Saturday, January 31, 2015

Forget Climategate: this 'global warming' scandal is much bigger

Forget Climategate: this 'global warming' scandal is much bigger 

Forget Climategate: this ‘global warming’ scandal is much bigger

How can we believe in ‘global warming’ when the temperature records providing the ‘evidence’ for that warming cannot be trusted?

It’s a big question – and one which many people, even on the sceptical side of the argument, are reluctant to ask.
Here, for example, is one of the two most prominent English sceptics in the House of Lords, Matt Ridley outlining his own position.
I am a climate lukewarmer. That means I think recent global warming is real, mostly man-made and will continue but I no longer think it is likely to be dangerous and I think its slow and erratic progress so far is what we should expect in the future. That last year was the warmest yet, in some data sets, but only by a smidgen more than 2005, is precisely in line with such lukewarm thinking.
Though I’ve no reason to doubt the sincerity of Ridley’s position, I can also see plenty of reasons why it would be a politically convenient line for him to take. The same applies to Lord Lawson’s position on climate change and Bjorn Lomborg’s position on climate change. All of these distinguished figures on the mildly sceptical side of the argument have taken the view that the figures provided by the various scientific institutions, such as the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and NASA GISS, as relayed to us in the assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, are broadly trustworthy. Their beef is not so much with “the science” as it is with the political hysteria and green propagandising that has accompanied that science, as well as with the counterproductive policies resulting from it.
To repeat, these may be earnest, heartfelt positions but they are also politically expedient ones. What it means is that in debates Lomborg and Lords Ridley and Lawson don’t come across as too “out there.” It means that they cannot, by any reasonable stretch, be tarred as “deniers”. Not only are they not denying the existence in “global warming” but they’re not even that far off from where the mainstream “consensus” is.
This all seems to me tactically wise. If their positions weren’t so eminently “reasonable” they would be invited to speak at organisations like the BBC even less often than they are already.
What it does, unfortunately, mean, though, is that those of us on the sceptical side of the debate who want to push the argument a bit further are put in danger of being made to look like extremists. Crazed conspiracy theorists even.
So before I go into technical detail about why the temperature records are suspect, let me provide an analogy which ought to make it perfectly clear to any neutral parties reading this why the problem I’m about to describe ought not to be consigned to the realms of crackpottery.
Suppose say, that for the last 100 years my family have been maintaining a weather station at the bottom of our garden, diligently recording the temperatures day by day, and that what these records show is this: that in the 1930s it was jolly hot – even hotter than in the 1980s; that since the 1940s it has been cooling.
What conclusions would you draw from this hard evidence?
Well the obvious one, I imagine, is that the dramatic Twentieth Century warming that people like Al Gore have been banging on about is a crock. At least according to this particular weather station it is.
Now how would you feel if you went and took these temperature records along to one of the world’s leading global warming experts – say Gavin Schmidt at NASA or Phil Jones at CRU or Michael Mann at Penn State – and they studied your records for a moment and said: “This isn’t right.” What if they then crossed out all your temperature measurements, did a few calculations on the back of an envelope, and scribbled in their amendments? And you studied those adjustments and you realised, to your astonishment, that the new, pretend temperature measurements told an entirely different story from the original, real temperature measurements: that where before your records showed a cooling since the 1940s they now showed a warming trend.
You’d be gobsmacked, would you not?
Yet, incredible though it may seem, the scenario I’ve just described is more or less exactly analogous to what has happened to the raw data from weather stations all over the world.
Take the ones in Paraguay – a part of the world which contributed heavily to NASA GISS’s recent narrative about 2014 having been the “hottest year on record.”
If it wasn’t for the diligence of amateur investigators like retired accountant Paul Homewood, probably no one would care, not even Paraguayans, what has been going on with the Paraguayan temperature records. But Homewood has done his homework and here, revealed at his site Notalotofpeopleknowthat, is what he found.
He began by examining Paraguay’s only three genuinely rural weather stations. (ie the ones least likely to have had their readings affected over the years by urban development.)
All three – at least in the versions used by NASA GISS for their “hottest year on record” claim – show a “clear and steady” upward (warming) trend since the 1950s, with 2014 shown as the hottest year at one of the sites, Puerto Casado.
Judging by this chart all is clear: it’s getting hotter in Paraguay, just like it is everywhere else in the world.
But wait. How did the Puerto Casado chart look before the temperature data was adjusted? Rather different as you see here:
Perhaps, though, Puerto Casada was an anomaly?
Nope. Similar adjustments, in the same direction, appear to have been made to the two other rural sites.

