansas friend and fund-raiser who has proved an embarrassment to President Clinton, did his best Wednesday to make up for past wrongs in an appearance before the Senate Whitewater Committee.
Lasater, a convicted cocaine user and distributor, freely acknowledged that he had lobbied Clinton as governor and had contributed to his state campaigns in an effort to win business for his bond underwriting business.
Martin was an accountant subcontractor for the CIA and died October 23rd, 1994. Of note: Martin supposedly had knowledge of the Barry Seal, Mena Arkansas Airport drug smuggling case. Seal died of three gunshot wounds.
Once again, several reports indicated that Florence Martin, at the time of her death, had the account and PIN numbers for a Fuji bank account in the Cayman Islands in the name of Barry Seal which held 1.4 million dollars. Immediately following her death, the money was moved to the Virgin Islands.
Coleman reportedly had an affair with Bill Clinton when he was the Arkansas Attorney General. She died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, which was ruled a suicide. She was pregnant at the time of her death.16. PAULA GROBER
Grober was Bill Clinton ‘s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death in December 1992. She died in a one-car accident with no known witnesses. Her body was thrown 33 feet from the car, indicating a very high speed.
Said to be a very attractive woman, Grober traveled extensively with Clinton from 1978 until her death. Clinton, through a spokesman, called Gober’s death “a great personal loss.” He also said, “Hillary and I extend our sincere sympathy to Paula’s family. I had the privilege of working with her over many years.”
Casolaro was an investigative reporter who was looking into the Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.
Casolaro’s body was found on August 10, 1991, in a blood-filled bath tub by a hotel maid who called the Martinsburg, West Virginia, police. The body contained three deep cuts on the right wrist and seven on the left wrist, made by a single edge razor blade.
The New York Times reported:
A freelance writer who was found dead with his wrists slashed in a hotel room in Martinsburg, W.Va., a week ago was buried near here today amid uncertainty about the cause of death and evidence that he was working on an article about a major Government conspiracy.
The body of Joseph Daniel Casolaro, 44 years old of Fairfax City, Va., was discovered by West Virginia authorities on Saturday in what was tentatively ruled a suicide.Mr. Casolaro’s family and friends said he had told them he was going to Martinsburg to meet a source for the story he had been working on for more than a year.
The case has been in the courts for nearly a decade and Mr. Casolaro’s brother, Dr. Anthony Casolaro of Arlington, Va., has told reporters he believed his brother may have been close to uncovering a major conspiracy in connection with the Inslaw case. He said in an interview today that his brother had told him in the last two months that if he died in an accident, “don’t believe it.”
Dr. Casolaro said he was very skeptical that his brother committed suicide for several reasons, including the facts that his brother had recently received numerous death threats and that none of his notes on the case were found with his body. A finding of suicide was made by Dr. James Frost, West Virginia’s deputy medical examiner, but he said he could not rule out foul play.
Wilcher was the attorney investigating the raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. He was found dead on a toilet on June 22, 1993, in his Washington, D.C. apartment. He had delivered an extensive affidavit with eye-witness testimony on the Waco events to Janet Reno on May 21, 1993.
In his report to Attorney General Reno, Wilcher said that he was in grave danger and that if the information he had for the Attorney General fell into the wrong hands, there could be people “silenced in the very near future.”
Though unable to collaborate, it was reported Wilcher was working with Danny Casolaro on the Mena, Arkansas investigation.
Walker was one of the Whitewater investigators who worked for Resolution Trust Corp. He allegedly jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony on August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty (Whitewater) scandal.20. BARBARA WISE
Wise died on November, 29, 1996. Wise was a close associate of Ron Brown and John Huang, and was discovered dead in her locked office on the fourth floor of the Department of Commerce. She was partially nude and had sustained contusions throughout her body.The Associated Press report:
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Commerce Department employee was found dead in her fourth-floor office at the agency’s downtown headquarters on Friday.
The body was discovered around 7:45 a.m. by a co-worker arriving for work, police said.
The woman was identified as Barbara Alice Wise, 48, of Gambrills, Md. She had worked as a secretary for 14 years at the department’s International Trade Administration.
