Monday, January 6, 2014

The Voting Fraud Numbers Are In—and They’re Shocking! | 2012 The Big Picture

The Voting Fraud Numbers Are In—and They’re Shocking! | 2012 The Big Picture

The Voting Fraud Numbers Are In—and They’re Shocking!

I’ve been waiting for this! Does anyone still believe the U.S. government isn’t corrupt? This is why the next election in the USA will be using PAPER BALLOTS!

Sometimes you just cannot argue with the numbers. If these numbers are correct and true, the USA has bigger problems on their hands other than who was elected President.
From Bill O’Reilly’s message board:
Most everyone suspected fraud, but these numbers prove it and our government and media refuse to do anything about it.
As each state reported their final election details, the evidence of voter fraud is astounding. Massive voter fraud has been reported in areas of OH and FL, with PA, WI and VA, all are deploying personnel to investigate election results.
Here are just a few examples of what has surfaced with much more to come.
In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for Romney. (A mathematical and statistical impossibility).
In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, Obama received 100% of the votes where GOP inspectors were illegally removed from their polling locations – and not one single vote was recorded for Romney.
(Another statistical impossibility).

* In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a county with only 98,213 eligible voters.
* In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574 registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes were cast.
* The National SEAL Museum, a polling location in St. Lucie County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.
* Palm Beach County, FL had a 141% voter turnout.
* In Ohio County, Obama won by 108% of the total number of eligible voters.

NOTE: Obama won in every state that did not require a Photo ID and lost in every state that did require a Photo ID in order to vote.
Imagine that!

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