Ah. But there was surely some innocent explanation for this, Homewood surmised. Perhaps the rural stations were wildly out of kilter with the urban stations and had been ‘homogenised’ accordingly.
Except, guess what?
 OK. So why am I making you look at all these charts? Because seeing is believing.
Without those charts, it would be all too easy for you to go: “Yeah well he’s not a scientist so he probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about” or “he’s exaggerating” or “he has got the wrong end of the stick.”
So, judge for yourself. These are the actual before and after charts, reproduced from NASA’s own website.
Now the next thing the doubters among you will be thinking is: “Well these are reputable scientific institutions. They wouldn’t be making these adjustments without good reason.”
And I’d agree with you. That’s certainly what one would reasonably hope and expect.
But the odd thing is that no satisfactory explanation has been forthcoming from any of the institutions which have been making these adjustments. Not from NASA GISS. Nor from NOAA, which maintains the dataset known as the Global Historical Climate Network. Nor from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia which, with the Met Office, maintains the third of the world’s three surface data records, known as Hadcrut.
About as close as we’ve got to an attempted justification is this piece by Zeke Hausfather – Understanding Adjustments To Temperature Data – at the website of lukewarmer Judith Curry.
The explanations he offers for the basic principles of temperature adjustments are plausible enough. They include things like the Urban Heat Island effect; weather stations which have moved locations; weather stations which appear to give false readings which need to be adjusted in line with their neighbours; changes in measuring equipment; changes in the time of day measurements are taken (formerly in the afternoon, now more usually in the morning,) and so on.
In other words it’s a case of “move along. Nothing to see here” and “trust the Experts. They know best.”
The problem with Hausfather’s explanations is that though they’re fine on the theory they don’t seem to bear much relation to the actuality of the adjustments that have been made around the world.
Take, for example, the Urban Heat Island effect. This is where weather stations, over time, have become surrounded by buildings or other heat sources and which therefore record hotter temperatures than they used to. You’d expect, as a result of this, that recent (ie late 20th century) raw temperature readings from urban areas would be adjusted downwards in order to make them more accurate. Rarely though, is this the case. More usually, the adjustments appear to have been made in the other direction, so that the late twentieth century readings are made hotter still – while the early twentieth century readings have been adjusted to make them look cooler.
And this isn’t just an issue with the adjustments to the Paraguay stations by the way. It has happened all over the world.
As Paul Homewood reminds us here, it has been happening everywhere from Iceland, Greenland and Russia to Alice Springs in Australia. Also, it has been reported on, at least in the climate sceptical blogosphere, for quite some time. Among the first to spot the problem was Steve McIntyre who back in 2007 observed the curious fact that where NASA’s James Hansen had once acknowledged that the 1930s was the hottest decade in the US, he subsequently amended it – with the help of some conveniently adjusted records – to the 1990s. Anthony Watts of Watts Up With That? has been reporting on this for years; as have bloggers including Steven Goddard and journalists like Christopher Booker.
So why has the scandal never broken into the mainstream? Why has it never made the same splash Climategate did (not, mind you, that Climategate ever got much play in the MSM either)?
Well, one reason, I guess is that the alarmist establishment is pretty good at fobbing off criticisms with seemingly plausible scientific answers. (See Hausfather above).
It takes time and effort to counter these excuses: time and effort which few people can afford.
As an example of the kind of superficially plausible excuse-making I mean, here is climate scientist Ed Hawkins claiming that the reason for the amendments to the raw data at Puerto Casado is that the weather station has been moved.
Well, fair enough, you’d think – and take his word for it. But blogger Shub Niggurath wouldn’t and has demolished this excuse by pointing out that there is no evidence for the weather station having moved. It’s just a handy excuse, that’s all. And in any case, it doesn’t explain why similar changes were made to the records of the other stations: were they all moved too?
But the bigger reason, of course, is this: if you make the case that all (or at least a good many) of the world’s surface temperature data records have been wantonly tampered with to the point where they are effectively useless, you are more or less accusing some of the world’s most distinguished (and lavishly funded) scientific institutions of, at best, culpable incompetence and, at worst, outright fraud.
Also, to accuse so many temperature gatekeepers of getting the details so badly wrong, you are also implying that there must be some kind of conspiracy involved, even if it is only a conspiracy of silence to cover up what a tremendous cock up they’ve made of their work over a period of years.
Finally, you are suggesting that everything we have been told about dramatic, unprecedented, man-made global warming by the alarmist establishment over the last three decades may be based on a massive lie. Think about it. The satellite records (which show no global warming for the last 18 years) only go back to the late Seventies. So for the main thesis about global warming, the scientists and policymakers who have been pushing the alarmist narrative are largely dependent on the surface temperature data (which, of course, goes back much earlier).
But if this data cannot be trusted, all bets are off. I’m not saying there has been no 2oth century global warming, I think there probably has been, but I don’t honestly know. The worrying part, though, is that neither – it would appear – do the scientists.
Unless, of course, they can come up with an excuse to explain it all. But I’m not holding my breath.

Friday, January 30, 2015

6 Things White People Say That Mean "The N-Word"

6 Things White People Say That Mean "The N-Word"

6 Things White People Say That Mean “The N-Word”

There are a whole new batch of words people are not just afraid of, but they’re so scary they no doubt mean the same thing as invoking the “N-WORD”!! I assume that it’s cool for blacks and maybe latinos and certainly liberal Democrats to still use them, but whitey conservative – listen up – you’re on thin ice and when it breaks, the thought police will be under it:
From The Atlanta BlackStar:
As Richard Sherman (plays for the Seattle Seahawks) pointed out after receiving criticism about his post Super Bowl interview, “It seems like [thug] is the acceptable way of calling someone the n word nowadays. Substituting the word thug doesn’t disguise the negative association with Black people.”
Urban/Inner City
The Black community is often referred to as urban or inner city when people are uncomfortable talking about Black people or where they live.
State’s Rights
During the Civil Rights Movement, politicians used racially coded appeals and words such as “state’s rights” to try and capitalize on the racial anxiety during that time.
Welfare and Food Stamps
When President Lyndon Johnson wanted welfare to include a racial component, it became possible to associate welfare with helping minorities. The same stigma is used with food stamps today. When Newt Gingrich called Obama “the food stamp” president, everyone knew what word he really was using.
Law and Order
During the Civil Rights Movement, the opposition said that “Law and Order” was needed to handle the racial tension and civil rights protests. In other words, we need to control the Blacks.
Cut taxes
Making the poor and people of color sound more threatening, cutting taxes has long been racial code for not using tax payer money to help Black and brown people.
So there you have it. No more of this bigoted blather and I don’t want any excuses like “I was talking about the show ‘Law & Order’ – I swear” or “Heading over to Urban Outfitters to pick up some old-school kicks, homie – want to slide by the ColdStone Creamery afterwards?”
And talking about reducing taxes, using the “C” word (rhymes with ‘nut’) is right out. According to the Atlanta BlackStar, cutting taxes is for bigots only. Oops~… Wait, I said ‘cutting’.. whew – wouldn’t want to lose my job, be fined, shamed, or thrown off campus.