Anne Luzzatto, chief spokeswoman for Commerce Secretary Mickey Kantor, said the unit where she worked provided analysis for various industries in studies designed to boost export sales.
The woman had been last seen alive at Commerce late Wednesday afternoon, before the agency closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Sgt. Michael Farish, a homicide investigator with District of Columbia police, said officers have found no signs of foul play and believe that she died of natural causes. But the case continued to be investigated as a homicide, he said.
A preliminary autopsy was unable to determine the cause of death Friday.
A local television station, WRC, quoted unidentified police sources as saying that the office where the body was found was locked and the body was partially nude.
After her body was discovered, Bill Clinton made an impromptu flight back to the White House from Camp David.
This crime has never been solved.
things always happen to Bill and Hillary Clinton, friends have
this nasty habit of turning up dead. We all gotta go sometimes, but
the Clinton’s buddies seem to go under weird circumstances (and many by
My friend Tami Jackson has compiled a list and description of 47 Clinton friends whose deaths seemed a bit odd. We ran part one on Friday and part two yesterday, today we present the third part of
As the Super Duper Pacs begin piling up the coin for Hillary’s 2016 run, and as all the Old Guard Media stumble over themselves to clamor for a coveted Hill interview, serious patriots should go about the business of digging up facts, this is part of that effort.
Time magazine’s January 27, 2014 cover asks, “Can Anyone Stop Hillary?”…an obviously rhetorical question. According to Time, Clinton is so globally famous, so politically wired and so primed for the presidency after two campaigns at her husband’s side and one epic race of her own that her life as a private citizen has become virtually indistinguishable from her life as a candidate.
New Yorker’s John Cassidy notes:
I don’t expect the GOP to highlight any Hillary Clinton history EXCEPT her titanic failure as Sec State: 4 brave Americans died in Benghazi, under Clinton’s watch, and she is culpable.
As for the rest of her questionable life story? Well, that’s where new media can pick up the brush and paint in the rest of the picture.
Hillary and Bill Clinton are pursuing their goal for ever more power with the relentless abandon and iron will of an Olympic athlete. But unlike the Olympic sporting amateurs, Hill and Bill are pros: they seem to get what they want, no matter the cost.
Take a look at the next 10 people in this series who met with an untimely death. And again, I do NOT assert a direct link between the Clintons and the deaths.
However, use common sense. Use the science of probability. And ask yourself how likely is it that an average person would have this number of folks, in their close circle of acquaintance, die mysteriously or be the victim of a hit-style murder.
You decide.

Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash in Croatia in 1996. Also perishing in the crash was Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman, Ron Brown.
Congressional record Volume 142, Number 74, 23 May 1996 states:
The NTSB says the airplane caught fire in the air and crashed while the pilot attempted to make an emergency landing.

Barry Seal was a drug-running TWA pilot out of Mena, Arkansas. The scuttlebutt was that car mechanic Johnny Lawhorn Jr. found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of Seal’s car.
Barry Seal was a danger-loving pilot and the best known cocaine smuggler of the 1980’s. He was murdered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1986, by three men with machine guns and who were later arrested and convicted. They were Colombians and authorities say they were connected with the Medellin drug cartel.
The Attorney General of Louisiana told U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese in 1986 that Seal smuggled $3 to $5 billion worth of drugs into the U.S.
In 1981, Seal began running his smuggling operation out of a highly guarded and, for a while, secret airport in Mena, Arkansas.
There have been questions of whether Bill Clinton, who was governor of Arkansas at the time, may have looked the other way if he knew about the drug smuggling operation, but there has not been proof of that.
I have received first hand information from friends of Barry Seal, and the name that keeps popping up as a key to what happened is Federal Judge Frank Polozola.
I will augment this entry as I receive more information from my sources.
Here is the rough sketch of the Madison Guaranty debacle:

Herschel H. Friday (February 10, 1922 – March 1, 1994) was an Arkansas bond lawyer whom President Richard Nixon considered appointing to the United States Supreme Court. Friday owned an Arkansas law firm, Friday, Eldredge & Clark, LLP, one of the oldest, largest, and long-standing law firms in the state.
Friday, an Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded.
