Monday, January 13, 2014

Chilling, Undeniable Evidence: This May Be Our "Final Warning!" Mass Water Poisoning Is Coming Soon--and Proof That WE WERE WARNED! (Videos and Pics) | Alternative

Chilling, Undeniable Evidence: This May Be Our "Final Warning!" Mass Water Poisoning Is Coming Soon--and Proof That WE WERE WARNED! (Videos and Pics) | Alternative

Chilling, Undeniable Evidence: This May Be Our “Final Warning!” Mass Water Poisoning Is Coming Soon–and Proof That WE WERE WARNED! (Videos and Pics)

Saturday, January 11, 2014 21:28

We were warned! And, worse is coming! This is only a practice run!

And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.  Revelation 8:11
13 And the Lord saith, Because they have forsaken my law which I set before them, and have not obeyed my voice, neither walked therein;
14 But have walked after the imagination of their own heart, and after Baalim, which their fathers taught them:
15 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink.
16 I will scatter them also among the heathen, whom neither they nor their fathers have known: and I will send a sword after them, till I have consumed them.
17 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Consider ye, and call for the mourning women, that they may come; and send for cunning women, that they may come: 
18 And let them make haste, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters.  Jeremiah 9:13-18
As most of you know, FEMA Region Three has been activated due to a serious water contamination situation. The water, unless consumed in large amounts, will not kill people, but make them extremely ill (I’m sure that it is different for children and infants, however).
See article by Josey Wales on Before It’s News:
Many Reports are coming in to Sentinel Command of massive fighting breaking loose in West Virginia over Bottled water as the Chemical Spill Situation continues.
As predicted, Fema Region 3 has now been activated, National Guard has also been been called out as this area in West Virginia has been declared a state of emergency. This chemical spill is now affecting 9 counties and over 100,000 residents are directly affected.
All water in the area has been contaminated with the chemical (4-Methylcyclohexane Methanol), a chemical used in the coal industry. This chemical will make a person sick but it is not deadly unless ingested in huge quantity. The incident occurred Thursday on the Elk River in Charleston, West Virginia’s capital and largest city, upriver from the eastern U.S. state’s largest water treatment plant.
Last year, we were given two major Illuminati water poisoning warnings. The first one occurred in February of 2013 when a woman by the name of Elisa Lam was mysteriously found dead in a water tank atop the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles. I heavily researched the incident and found so much Illuminati symbolism, it was bone chilling, to say the least. Most of the symbolism had to do with warnings of a coming water poisoning. The coincidences are far too many to be accidental! The facts will shock you!
Here is some of that post for you to check out, with a link:
I personally believe we are being given a message by very evil, underlying world powers, known as the Illuminati. If you do not know who the Illuminati are, you will not understand, and I urge you to watch all of the video footage I have included. They have ‘everything’ to do with end time events. I believe they are sending us a message that they are going to poison our water. Wormwood? The coming comet ISON event? I do not know, but it’s worth looking into! 
These are the types of ‘weird’ signs they send to us! The Illuminati are the only people who can pull off these strange, unexplainable things.
Although the woman did not have TB, the test for TB is called Lam-Elisa, which is the reversed name of the missing woman whose discovered body comes on the heels of virulent TB outbreak in Los Angeles. Again, the Illuminati is famous for this type of stuff. As you read on here, you willl see the strangely coincidental similiarities with the movie, Dark Water. Even the name of the dead girl in Dark Water was the same as the name of this hotel–Cecil!
As for the whole scenario, I beg you think about it seriously. Illuminati are famous for these oddities…and they love to put it in a movie first. I believe we are being given a message! Please, when you are done, also see HERE. This is an article by a Jew about their spread in Jerusalem. I have posted two videos at the bottom here about the Illuminati to educate you further.
EXTRA COINCIDENCES I FOUND THAT MAY/MAY NOT MEAN ANYTHING: The definition of CECIL, the name of the hotel, is, according to Wikipedia, “BLIND; SIXTH”. The telephone number for this hotel all equals sixes, including the 9′s, Illuminatis are famous for using 9′s upside down to mean six. Here is the phone number: (213) 624-4545. And finally, there are four water containers. Her body was in the largest one in the back..the fourth. Four horsemen in Revelation, the fourth being death! The pale horse!
“When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come and see!” I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine, and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.” Rev 6:7-8
Now, if you are educated in things of the Illuminati, the coincidences I’ve labeled above are not far-fetched. If you don’t know about the Illuminati, then they will seem as such. Is death coming via our water supply? Or, death by way of diseases and plagues in some other fashion? Watch! Those who know Jesus Christ need not be afraid! Just pray Psalm 91 and do what Ephesians 6:10-20 tells you to do.
These are pics from inside the Cecil hotel that I found, and before you look, read below about what the eight pointed star with a circle around it means in the occult (also in the Illuminati):
CHAOS: Apparently a self-made form of occultism taught through role-playing games such as Warhammer. According to one WH fan, “Chaos is the opposite of order. Since everything changes, there is no right or no wrong — only the quest for pleasure.” The 8-pointed star represents the many different directions of chaos and the many ways you can follow it.
Cecil Hotel
Cecil Hotel
And if this isn’t enough, check out THIS ARTICLE HERE about how much it cost when ‘New Owners’ bought it and renovated it in 2007…$26 million dollars! And, a $7 million dollar facelift! Only the VERY wealthy elite can have that kind of money. Why would someone pay so much for a building they did nothing with, except for in the lobby? The rest of it is shabby, and poor. And, originally, it attracted the elite type of guests, and they had huge parties in their ballrooms. Consequently, it originally had ’700′ rooms, but now has ’600′. There’s the ‘sixes’ again. And the owners are always “THEY”. THEY do mention one name of a man, but they never tell us who “THEY” are. Furthermore, I have never had such a hard time tracking down the names of any business’ owners as I have this one. I can’t find the names.
And, here is yet another interesting tidbit. This is an excerpt from a news clip:
“But the Cecil’s owners say they are not halting their effort to revive the hotel, which they bought last summer for about $26 million. They have promised to spend an additional $9 million on renovations.
A branding firm hired to recast the hotel’s image even came up with a possible new name: the Pearl.”
You can CLICK HERE to see the news article. And what is the significance of this, you might ask? This is what I found out about the meaning of the ‘pearl’:
“The pearl is a lunar symbol, also representing water and woman. These primary meanings are seen on a universal scale, throughout mythology. They are attributes of angelic perfection, which is only achieved by transmutation, and not freely given. Pearls are rare, pure and precious, flawless and white despite being dredged from the mud, coming from a clumsy shell.”
And you can read more about that HERE. There was more interesting information at the site where I found this, so do be sure and check out the link.
Movie tie in: In the 2005 paranormal movie, Dark Water, eerie things take place after a body is supposedly found in a water tank on the ceiling of an old apartment building.
In the movie, the girl was left alone in the abandoned apartment and fell into the water tank, which Veeck had left open. He was aware of her body, which was why he refused to fix the water problem plaguing the complex. Among the paranormal oddities in the movie, is dark water leaking down through the ceiling in adjacent apartments.
Fast forward to 2013, leading up to the discovery of Elisa Lam’s body in the water tank, at the Cecil hotel, ‘”The water did have a funny taste,” Sabrina Baugh, a guest at the Cecil, told CNN, which adds that Baugh and her husband had used the water for eight days. ‘We never thought anything of it … We thought it was just the way it was here,’ Baugh said, adding that black water would come out of the shower when the tap was turned on.’” AW, TEP
The coincidences in this video between Elisa Lam and the movie will literally drop your jaw and give you goose bumps! This is Twisted!

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