Serious Political Debate Group

“In a Constitutional Republic, the Constitution is the people’s permission for government. If the legislature doesn’t have the power granted in the Constitution it doesn’t have the power, period. Cops that have been brainwashed to enforce everything the legislature passes have become little more than bureaucratic drones, taught that their conscience matters little in the face of the law. This is the very reason I focus my attention on the oath of office because the primary object of that oath is support for the Constitution. Only laws passed in pursuance of the Constitution and in conformity with the powers granted by it are enforceable, not just anything the legislature can dream up or the majority of their constituents clamor for; we are not a democracy.
If the police and sheriffs didn’t enforce usurpation and thus become armed thugs of criminal legislators, then the people wouldn’t be against them. America was founded on the principle of the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, making the only legitimate power of our legislative bodies those things that secure our Natural Rights; even then, only through our consent that we can remove at any time we see fit.
“The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.— That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, . . .” – Declaration of Independence, 1776.
Allowing the legislatures and courts to determine what is lawful and just is a recipe for disaster since those political bodies are composed of human beings that will likely impose their will in pursuit of their own self-interest. The Federal Convention of 1787 wisely created a Constitutional Republican form of government, a Union of sovereign states that would check excesses of power from each other, as well as the power of the Federal Government. The oath of office binds all officers to the terms of their respective constitutions as well as the Constitution for the United States, not whatever opinion to the contrary public servants can dream up.
Due to fraud and the imposition of amendments on the Constitution through duress after the conquest of the states in the Civil War, vital separations of power have been removed and all power today is focused on the Executive Branch of the Federal Government… certainly not on the Constitution and rights of the people. No matter how you frame this issue, cops are caught between usurpation and the people; up to now they have been squarely in the camp of the usurpers. Enforcing usurpation turns the people against police even if they had nothing to do with creating the usurpation; they are still enforcing it and that is what the people are forced to react to.” – Thomas Mick, Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Dilemma of Law Enforcement in the Age of Globalism, 2014.
Read more at:…/between-a-rock-and-a-har…/

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Loretta Lynch Belonged to Jew-Hating, Pro-Terrorist Harvard Group - GotNews

Loretta Lynch Belonged to Jew-Hating, Pro-Terrorist Harvard Group 

Loretta Lynch Belonged to Jew-Hating, Pro-Terrorist Harvard Group

Loretta Lynch
Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch belonged to a student group that brought Jew-hating Palestinian terrorists to Harvard Law School every year she was a member.
Lynch belonged to the Harvard Black Law Students Association (BLSA) from 1981-1984 when she was a student.
During those years the radical black group brought representatives from the Palestinian Liberation Operation (PLO).
The group’s leader, Mohammed Kenyatta, called for the “liberation of Palestine” and expressed support for the terrorist organization.
The BLSA defended bringing the terrorists in a letter to the editor of the Harvard student newspaper, The Harvard Crimson.
Jewish student organizations protested the speeches, especially in 1984. Liberal professor Alan Dershowitz joined the anti-PLO protests.
The Harvard Crimson condemned the response of Lynch’s organization in 1984.
The Black Law Students Association (BALSA) committed an unjustifiable and discriminatory violation of student liberties last week when it denied Jewish students an opportunity to participate in a campus forum featuring a representative of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
More than 30 Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA) members attended the panel discussion, outnumbering members of BALSA and the Third World Coalition, the event’s sponsors. But after opening the forum to questions from the floor, BALSA moderator Muhammad I. Kenyatta refused to recognize any of the white hands raised in the audience. BALSA and TWC members were to be given priority, he announced, proceeding to call on a Black student who hadn’t raised his hand.
We defend the PLO’s right to appear in an open forum at Harvard. All groups have a right to present their views; had Kenyatta permitted all students to challenge the speaker with critical questions, the ensuing discussion might have provided a constructive exchange of ideas and opinions.
By stifling debate, however, Kenyatta reduced the event to little more than a propaganda platform for a terrorist organization that has pledged to destroy the State of Israel. His refusal to open the floor to all students views showed a glaring disregard for the principles of free discussion that are vital to an enlightened academic community.
PLO comes to HLS

Lynch is identified as a member of the Black Law Students Association in an April 1984 issue.
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Blake: NFIB argues business fees are taxes in violation of TABOR

Blake: NFIB argues business fees are taxes in violation of TABOR 

Blake: NFIB argues business fees are taxes in violation of TABOR

Blake: NFIB argues business fees are taxes in violation of TABOR

By Peter Blake

Proponents of the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights get nervous whenever some group, no matter how worthy its cause, sues the state for violating it.
That’s because the suit will ultimately go to the Colorado Supreme Court, which historically has not liked TABOR and delights in the opportunity to shoot another hole in what is already a leaky tub.
The latest plaintiff is the National Federation of Independent Business, which recently sued the secretary of state in Denver district court on grounds that its members are taxed to finance elections and other state expenses that should be paid out of the general state and local taxes.
The complaint is persuasive — at least to me — and there’s reason to be optimistic about the outcome. But maybe I’m too much like Charlie Brown, thinking that this time the Lucys on the high court won’t pull the football away.
That’s what they did in Barber v. Ritter, a suit brought by some businesses against the state in 2004. They argued that the legislature’s raid on $442 million in 31 cash funds during a three-year budget crisis was in effect a “tax policy change” that produced a net revenue increase to the general fund without voter approval.
That seems evident. After all, the cash funds had to be increased, or stretched out longer, to do the regulatory job they were supposed to do and the businesses had to pay more..
But in 2008 the high court ruled that while a fee may be levied primarily to pay for a particular service, it can legally be transferred to the general fund and spent on whatever the legislature decides. The mere transfer of the money “doesn’t alter the essential character of those fees as fees,” said the court.
The argument in the NFIB case is different. It maintains the essential character of the “fees” its members pay to the secretary of state to finance elections is in fact a tax.
Because a “significant portion” of the business licensing charges are appropriated to defray the state’s general expenses, the licensing charges “are a tax and not a fee,” says the complaint. The charges range from $1 to $125 annually.
“We are simply asking the court to order the secretary of state not to set licensing fees above the amount needed to regulate businesses, which he has unfettered discretion to do,” said Tony Gagliardi, NFIB’s state director.
The secretary of state’s office itself gets no general funds and is expected to be self-supporting. Business fees were once established by legislative statute but in the late 1980s lawmakers directed the office to impose whatever fees are necessary to cover the costs of the office. The passage of TABOR in 1992 further encouraged the legislature to make sure the secretary of state was stuck with election costs.
The total charges for business have more than quadrupled, from $4.19 million in fiscal 1991 to $18.69 million in fiscal 2014.
The “most egregious” part of the system, according to NFIB attorney Jason Dunn, allows the secretary of state to pass along some of the fees to the counties, to help them with their election expenses.
If the system were allowed to stand, Dunn maintained, you could theoretically transfer the Colorado Department of Transportation into the secretary of state’s office and have its expenses paid by fees as well. Then you could ramp up the highway budget by hiking the “fees” and never have to ask the public to approve an increase in the state gasoline tax or car registration taxes.
A spokeswoman for the National Conference of State Legislatures said election costs are handled in different ways throughout the nation but most commonly are borne by local governments, typically counties. This includes federal elections, which are usually tied to local elections anyway. If other states can do it, so can Colorado.
A “poll tax” might be the most direct way to assure that users pay for elections, but of course such levies were banned in federal elections in 1964 by the 24th Amendment to the U.S Constitution. Two years later the U.S. Supreme Court, which had approved poll taxes in 1937, applied the federal prohibition to state elections under the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
Such a prohibition is quite reasonable, since poll taxes have been used by states in the past to keep the poor away from the polls.
NFIB attorney Dunn said several former secretaries of state told him the lawsuit was long overdue. “I can’t believe we haven’t been sued on this yet,” they told him.
One reason TABOR supporters maintain at least some hope for the NFIB suit is that the court has turned a bit more moderate thanks to appointments by Gov. John Hickenlooper.
TABOR provides a drastic remedy for illegally levied taxes: Rebates amounting to four years’ worth of the overage, plus 10 percent interest. But the original complaint does not demand such a penalty. The NFIB might be happy merely to have the practice stopped.
A district judge in Adams County is currently mulling a related TABOR suit filed in August 2013 by county residents. They allege that a stormwater fee imposed by the commissioners in 2012 is actually a tax and should have been approved by voters.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Evidence Doesn't Support Fracking As Cause Of Texas Earthquakes -