27 – Kevin Ives and Don Henry

Don Henry and Kevin Ives are better known as “The boys on the track.” Joseph Farah recounts the story:

Keith Coney died May 17, 1988. Coney asserted he had inside information concerning the Henry/Ives “Boys on the Track” case. In the news at the time, Keith’s mother, Betty Alexander, said her son knew the teenagers and related to her he had been nearby when Henry and Ives were attacked.
Coney died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck during a reported high-speed chase.
Local reports at the time:
So. The body count is now up to 30 (actually 31, but investigators count Don Henry and Kevin Ives as a single case). That’s 30 people who were well-acquainted with Bill and Hillary Clinton, some of whom worked for them.

As I wrote in Part 2, consider these deaths and the events surrounding them as a judge who admonishes a jury before deliberations begin, “What would be the conclusions of a reasonable person given the evidence, and without going to extraordinary lengths to explain the events.”
I know probability and statistics, and it just seems that a reasonable person would have to suspend all logic to NOT be ill at ease at the sheer number of extremely odd causes of death. And the sheer number of deaths.
Let’s be diligent to find answers and inform a couple generations of voters who may not know the real Mrs. Clinton. Hillary is no dame to be trifled with.
But we cannot allow the MSM to cloak another potential presidential candidate with half-truths and fictitious facade. Liberty is counting on us, no matter the consequences.
Besides being my good friend, SavingOurFuture Editor Tami Jackson is a life-long Conservative embedded in her once red, native state of Oregon, and is the grand-daughter of (legal) Norwegian immigrants. Tami is an Evangelical Christian, the “mom” of one Persian cat (Omar), a Second Amendment aficionado, and the chief organizer and instigator of trouble among the Hugh Hewitt Tribbles. Tami is the Executive Editor of, Editor In Chief of, Content/Media at Stadium (a premium Web Design/Branding/Marketing Firm), the host of the Tami Jackson Show, and the Social Media Marketing Director for the Ride the Thunder movie. Follow Tami on Twitter @tamij
My friend Tami Jackson has compiled a list and description of 47 Clinton friends whose deaths seemed a bit odd. We ran part one on Friday and part two yesterday, today we present the third part of
As the Super Duper Pacs begin piling up the coin for Hillary’s 2016 run, and as all the Old Guard Media stumble over themselves to clamor for a coveted Hill interview, serious patriots should go about the business of digging up facts, this is part of that effort.
Time magazine’s January 27, 2014 cover asks, “Can Anyone Stop Hillary?”…an obviously rhetorical question. According to Time, Clinton is so globally famous, so politically wired and so primed for the presidency after two campaigns at her husband’s side and one epic race of her own that her life as a private citizen has become virtually indistinguishable from her life as a candidate.
New Yorker’s John Cassidy notes:
Right now, twenty-four months before the Iowa primary, and at a point when not a single serious candidate has declared that she or he is running for President, Priorities USA, the Democratic Super PAC that raised and spent wads of cash in support of President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, is putting its money and expertise behind—you guessed it—Hillary Clinton.While all these elite wonks and writers scurry to anoint Hill and pen the fait accompli, I would like to continue my quest to inform Americans, to remind us what’s behind the celebrated veneer of Ms. Clinton.
I don’t expect the GOP to highlight any Hillary Clinton history EXCEPT her titanic failure as Sec State: 4 brave Americans died in Benghazi, under Clinton’s watch, and she is culpable.
As for the rest of her questionable life story? Well, that’s where new media can pick up the brush and paint in the rest of the picture.
Hillary and Bill Clinton are pursuing their goal for ever more power with the relentless abandon and iron will of an Olympic athlete. But unlike the Olympic sporting amateurs, Hill and Bill are pros: they seem to get what they want, no matter the cost.
Take a look at the next 10 people in this series who met with an untimely death. And again, I do NOT assert a direct link between the Clintons and the deaths.
However, use common sense. Use the science of probability. And ask yourself how likely is it that an average person would have this number of folks, in their close circle of acquaintance, die mysteriously or be the victim of a hit-style murder.
You decide.
21 – Charles Meissner
Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash in Croatia in 1996. Also perishing in the crash was Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman, Ron Brown.
