Benghazi scandal set to explode on administration
The Fast and Furious scandal is in all likelihood far worse than Benghazi. But due to the current political landscape where politicians and the news media are determined to keep the administration's dirty little gun smuggling issue out of public view, Benghazi appears to be the one that has the most potential in unraveling public confidence in Obama, which already has been slipping in the polls over the past two months.
A myriad of questions came to the forefront of public awareness in the wake of the assassinations of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and his security detail at the Benghazi compound in Libya. Why were the pleas of Stevens for more security personnel ignored by the State Department? Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claims she saw no such requests. That's funny, because others at the top levels at State knew full well that Stevens had practically begged for more security for nearly a year. And that leads to the next question. Where was Hillary? And why was she not aware of such requests? And if she were aware of the requests, why would she lie about it?
The last question is the easy one. Everyone in the administration lied about Benghazi because it was an election year and the campaign theme of the Obama machine was that Libya had been "liberated" and that al Qaeda had been practically castrated. None of that was true but it sure did sound good during a reelection campaign.
But more importantly, where was Obama? Either he was fully informed and aware of the events that went down on that horrific night when our diplomatic personnel were tortured and killed, or he wasn't. If he was, then why was no action taken to get military reinforcements to the compound in time to save American lives? They had plenty of time to do so. And if Obama was not aware of the unfolding events, why not? If ever there were a 3 a.m. call that needed to be answered swiftly, this was it. But neither Obama nor Hillary were available to answer that call.
And now, the news only gets worse. State Department whistleblowers have come forward to state unequivocally that everyone in the administration knew from the moment the compound was attacked that it was terrorism and that al Qaeda connected groups were behind it.
This means that Obama lied when he said over and over, from the Rose Garden, on television, and before the United Nations that the attack was retaliation against a U.S. made anti-Islamic film. U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice also lied when she stated the same thing on five morning talk shows on television.
But perhaps the most horrendous statement of all was made by Hillary Clinton when she told a Congressional committee that it "does not matter" who did it or why. "What difference does it make?" she screamed at a U.S. Senator during a committee hearing.
Well, yes it does matter. And any Secretary of State who utters such a thing is not only unfit for her job at State but disqualified from any future presidential aspirations.
The administration has further kept the survivors of the Benghazi attack carefully hidden from public view. Until now no one knew where they were or what their take on the massacre is. Perhaps they knew too much?
But the day for administration secrets and deception may be quickly drawing to an abrupt end as whistleblowers spill the beans and tell the story that the survivors have not been allowed to tell. Many of the whistleblowers are witnesses to the attack and are firmly convinced that their story needs to be told in spite of threats and intimidation tactics on the part of certain administration officials.
At the next House committee hearing on Benghazi on May 8, the whistleblowers are set to tell the truth, the untold story, and all of the truth.
It is about time.
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