Friday, May 2, 2014

BREAKING NEWS!!! Does Harry Reid Own 93 Acres Near Bundy Grazing Land? | BuzzPoBuzzPo

BREAKING NEWS!!! Does Harry Reid Own 93 Acres Near Bundy Grazing Land? 

BREAKING NEWS!!! Does Harry Reid Own 93 Acres Near Bundy Grazing Land?

It seems another piece of the puzzle has been found to explain why the BLM wanted that grazing land so badly.  A corporation, named the Reid Bunkerville L.L.C., owns 93.3 acres right next to the government parcel where Bundy grazes his cattle.  The company profile lists two principals, Bruce Gamett and Joseph L Bowler.
Bruce Gamett has a shady past.  He is a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) who lists as a client one Jared Shafer.  Shafer is a lawyer who works as a “guardian” for estates as granted by judges.  He has been accused of fraud more times than Republicans have been accused of racism.  In one case, he spent hundreds of thousands from an account he was placed in charge of to pay his personal legal fees, as well as charging large fees to the estate for his services.  Gamett has been accused of signing any paper Shafer put in front of him.
The second primary owner is listed as Joseph L Bowler Jr, who owns a real estate company.  Reid Bunkerville LLC, was previously the Reid Bunkerville Trust, which sold some of the land to Reid Bunkerville LLC.  The problem is they don’t have to name all of the owners, just the managing partners, so it is difficult to find out if Reid is indeed an owner, but it seems extremely likely.  It wouldn’t be the first time Reid used shady partners to complete a land deal to hide his involvement.
The Del Webb Co had some desert land, they wanted to trade for some prime Las Vegas property.  Along comes Harry to the rescue and helps usher the trade through.  The taxpayers are the ones who paid.  That Vegas property could have been sold for a nice price and the government could have bought an entire desert for their profit.  Instead the profit went to Harry Reid.  Not directly though.
After closing the deal, Del Webb sold Harry 2 parcels of land.  One he bought on his own and one he bought in a partnership with shady character, Jay Brown.  This was in 1998.  In 2001, Harry sold the land to a limited partnership at no profit.  Harry did not disclose the land sale on his disclosure report or his interest in the limited liability corporation, created by Brown.  Both are ethics violations for which the senate didn’t pursue.
Reid Collects $1.1 Million Windfall on Property he didn’t Own
In 2006, it was reported by the Associated Press that he collected $1.1 Million on land he hadn’t owned in three years. As the AP reports:
Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid collected a $1.1 million windfall on a Las Vegas land sale even though he hadn’t personally owned the property for three years, property deeds show. In the process, Reid did not disclose to Congress an earlier sale in which he transferred his land to a company created by a friend and took a financial stake in that company, according to records and interviews.
The Nevada Democrat’s deal was engineered by Jay Brown, a longtime friend and former casino lawyer whose name surfaced in a major political bribery trial this summer and in other prior organized crime investigations. ….In 2001, Reid sold the land for the same price to a limited liability corporation created by Brown. The senator didn’t disclose the sale on his annual public ethics report or tell Congress he had any stake in Brown’s company.
That is exactly what Reid may have done with the Bunkerville land.  Sell it to an LLC to hide his involvement until it is sold.  And once again using a shady character to front for him.  Jay Brown has been implicated in several shady transactions including his work for the Rizzolo family:
According to the following USA Today story, Jay Brown was responsible for making Harry Reid a multi-millionaire.

Brown was formerly the Corporate Agent for Rick Rizzolo, and in 2006 represented Rizzolo’s Crazy Horse Too in actions before the Las Vegas City Council.
Kent Dawson was a humble Henderson Justice of the Peace until 1999 when Senator Reid appointed him to the Federal Bench for life.
In 2005, Judge Dawson’s brother, attorney John Dawson, hid Rick and Lisa Rizzolo’s assets in the Cook Islands. John Dawson’s law firm Lionel Sawyer & Collins received $1.4 million dollars in legal fees for John’s “asset protection’ services. Harry Reid’s two sons are also attorneys with this firm.
At the same time John Dawson was hiding Rizzolo’s assets, his brother Kent was presiding over the Federal Court trials of 15 former Rizzolo employees.
All received probation or reduced sentences against the advice of the U.S. Attorney and Department of Justice.
Another couple of interesting facts is that before leaving the Bundy grazing area, the BLM destroyed the water system Bundy built.  Bundy owns the water rights but could lose those rights, should he fail to make proper use of them.    Secondly, most of the acreage of Reid Bunkerville lies on the Eastern side of Rte 15, which stretches from Riverside, Nevada to Mesquite , NV.  Bunkerville lies almost directly between the two.
Rte 170, which runs directly through the land in question would make a perfect business route.  Property along that route would immediately jump in value, as companies consider lots along the business district to be the most desirable locations.  Of course that requires the ability to grow the area but it lacks water.  Hey, you don’t suppose….?
The second possibility is with the building of the Chinese solar farm in Laughlin, some 150 miles away and the Tonapah Solar Farm (Partially owned by George Kaiser, owner of Solyndra and with a number two executive by the name of Anthony Pelosi, Nancy’s brother in law) they would need a mitigation area.  A mitigation area is necessary to give wildlife a place to live once they are displaced by solar panels.
The BLM left out a section when they filed against Bundy. It was a report on the area for use as a mitigation site.  Although it didn’t specifically name the land involved, they spoke of “trespass cattle” being in the way.  Bundy is the only rancher with cattle still on government land.  There was one other problem with the land.  No water rights.  Those 93 acres could bring a premium price, especially if it were bought by an extremely grateful Chinese energy company, being represented by Rory Reid.
If I were the suspicious kind, I would think these coincidences were somehow related.  All I know is where Harry Reid goes, champagne flows.

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