Congressional record Volume 142, Number 74, 23 May 1996 states:
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, the tragic plane crash in Croatia last month that took the life of Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown also took the lives of other outstanding officials in the Department of Commerce, including Charles F. Meissner, who was Assistant Secretary for International Economic Policy and who was also the husband of Doris Meissner, the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. During the 1970’s, he had served with great distinction for several years on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
22 – Dr. Stanley Heard
Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton’s advisory council personally treated Clinton ‘s mother, step-father and brother.According to the National Transportation and Safety Board, the crash was due to “AN INADEQUATE ANNUAL INSPECTION OF THE AIRPLANE AND NON-COMPLIANCE WITH AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES BY COMPANY MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL.”
The NTSB says the airplane caught fire in the air and crashed while the pilot attempted to make an emergency landing.
23 – Barry Seal
Barry Seal was a drug-running TWA pilot out of Mena, Arkansas. The scuttlebutt was that car mechanic Johnny Lawhorn Jr. found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of Seal’s car.
Barry Seal was a danger-loving pilot and the best known cocaine smuggler of the 1980’s. He was murdered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1986, by three men with machine guns and who were later arrested and convicted. They were Colombians and authorities say they were connected with the Medellin drug cartel.
The Attorney General of Louisiana told U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese in 1986 that Seal smuggled $3 to $5 billion worth of drugs into the U.S.
There have been questions of whether Bill Clinton, who was governor of Arkansas at the time, may have looked the other way if he knew about the drug smuggling operation, but there has not been proof of that.
I have received first hand information from friends of Barry Seal, and the name that keeps popping up as a key to what happened is Federal Judge Frank Polozola.
I will augment this entry as I receive more information from my sources.
24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr.
Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. died March 31, 1998. Lawhorn owned a transmission repair shop and found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of Barry Seal’s car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.25 – Stanley Huggins
Stanley Huggins investigated Madison Guaranty, the financial institution operated by Jim McDougal and Susan McDougal which failed in the late 1980s.Here is the rough sketch of the Madison Guaranty debacle:
Jim McDougal was convicted of 18 felony counts of fraud conspiracy charges. The counts had to do with bad loans made by Madison S&L. This S&L was partnered with Whitewater Development Corporation, the subject of Whitewater probe, and owned, in part, by Bill and Hillary Clinton.Stanley Huggins died when his plane crashed, but the NTSB never released the crash investigation report.
Madison Guaranty and McDougal hired Rose Law Firm, where the Mrs. Clinton worked, as a defense attorney. Mrs. Clinton’s Rose Law Firm billing records on Madison Guaranty and McDougal’s Castle Grande project that Hillary called IDC – Industrial Development Corporation. How much work she actually did on Madison and Castle Grande was the subject of the missing billing records.
26 – Herschel Friday
Herschel H. Friday (February 10, 1922 – March 1, 1994) was an Arkansas bond lawyer whom President Richard Nixon considered appointing to the United States Supreme Court. Friday owned an Arkansas law firm, Friday, Eldredge & Clark, LLP, one of the oldest, largest, and long-standing law firms in the state.
Friday, an Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded.
27 – Kevin Ives and Don Henry
Don Henry and Kevin Ives are better known as “The boys on the track.” Joseph Farah recounts the story:
Unless you read the inside pages of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette (not one of my favorite pastimes), you probably missed what may be a significant development in what has become known in Clinton scandal parlance as the “boys on the tracks case.”Mara Leveritt made the case famous with her 1999 book, The Boys on the Tracks: Death, Denial, and a Mother’s Crusade to Bring Her Son’s Killers to Justice.
For those not familiar with the background, the story begins on August 22 when teen-agers Kevin Ives and Don Henry went out to a secluded area of Saline County, Arkansas, for a night of deer hunting. Early the next morning, a northbound Union Pacific train ran over their bodies as they lie sprawled on the tracks.
Arkansas State Medical Examiner Fahmy Malak, appointed by Gov. Bill Clinton, quickly ruled the boys’ deaths “accidental,” saying they were unconscious or in a deep sleep as a result of smoking marijuana. That explanation didn’t add up to Kevin’s mother, Linda, who publicly challenged the finding. A local grand jury began investigating, resulting in the bodies being exhumed.