Evidence Doesn't Support Fracking As Cause Of Texas Earthquakes 

Evidence Doesn't Support Fracking As Cause Of Texas Earthquakes

Some cities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area such as Denton have heard calls for bans on fracking.
Some cities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area such as Denton have heard calls for bans on fracking. View Enlarged Image
A recent spate of earthquakes in the Dallas area, centered around the old Texas Stadium in Irving, has raised concerns that hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is the cause. Making that correlation may be understandable, but it's almost certainly wrong.
The good news is that the series of earthquakes has been relatively minor — with the largest ranging in magnitude between 2.5 and 3.6 — and any damage appears to be generally limited to wall and ceiling cracks in a few homes.
But when news reporters ask those homeowners and other Irving residents if they have any idea what might have caused the quakes, some suggest that it could be fracking — a decades-old process that forces water into underground shale formations, driving oil and natural gas out of the fissures to be extracted.
The reporters almost never follow up with facts, thus leaving the fracking speculation unchallenged.
Fortunately, seismologists are investigating the Irving quakes. They have pointed out that there is no active fracking nearby.
While there are two wells in the earthquake vicinity, one never produced anything and the other was shut down in 2013, according to Craig Pearson, a staff seismologist for the Texas Railroad Commission.
These days, fracking gets blamed for almost anything that happens out of the ordinary. However, independent scientific studies have been unable to detect a connection between fracking and earthquakes.
The "evidence" for a connection is generally limited to anecdotal assertions.
There is another possibility: waste water injection wells, which are used to dispose of the water-chemical mixture used in the fracking process. The suggestion is that the water lubricates the lithologic layers and helps them slip, causing a quake.
However, even for seismologists who think there could be a connection between earthquakes and injection wells, they point out that the impact is usually within six miles of the injection well site.
The injection well closest to the Irving epicenter is 10 miles away.
While earthquakes are not common in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, they have happened — especially over the past five years. And the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been studying them.
There was, for example, a magnitude 2 quake on Jan. 6, 2012, about midnight, located six miles north by northwest of Dallas and about 12 miles southwest of Plano — that is, around Irving — according to the USGS. (I was up that night and felt it).
It turns out that Dallas sits atop an ancient mountain range, the Ouachita Mountain system, whose subterranean roots extend through a good swath of south and north central Texas, sweeping up into Oklahoma, Arkansas and Mississippi.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Muslim Truth

The Muslim Truth

Copy and paste this on ALL muslim stories! Flood them with the truth!

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims'
Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
**********SO THIS LEAD TO *****************
They’re not happy in Gaza
They're not happy in Egypt
They're not happy in Libya
They're not happy in Morocco
They're not happy in Iran
They're not happy in Iraq
They're not happy in Yemen
They're not happy in Afghanistan
They're not happy in Pakistan
They're not happy in Syria
They're not happy in Lebanon
They're not happy in Nigeria
They're not happy in Kenya
They're not happy in Sudan
******** So, where are they happy? **********
They're happy in Australia
They're happy in England
They're happy in Belgium
They're happy in France
They're happy in Italy
They're happy in Germany
They're happy in Sweden
They're happy in the USA & Canada
They're happy in Norway & India
They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame? Not Islam... Not their leadership... Not themselves... THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN!! And they want to change the countries they're happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy and finally they will be get hammered
Think about it........ frown emoticon 20 signs that psychopath Muslims do:
1] Kill any one who insults Islam or Moham-mad. (Koran.33;57-61).
2) Kill all Muslims who leave Islam. (Koran.2;217/4;89/Bukhari.9;84-57).
3) Koran can not be doubted. (Koran.2;1).
4) Islam is the only acceptable religion. (Koran.3;85).
5) Muslims must fight (jihad) to non-Muslims, even if they don't want to. (Koran.2;216).
6) We the non-Muslims are pigs and apes. (Koran. 2;62-65/Koran.5;59-60/Koran.7;166).
7) We the non-Muslims cannot be friends with Muslims. (Koran.5;51).
😎 We the non-Muslims sworn enemies of Muslims and Islam. (Koran.4;101).
9) We the non-Muslims can be raped as sex slave. (Koran.4;3 & 24/5;89/23;5/33;50/58;3/70;30).
10) We the non-Muslims the vilest of creatures deserving no mercy. (Koran.98;6).
11) Muslim must terrorized us (non-Muslims). (Koran.8;12 &59-60/ Bukhari.4;52;220).
12) Muslims must strike terror into non-Muslims hearts. (Koran.8;60).
13) Muslims must lie to us (non-Muslims) to strengthen and spread Islam. (Koran.3;28?16;106).
14) Muslims are allowed to behead us (non_Muslims) (Koran.47;4).
15) Muslims are guaranteed to go to heaven if they kill us (non-Muslims). (Koran.9;111).
16) Marrying and divorcing pre-pubescent children is OK. (Koran.65;4).
17) Wife beating is OK. (Koran.4;34).
18) Raping wives is OK. (Koran.2;223).
19) Proving rape requires 4 (four) male Muslim witnesses. (Koran.24;13).
20) Muslims are allowed to crucify and amputate us (non-Muslims). Koran.8;12/47;4).

