Monday, April 21, 2014

Allen West: For What Does Our Republic Stand? | The Federalist Papers

Allen West: For What Does Our Republic Stand? | The Federalist Papers

Allen B. West and others
Every American needs to read this and ponder what this country stands for, how we lost our way, and then commit to helping us restore this great republic!

The question for us as Americans — residents of a Constitutional Republic — is for what does this Republic stand? …
Once upon a time, the word of the leader of the American Republic stood for something, now it is dismissed, disrespected, and disregarded. It’s because we don’t have a leader at this time, just an empty suit speech-giver. And that does not bode well in the face of despots, dictators, autocrats, and theocrats. The dark specter of the 1930s is returning. Then it was Hitler and Chamberlain. Today it is Putin and Obama. Then it was Germany, Italy, and Japan. Today it is Russia, Iran, and China, and its surrogate, North Korea — and the wild card, Islamic terrorists, non-state, non-uniform belligerents.
If we do not restore this Republic to its fundamental principles of the rule of law and individual liberty, we will continue our trek down this road to perdition. If we cannot return to sound fiscal policy to include federal fiscal responsibility and a strong national defense –peace through strength — then the grand experiment begun 237 years ago will fail.
However, I believe — truly believe — in the American resiliency, in our resolve and our indomitable entrepreneurial spirit. As Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Abba Eban said (later attributed to Winston Churchill), “nations do behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.” Let us hope America follows suit.
We’ve tried the whole “fundamental transformation of America” thing and it ain’t working. As a matter of fact, progressive socialism has never worked anywhere in the world.
So let’s get back to our pledge as the Founders intended, — and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation, under God (from a Judeo-Christian heritage) indivisible, with liberty and justice — not government-contrived social egalitarian justice — for all.
Do you agree with Allen West that if we do not restore this Republic to its fundamental principles of the rule of law and individual liberty the grand experiment begun 237 years ago will fail?

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