Another autopsy revealed that Don Henry had been stabbed in the back and that Kevin Ives had been beaten with a rifle butt. In other words, the kids had been murdered — murdered in an area known as a drop zone for drug smugglers.
Under public pressure over the official mishandling of the case from the beginning, Gov. Clinton called in two pathologists from out of state to review the work of the medical examiner and state crime lab where the autopsies were conducted. But when the Saline County grand jury tried to subpoena those experts for testimony, Clinton refused to allow it.
The Boys on the Tracks is the story of a parent’s worst nightmare, a quiet woman’s confrontation with a world of murder, drugs, and corruption, where legitimate authority is mocked and the public trust is trampled. It is an intensely personal story and a story of national importance. It is a tale of multiple murders and of justice repeatedly denied.The phrase that nags at me being, “Clinton refused to allow it.” And the subsequent question: why?
The death of a child is bad enough. To learn that the child was murdered is worse. But few tragedies compare with the story of Linda Ives, whose teenage son and his friend were found mysteriously run over by a train.
In the months that followed, Ives’s world darkened even more as she gradually came to understand that the very officials she turned to for help could not, or would not, solve the murders. The story of betrayal begins locally but quickly expands.
Exposing a web of silence and complicity in which drugs, politics, and murder converge, The Boys on the Tracks is a horrifying story from first page to last, and its most frightening aspect is that all of the story is true.
28 – Keith Coney
Keith Coney died May 17, 1988. Coney asserted he had inside information concerning the Henry/Ives “Boys on the Track” case. In the news at the time, Keith’s mother, Betty Alexander, said her son knew the teenagers and related to her he had been nearby when Henry and Ives were attacked.
Coney died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck during a reported high-speed chase.
29 – Keith McMaskle
Keith McKaskle made no secret that he feared for his life, because he also had information about the Don Henry and Kevin Ives “Boys on the Track” murder case. Kevin Ives’ mother, Linda, testified that Keith bid his friends and family good-bye shortly before his murder.Local reports at the time:
The night of elections in 1988, he took two pennies out of his pocket and threw them on the bar there at the Wagon Wheel and said “If Jim Steed (Saline County Sheriff) loses this election, my life isn’t worth two cents,” and he was murdered by stabbing that night – 113 stab wounds.McKaskle died on November 10, 1988. COD 113 stab wounds. Pretty safe to say that was no suicide or accident.
30 – Gregory Collins
Gregory Collins was another who allegedly had knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the murders of Arkansas teenagers, Don Henry and Kevin Ives. Collins died from a gunshot wound January 1989.So. The body count is now up to 30 (actually 31, but investigators count Don Henry and Kevin Ives as a single case). That’s 30 people who were well-acquainted with Bill and Hillary Clinton, some of whom worked for them.
As I wrote in Part 2, consider these deaths and the events surrounding them as a judge who admonishes a jury before deliberations begin, “What would be the conclusions of a reasonable person given the evidence, and without going to extraordinary lengths to explain the events.”
I know probability and statistics, and it just seems that a reasonable person would have to suspend all logic to NOT be ill at ease at the sheer number of extremely odd causes of death. And the sheer number of deaths.
Let’s be diligent to find answers and inform a couple generations of voters who may not know the real Mrs. Clinton. Hillary is no dame to be trifled with.
But we cannot allow the MSM to cloak another potential presidential candidate with half-truths and fictitious facade. Liberty is counting on us, no matter the consequences.
Besides being my good friend, SavingOurFuture Editor Tami Jackson is a life-long Conservative embedded in her once red, native state of Oregon, and is the grand-daughter of (legal) Norwegian immigrants. Tami is an Evangelical Christian, the “mom” of one Persian cat (Omar), a Second Amendment aficionado, and the chief organizer and instigator of trouble among the Hugh Hewitt Tribbles. Tami is the Executive Editor of, Editor In Chief of, Content/Media at Stadium (a premium Web Design/Branding/Marketing Firm), the host of the Tami Jackson Show, and the Social Media Marketing Director for the Ride the Thunder movie. Follow Tami on Twitter @tamij
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