Oops! Bill Nye Makes MAJORLY False Claim About The Constitution… Again
Monday April 24 2017

There was some drama over Bill Nye the marketing major children’s entertainer “science” guy participating in the March for Science (see The March For Science Has a Problem with Bill Nye… Because He’s a White Male). Nevertheless, he persisted… and they let him speak. And this, kids, is where you learn that science is allocated special moneys in the Constitution.
Kidding. It’s totally not.
“And it is interesting to note, I think, that Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution refers to the progress of science and the useful arts,” Nye said.
Nye’s used the argument before to underscore how “unpatriotic” it is to not have the federal government hand out billions of taxpayer dollars to universities, corporations and research institutions.
“Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution says the government shall ‘promote the progress of science and useful arts,’” Nye told Vox in 2015 — Vox didn’t correct him or fact check his claim.
And, like last time, he’s 100 percent incorrect.
It reads: “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”
The Copyright Clause has nothing to do with government-funded science, but everything to do with establishing a legal framework to protect intellectual property rights.

Yeah, stick to children’s programming Hoss.
In case you missed it, let us take a moment to recap Bill’s rich and detailed history of wrongness (see Idiot Bill Nye ‘Explains’ Climate Change and Terrorism Link. Fails Miserably… and Tucker Carlson Asks Bill Nye Basic ‘Climate Change’ Questions. He Can’t Answer!).
This is the same decrepit bag of bones who makes fascist statements about climate change on a regular basis. And the worst part? Liberals shower him with praise because of it. Bill is hailed as a champion of science despite being incorrect in his scientific claims, as evidenced by the wrongful science-based gas bubbles which erupt from his face hole.
Not that we’re surprised, though. Just take a look at these other claims made by the Party of Science™…
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