Monday, April 9, 2012

Results of Tea Party Poll on Obama Eligibility - venturacountyteaparty

Results of Tea Party Poll on Obama Eligibility - venturacountyteaparty

We asked members their opinions, in a poll on Obama eligibility and what to do about it. We were a bit surprised about how strong the opinions were. 
Questions: (multiple answers to questions were permitted)
1. Do you believe that "Barack Hussein Obama" is eligible and legally President? 
a. Yes 0%
b. Not sure 6%
c. Probably not 9%
d. Definitely not. 85%
2. Do you believe an eligible candidate is (see: ):
a. A citizen 0%
b. Born in USA 12%
c. Born of citizen parents 15%
d. Born in the USA of American citizen parents 73%
3. Should the Ventura County Tea Party adopt a resolution supporting:
a. Investigation by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept.? yes or no? Yes- 79%
b. Congressional action?  yes or no? Yes- 79%
c. County Sheriff investigation? yes or no? Yes- 64%
d. Court action? yes or no? Yes-82%
  (2 members now have court cases)
4. Should we ignore the issue and just rely upon the election, even though bad precedents might be set, illegal court appointees will remain and toxic laws remain on the books?
a. Just work on election 6%
b. Work on election, but use eligibility problems to discredit him 55%
c. Try to get him out. 76%
5. Should we have a special meeting to deal with this and present evidence to members and the public?
yes or no? Yes-73%, No- 18%, no answer- 6%

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