Wednesday, May 9, 2012

No Birth Certificate Required | Washington Free Beacon

No Birth Certificate Required | Washington Free Beacon

No Birth Certificate Required

Pro-Choice White House Requires Registration of Unborn Children for Tours

The White House Visitors Office requires that an unborn child—still residing in utero—must be counted as a full human being when its parents register for a White House tour, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
White House Visitors Office director Ellie Schafer sent an email to a Capitol Hill staffer Tuesday morning explaining the process for registering an unborn fetus for a White House tour:
We have received a number of calls regarding how to enter security information for a baby that has not yet been born.
Crazy as it may sound, you MUST include the baby in the overall count of guests in the tour. It’s an easy process.
LAST NAME: The family’s last name
  • FIRST NAME: “Baby” as a first name
  • MIDDLE NAME: NMN as in No Middle Name
  • DOB: Use the date you are submitting the request to us as their birthday
  • GENDER: if the parents know put that gender down if not, you can enter either M or F as we’ll ask you to update it at the time of birth
  • SOCIAL: As they will not have a SSN and are under 18, you will not need to enter this field.  Again if the spreadsheet asked for a social enter 9 zero’s (not the word nine zeros but 000000000 and yes it happens!)
  • CITIZEN/CITY/STATE: The citizen, city and state should be entered the same as the parents
Update: The National Right to Life Committee released a statement on Tuesday afternoon about Shafer’s email, highlighting the fact that the “Obama White House recognizes [a] ‘baby that has not been born’ for White House security purposes, but tolerates legal abortion to [the] moment 
of birth in District of Columbia.”

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