Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Seven Things You Need to Know About the IRS Scandal

Seven Things You Need to Know About the IRS Scandal.BuzzPo

Seven Things You Need to Know About the IRS Scandal

Seven Things You Need to Know About the IRS Scandal.
  1. Targeting conservative groups occurred. This is established fact, the Obama administration has admitted it (and shifted blame to “rogue agents”).
  2. This is something that Nixon wanted to do, but was not able to accomplish. This targeting happened before an election and therefore limited important groups in their ability to campaign for candidates they believed in.
  3. This scandal became public in an act of deceit. Lois learner planted a question in the audience to try and get the scandal out in her own terms.
  4. Lois Lerner is refusing to answer questions about the scandal.  It is certainly her right to do this, but before she claimed the amendment she read a statement declaring her innocence. This is having it both ways. Effectively she is saying that she is innocent, and then asking us to trust her. Lois, your IRS targeted ordinary American citizens who simply wanted to have a voice in their government, therefore, we don’t trust you.
  5. The Obama administration has used every means to delay and obstruct the investigation. 13 months into the investigation we still don’t have answers.
  6. Lois Learner is not the only one who “lost” key emails. Six different administration officials had hard drives crash in the same period, 10 days after the investigation started. This amazing “coincidence” makes the old “the dog ate my homework” excuse look positively JV.
  7. The willful destruction of Lois Learners hard drive broke a federal law. According to David Ferriero, head archivist of the United States pointed out in a congressional hearing that “”Federal agencies are responsible for preventing the unauthorized disposition of federal records, including their unlawful or accidental destruction, deletion, alteration, or removal from federal custody,” he said. “When an agency becomes aware of an incident of unauthorized destruction, they must report the incident to us.” Ferriero went on to admit that the administration did not follow the law.

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