The Taxation That Our Founders Hated - Liberty First

The Taxation That Our Founders Hated 

Global Warming Produced a Greener, More Fruitful Planet

For over a decade, many industry groups have maintained that putting carbon dioxide in the air would produce a general “greening” of the planet. In fact, that’s the thesis of a famous 1992 video, “The Greening of Planet Earth,” which riled the environmental community more than just about anything else that business has done in its own defense on this issue. “Greening” was put out by energy-industry activists (you can get your own copy by contacting, who discovered that several big-name scientists were willing to appear and argue that carbon dioxide will enhance global plant growth by directly stimulating plants and by warming the coldest air of winter. These scientists were confident because the growth stimulation had been observed in literally thousands of controlled lab experiments and reported in the scientific literature. At the same time, the climate data were pouring in showing that “global” warming was much more “winter” warming, and in the coldest air, which was sure to lengthen the growing season for plants.
On September 16, industry will be vindicated with a vengeance in the Journal of Geophysical Research, when Liming Zhou and five co-authors publish their paper demonstrating a profound greening of the planet poleward of latitude 40º, or north of a circle passing through New York City.
Using a satellite designed to measure changes in vegetation, they found that the time of active growth has advanced as much as 18 days per year in Eurasia. (The freeze-free period averages around 170 days at latitude 40º.) In North America the results are more spotty, with a few areas increasing by up to 12 days. On our continent, the results are confounded by the well-known (to scientists, not to newspaper-readers) cooling trend in northeastern North America that has been going on for about 70 years.
Zhou et al. attribute this “greening” (their word) to “global warming,” because it matches areas that show maximum warming since 1980 in land-based climate records. In fact, the winter warming in the dead of Siberia has been quite striking for decades, and, everything else being equal, this will lengthen the growing season. (Last year’s record cold merely proves that climate is a very variable thing.) Summer warming in Siberia has been less profound, a fact not generally disseminated because it doesn’t support the popular global-warming-as-disaster paradigm.
What isn’t noted in the paper or the brief flurry of news reports — there would probably be a bit more coverage if Zhou had written “global warming is killing the North Woods” — is that the beginning of their satellite record, in 1981, corresponds in the Northern Hemisphere to the end of the coolest era of the last 70 years. The fact is that all analyses show a cooling of our hemisphere from roughly the mid-1940s to the late 1970s. During this climate spasm “global cooling” became popular. So this paper starts at an unusual point, but, unfortunately, that is when the satellite went up. If the satellite went up in, say, 1950, the changes it would have found in the growing season would have been much smaller.
The contra is also true: According to Zhou’s findings, if we had continued down that cooling spiral, the world north of 40º would now be much more barren than it was 20 years ago. It’s quite reasonable to ask if human-induced global warming has saved the world from a food crisis.
What really ticked off the greens about “The Greening of Planet Earth” were the many sound bites from prominent agricultural scientists about how the future atmosphere would be much more conducive for food production. But look at what NASA, which funded this study, now says about Zhou’s work: “The pattern of high growth is especially noteworthy in boreal [northern] Eurasia…This includes the grasslands and croplands of south central Russia….[emphases added].”
In other words, dreaded global warming will produce more food for Russia.
Russians rightfully fear the cold. In 1972, near the bottom of the mid-century cooling (and around the height of global cooling fear) they were so short of food that they purchased just about every kernel of American grain. This sent grocery store prices here to alarming levels. By the end of the crop year 1972, world grain reserves stood at a stunningly low 19 days. Since we warmed up, those fears have become a thing of the past. Now food shortages are largely local and political, and commodity prices have been in the tank for years, reflecting vast supply compared to demand.
So is this what global warming has wrought? It appears to have created a more comfortable planet with more food. The video was right. The greens were wrong. The world is greener.

Global Warming Produced a Greener, More Fruitful Planet | Cato Institute

Global Warming Produced a Greener, More Fruitful Planet |

Global Warming Produced a Greener, More Fruitful Planet

For over a decade, many industry groups have maintained that putting carbon dioxide in the air would produce a general “greening” of the planet. In fact, that’s the thesis of a famous 1992 video, “The Greening of Planet Earth,” which riled the environmental community more than just about anything else that business has done in its own defense on this issue. “Greening” was put out by energy-industry activists (you can get your own copy by contacting, who discovered that several big-name scientists were willing to appear and argue that carbon dioxide will enhance global plant growth by directly stimulating plants and by warming the coldest air of winter. These scientists were confident because the growth stimulation had been observed in literally thousands of controlled lab experiments and reported in the scientific literature. At the same time, the climate data were pouring in showing that “global” warming was much more “winter” warming, and in the coldest air, which was sure to lengthen the growing season for plants.
On September 16, industry will be vindicated with a vengeance in the Journal of Geophysical Research, when Liming Zhou and five co-authors publish their paper demonstrating a profound greening of the planet poleward of latitude 40º, or north of a circle passing through New York City.
Using a satellite designed to measure changes in vegetation, they found that the time of active growth has advanced as much as 18 days per year in Eurasia. (The freeze-free period averages around 170 days at latitude 40º.) In North America the results are more spotty, with a few areas increasing by up to 12 days. On our continent, the results are confounded by the well-known (to scientists, not to newspaper-readers) cooling trend in northeastern North America that has been going on for about 70 years.
Zhou et al. attribute this “greening” (their word) to “global warming,” because it matches areas that show maximum warming since 1980 in land-based climate records. In fact, the winter warming in the dead of Siberia has been quite striking for decades, and, everything else being equal, this will lengthen the growing season. (Last year’s record cold merely proves that climate is a very variable thing.) Summer warming in Siberia has been less profound, a fact not generally disseminated because it doesn’t support the popular global-warming-as-disaster paradigm.
What isn’t noted in the paper or the brief flurry of news reports — there would probably be a bit more coverage if Zhou had written “global warming is killing the North Woods” — is that the beginning of their satellite record, in 1981, corresponds in the Northern Hemisphere to the end of the coolest era of the last 70 years. The fact is that all analyses show a cooling of our hemisphere from roughly the mid-1940s to the late 1970s. During this climate spasm “global cooling” became popular. So this paper starts at an unusual point, but, unfortunately, that is when the satellite went up. If the satellite went up in, say, 1950, the changes it would have found in the growing season would have been much smaller.
The contra is also true: According to Zhou’s findings, if we had continued down that cooling spiral, the world north of 40º would now be much more barren than it was 20 years ago. It’s quite reasonable to ask if human-induced global warming has saved the world from a food crisis.
What really ticked off the greens about “The Greening of Planet Earth” were the many sound bites from prominent agricultural scientists about how the future atmosphere would be much more conducive for food production. But look at what NASA, which funded this study, now says about Zhou’s work: “The pattern of high growth is especially noteworthy in boreal [northern] Eurasia…This includes the grasslands and croplands of south central Russia….[emphases added].”
In other words, dreaded global warming will produce more food for Russia.
Russians rightfully fear the cold. In 1972, near the bottom of the mid-century cooling (and around the height of global cooling fear) they were so short of food that they purchased just about every kernel of American grain. This sent grocery store prices here to alarming levels. By the end of the crop year 1972, world grain reserves stood at a stunningly low 19 days. Since we warmed up, those fears have become a thing of the past. Now food shortages are largely local and political, and commodity prices have been in the tank for years, reflecting vast supply compared to demand.
So is this what global warming has wrought? It appears to have created a more comfortable planet with more food. The video was right. The greens were wrong. The world is greener.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Update: ‘Conning the Public’: Scientists Accuse NASA/NOAA of ‘Misleading’, ‘Deception’ & ‘Lying’ About ‘Hottest Year’ Claim – Concede 2014 probably not ‘hottest year’

Update: ‘Conning the Public’: Scientists Accuse NASA/NOAA of ‘Misleading’, ‘Deception’ & ‘Lying’ About ‘Hottest Year’ Claim – Concede 2014 probably not ‘hottest year’

Meteorologist: 2010s officially the snowiest decade in the east coast in the NOAA record – surpassing the 1960s

By: - Climate DepotJanuary 26, 2015 1:49 PM with 515 comments
The monster blizzard of 2015 will be adding to what is already the snowiest decade on the East Coast.
“Assuming this storm gets ranked by NOAA as one of the high impact (population affected by snowstorm) snowstorms (likely since the November storm was), we will have had 14 major impact storms this decade (only half over) beating out the 10 in the 1960s and 2000s,” Joseph D’Aleo, CCM (Certified Consulting Meteorologist), told Climate Depot on Monday.
“Watch for widespread sub-zero cold next week if the European models are right (all the way to North Carolina and including DC area),” D’Aleo, the co-chief Meteorologist with Weatherbell Analyticsadded.
Screen shot 2015-01-26 at 12.52.03 PM
The increase in snowfalls is counter to what the UN IPCC predicted. See: In 2001, the IPCC predicted milder winters and less snow. Experts are hoping no one remembers – UN IPCC 2001: ‘Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms’

Below is a round-up of scientists debunking the notion that blizzards are caused by man-made ‘global warming.’
2013: Climate Astrology: Blizzard blamed on global warming?! Is there any weather event that is inconsistent with global warming? — Climate Depot Round up - ‘No matter what the weather is like, it always turns out to be exactly the kind of weather we should expect if human activity were causing global temps to rise’
2013: Round Up: Meteorologists Slaps Down latest warmist claim of ‘Less snow = more blizzards’ — AP’s Seth Borenstein rebutted – Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue mocks: ‘Hint, if your theory or hypothesis involves contradictions, may be time to admit your original knowledge of subject was inadequate’
For more see: 2015 U.S. Blizzard blamed on ‘global warming’ – Warmist Bill McKibben: Blizzards are ‘Climate change at work’ 

EPA’s McCarthy admits regs are for show, not results!

EPA’s McCarthy admits regs are for show, not results!

EPA’s McCarthy admits regs are for show, not results!

There is apparently no correlation between EPA climate rules and public health outcomes.

by , Comments are off
The Obama administration and its dutiful EPA have an ambitious plan to end millions of years of natural “climate change.” Meanwhile, as they determinedly demonstrate heroic world leadership to avert a looming non-disaster, the UN’s IPCC faces a different epic damage control challenge. As their political operatives meet in Stockholm this week to finalize their latest Summary for Policymakers report, they’ve got to figure out how to spin unsettling evidence of a 17-year “pause” in global temperature rise despite what they love to trumpet as “record high” atmospheric CO2 concentrations,
There are some other inconveniently non-alarming circumstances that the President, his agencies, and the UN are conveniently overlooking as well.  For example, there’s that perplexing rapidly expanding Arctic sea ice; the lack of increase in the strength or frequency of landfall hurricanes in the world’s five main hurricane basins during the past 50-70 years; the lack of increase in the strength or frequency in tropical Atlantic hurricane development during the past 370 years; the longest U.S. period ever recorded without intense Category 3-5 hurricane landfall; and no trend since 1950 evidencing any increased frequency of strong (F3-F-5) U.S. tornadoes.
To discuss such matters, 13 federal agencies were invited to provide testimony about the Administration’s climate policy before the House Energy Committee on September 18. Only two accepted, providing EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz as witnesses.
A notable exchange occurred about 2 hours and 16 minutes into the hearing between McCarthy and Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.). My friend Marlo Lewis at the Competitive Enterprise Institute provided an unofficial transcribed version of this segment, which can also be viewed directly on Youtube.
Pompeo: Ms. McCarthy I want to ask a couple of questions of you. So one of the objectives today is to identify the greenhouse gas regulations that already existed and those in the future — how they actually impact the climate change, right? So you’d agree we want to have a successful climate policy as a result of those sets of rules and regulations that you promulgate? Fair base line statement?
McCarthy: In the context of a larger international effort, yes.
Pompeo: You bet. And on your website you have 26 indicators used for tracking climate change. They identify various impacts of climate change. So you would believe that the purpose of these rules is to impact those 26 indicators, right? So you put a good greenhouse gas regulation in place, you’ll get a good outcome on at least some or all of those 26 indicators.
McCarthy: I actually . . . I think that the better way to think about it, if I might, is that it is part of an overall strategy that is positioning the U.S. for leadership in an international discussion. Because climate change requires a global effort. So this is one piece and it’s one step. But I think it’s a significant one to show the commitment of the United States.
Pompeo: Do you think it would be reasonable to take the regulations you promulgated and link them to those 26 indicators that you have on your website? That this is how they impacted us?
McCarthy: It is unlikely that any specific one step is going to be seen as having a visible impact on any of those impacts — a visible change in any of those impacts. What I’m suggesting is that climate change [policy] has to be a broader array of actions that the U.S. and other folks in the international community take that make significant effort towards reducing greenhouse gases and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Pompeo: But these are your indicators, Ms. McCarthy. So . . .
McCarthy: They are indicators of climate change, they are not directly applicable to performance impacts of any one action.
Pompeo: How about the cumulative impact of your actions? Certainly you’re acting in a way . . . you say these are indicators of climate change. Certainly it can’t be the case that your testimony today is that your cumulative impact of the current set of regulations and those you’re proposing isn’t going to have any impact at all on any of those indicators?
McCarthy: I think the President was very clear. What we’re attempting to do is put together a comprehensive climate plan, across the Administration, that positions the U.S. for leadership on this issue and that will prompt and leverage international discussions and action.
Pompeo: So you’re putting regulations in place for the purpose of leadership but not to impact the indicators that you, the EPA, says are the indicators of climate change? I’m puzzled by that.
McCarthy: Congressman we work within the authority that Congress gave us to do what we can. But all I’m pointing out is that much more needs to be done and it needs to be looked at in that larger context.
Pompeo: In 2010 with NHTSA [National Highway Traffic Safety Administration], in your opening statement you said you’ve gotten rid of about 6 billion metric tons [of greenhouse gases]. One of your indicators, for example, is heat-related deaths. How many heat-related deaths have been eliminated as a result of the 2010 NHTSA rules?
McCarthy: You can’t make those direct connections Congressman. Neither can I.
Pompeo: There’s literally no connection between the activities you’re undertaking and . . .
McCarthy: I didn’t say that.
Pompeo: Well, you said you can’t make the connections, so tell me what I’m not understanding. Can you draw a connection between the rules you’re providing, the regulations you’re promulgating, and your indicators? Or is it just . . .
McCarthy: I think what you’re asking is can EPA in and of itself solve the problems of climate change. No we cannot. But the authority you gave us was to use the Clean Air Act to regulate pollution, carbon pollution is one of those regulated pollutants, and we’re going to move forward with what we can do that’s reasonable and appropriate.
Pompeo: I’m actually not asking that question that you suppose that I’m asking. I’m not asking whether you have the power to solve greenhouse gases. What I asked was: Is anything you’re doing, doing any good? As measured by the indicators that you’ve provided. Is your testimony that you just have no capacity to identify whether the actions EPA has undertaken has any impact on those indicators? Literally, this is about science — cause and effect. Is there any causal relationship between the regulations you promulgated and the 26 indicators of climate change that you have on your website?
McCarthy: The indicators on the website are broad global indicators. . .
Pompeo: They’re not broad, they’re very specific.
McCarthy: . . .of impacts associated with climate change. They are not performance requirements or impacts related to any particular act.
Pompeo: I actually like the indicators — they’re quantifiable, right? Heat-related death, change in ocean heat, sea-level rises, snow cover — those are very quantifiable things. But now you’re telling me . . .
McCarthy: They indicate the public health associated with climate change.
Pompeo: Exactly, but you’re telling me you can’t link up your actions at EPA to any benefit associated with those quantifiable indicators that the EPA itself has proposed as indicative of climate change.
McCarthy: I think what we’re able to do is to show — and I hope we will show this in the package that we put out for comment — is what kind of reductions are going be associated with our rules, what we believe they will have in terms of an economic and a public health benefit. But it is again part of a very large strategy.
Pompeo: My time has expired.
So there you have it. Regardless of the countless billions of taxpayer and consumer dollars being spent to wage war on natural and inevitable climate change, the EPA head is unable to identify any discernible health and welfare benefits of her agency’s draconian regulatory policies. Instead, the apparent goal of the EPA’s current and proposed greenhouse gas regulations is to persuade the international community, particularly China, India, and other developing nations, to follow the Obama administration’s U.S. leadership over an economic precipice.
Let’s finally get it straight. Carbon dioxide isn’t a dangerous “pollutant”… it’s a natural and essential plant food. The real dangers to public health and welfare are the economic destruction, job elimination, and escalating costs of food, energy, and other essentials resulting from scientifically unwarranted policies. The greatest burdens of such sophistry fall upon those who can least afford them.
- See more at:

EPA’s McCarthy admits regs are for show, not results!

There is apparently no correlation between EPA climate rules and public health outcomes.
  • gavel

  • 15

The Obama administration and its dutiful EPA have an ambitious plan to end millions of years of natural “climate change.” Meanwhile, as they determinedly demonstrate heroic world leadership to avert a looming non-disaster, the UN’s IPCC faces a different epic damage control challenge. As their political operatives meet in Stockholm this week to finalize their latest Summary for Policymakers report, they’ve got to figure out how to spin unsettling evidence of a 17-year “pause” in global temperature rise despite what they love to trumpet as “record high” atmospheric CO2 concentrations,
There are some other inconveniently non-alarming circumstances that the President, his agencies, and the UN are conveniently overlooking as well.  For example, there’s that perplexing rapidly expanding Arctic sea ice; the lack of increase in the strength or frequency of landfall hurricanes in the world’s five main hurricane basins during the past 50-70 years; the lack of increase in the strength or frequency in tropical Atlantic hurricane development during the past 370 years; the longest U.S. period ever recorded without intense Category 3-5 hurricane landfall; and no trend since 1950 evidencing any increased frequency of strong (F3-F-5) U.S. tornadoes.
To discuss such matters, 13 federal agencies were invited to provide testimony about the Administration’s climate policy before the House Energy Committee on September 18. Only two accepted, providing EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz as witnesses.
A notable exchange occurred about 2 hours and 16 minutes into the hearing between McCarthy and Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.). My friend Marlo Lewis at the Competitive Enterprise Institute provided an unofficial transcribed version of this segment, which can also be viewed directly on Youtube.
Pompeo: Ms. McCarthy I want to ask a couple of questions of you. So one of the objectives today is to identify the greenhouse gas regulations that already existed and those in the future — how they actually impact the climate change, right? So you’d agree we want to have a successful climate policy as a result of those sets of rules and regulations that you promulgate? Fair base line statement?
McCarthy: In the context of a larger international effort, yes.
Pompeo: You bet. And on your website you have 26 indicators used for tracking climate change. They identify various impacts of climate change. So you would believe that the purpose of these rules is to impact those 26 indicators, right? So you put a good greenhouse gas regulation in place, you’ll get a good outcome on at least some or all of those 26 indicators.
McCarthy: I actually . . . I think that the better way to think about it, if I might, is that it is part of an overall strategy that is positioning the U.S. for leadership in an international discussion. Because climate change requires a global effort. So this is one piece and it’s one step. But I think it’s a significant one to show the commitment of the United States.
Pompeo: Do you think it would be reasonable to take the regulations you promulgated and link them to those 26 indicators that you have on your website? That this is how they impacted us?
McCarthy: It is unlikely that any specific one step is going to be seen as having a visible impact on any of those impacts — a visible change in any of those impacts. What I’m suggesting is that climate change [policy] has to be a broader array of actions that the U.S. and other folks in the international community take that make significant effort towards reducing greenhouse gases and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Pompeo: But these are your indicators, Ms. McCarthy. So . . .
McCarthy: They are indicators of climate change, they are not directly applicable to performance impacts of any one action.
Pompeo: How about the cumulative impact of your actions? Certainly you’re acting in a way . . . you say these are indicators of climate change. Certainly it can’t be the case that your testimony today is that your cumulative impact of the current set of regulations and those you’re proposing isn’t going to have any impact at all on any of those indicators?
McCarthy: I think the President was very clear. What we’re attempting to do is put together a comprehensive climate plan, across the Administration, that positions the U.S. for leadership on this issue and that will prompt and leverage international discussions and action.
Pompeo: So you’re putting regulations in place for the purpose of leadership but not to impact the indicators that you, the EPA, says are the indicators of climate change? I’m puzzled by that.
McCarthy: Congressman we work within the authority that Congress gave us to do what we can. But all I’m pointing out is that much more needs to be done and it needs to be looked at in that larger context.
Pompeo: In 2010 with NHTSA [National Highway Traffic Safety Administration], in your opening statement you said you’ve gotten rid of about 6 billion metric tons [of greenhouse gases]. One of your indicators, for example, is heat-related deaths. How many heat-related deaths have been eliminated as a result of the 2010 NHTSA rules?
McCarthy: You can’t make those direct connections Congressman. Neither can I.
Pompeo: There’s literally no connection between the activities you’re undertaking and . . .
McCarthy: I didn’t say that.
Pompeo: Well, you said you can’t make the connections, so tell me what I’m not understanding. Can you draw a connection between the rules you’re providing, the regulations you’re promulgating, and your indicators? Or is it just . . .
McCarthy: I think what you’re asking is can EPA in and of itself solve the problems of climate change. No we cannot. But the authority you gave us was to use the Clean Air Act to regulate pollution, carbon pollution is one of those regulated pollutants, and we’re going to move forward with what we can do that’s reasonable and appropriate.
Pompeo: I’m actually not asking that question that you suppose that I’m asking. I’m not asking whether you have the power to solve greenhouse gases. What I asked was: Is anything you’re doing, doing any good? As measured by the indicators that you’ve provided. Is your testimony that you just have no capacity to identify whether the actions EPA has undertaken has any impact on those indicators? Literally, this is about science — cause and effect. Is there any causal relationship between the regulations you promulgated and the 26 indicators of climate change that you have on your website?
McCarthy: The indicators on the website are broad global indicators. . .
Pompeo: They’re not broad, they’re very specific.
McCarthy: . . .of impacts associated with climate change. They are not performance requirements or impacts related to any particular act.
Pompeo: I actually like the indicators — they’re quantifiable, right? Heat-related death, change in ocean heat, sea-level rises, snow cover — those are very quantifiable things. But now you’re telling me . . .
McCarthy: They indicate the public health associated with climate change.
Pompeo: Exactly, but you’re telling me you can’t link up your actions at EPA to any benefit associated with those quantifiable indicators that the EPA itself has proposed as indicative of climate change.
McCarthy: I think what we’re able to do is to show — and I hope we will show this in the package that we put out for comment — is what kind of reductions are going be associated with our rules, what we believe they will have in terms of an economic and a public health benefit. But it is again part of a very large strategy.
Pompeo: My time has expired.
So there you have it. Regardless of the countless billions of taxpayer and consumer dollars being spent to wage war on natural and inevitable climate change, the EPA head is unable to identify any discernible health and welfare benefits of her agency’s draconian regulatory policies. Instead, the apparent goal of the EPA’s current and proposed greenhouse gas regulations is to persuade the international community, particularly China, India, and other developing nations, to follow the Obama administration’s U.S. leadership over an economic precipice.
Let’s finally get it straight. Carbon dioxide isn’t a dangerous “pollutant”… it’s a natural and essential plant food. The real dangers to public health and welfare are the economic destruction, job elimination, and escalating costs of food, energy, and other essentials resulting from scientifically unwarranted policies. The greatest burdens of such sophistry fall upon those who can least afford them.
- See more at: